6 research outputs found

    A simple method to assess freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease patients

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    Freezing of gait (FOG) can be assessed by clinical and instrumental methods. Clinical examination has the advantage of being available to most clinicians; however, it requires experience and may not reveal FOG even for cases confirmed by the medical history. Instrumental methods have an advantage in that they may be used for ambulatory monitoring. The aim of the present study was to describe and evaluate a new instrumental method based on a force sensitive resistor and Pearson's correlation coefficient (Pcc) for the assessment of FOG. Nine patients with Parkinson's disease in the "on" state walked through a corridor, passed through a doorway and made a U-turn. We analyzed 24 FOG episodes by computing the Pcc between one "regular/normal" step and the rest of the steps. The Pcc reached +/- 1 for "normal" locomotion, while correlation diminished due to the lack of periodicity during FOG episodes. Gait was assessed in parallel with video. FOG episodes determined from the video were all detected with the proposed method. The computed duration of the FOG episodes was compared with those estimated from the video. The method was sensitive to various types of freezing; although no differences due to different types of freezing were detected. The study showed that Pcc analysis permitted the computerized detection of FOG in a simple manner analogous to human visual judgment, and its automation may be useful in clinical practice to provide a record of the history of FOG

    Unilateral Exoskeleton Imposes Significantly Different Hemispherical Effect in Parietooccipital Region, but Not in Other Regions

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    In modern society, increasing people suffering from locomotor disabilities need an assistive exoskeleton to help them improve or restore ambulation. When walking is assisted by an exoskeleton, brain activities are altered as the closed-loop between brain and lower limbs is affected by the exoskeleton. Intuitively, a unilateral exoskeleton imposes differential effect on brain hemispheres (i.e., hemispherical effect) according to contralateral control mechanism. However, it is unclear whether hemispherical effect appears in whole hemisphere or particular region. To this end, we explored hemispherical effect on different brain regions using EEG data collected from 30 healthy participants during overground walking. The results showed that hemispherical effect was significantly different between regions when a unilateral exoskeleton was employed for walking assistance and no significance was observed for walking without the exoskeleton. Post-hoc t-test analysis revealed that hemispherical effect in the parietooccipital region significantly differed from other regions. In the parietooccipital region, a greater hemispherical effect was observed in beta band for exoskeleton-assisted walking compared to walking without exoskeleton, which was also found in the source analysis. These findings deepen the understanding of hemispherical effect of unilateral exoskeleton on brain and could aid the development of more efficient and suitable exoskeleton for walking assistance