8 research outputs found

    The dune effect on sand-transporting winds on Mars

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    Wind on Mars is a significant agent of contemporary surface change, yet the absence of in situ meteorological data hampers the understanding of surface–atmospheric interactions. Airflow models at length scales relevant to landform size now enable examination of conditions that might activate even small-scale bedforms (ripples) under certain contemporary wind regimes. Ripples have the potential to be used as modern ‘wind vanes’ on Mars. Here we use 3D airflow modelling to demonstrate that local dune topography exerts a strong influence on wind speed and direction and that ripple movement likely reflects steered wind direction for certain dune ridge shapes. The poor correlation of dune orientation with effective sand-transporting winds suggests that large dunes may not be mobile under modelled wind scenarios. This work highlights the need to first model winds at high resolution before inferring regional wind patterns from ripple movement or dune orientations on the surface of Mars today

    Planetary mapping for landing sites selection: The mars case study

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    The selection of a landing site on a planetary body is a multistep process that involves both the fulfillment of several engineering constraints and the accomplishment of scientific requirements. In this chapter, we will show how the simultaneous production and exploitation of different GIS maps depicting these criteria are pivotal in the landing site selection. Indeed, all of such constraints are presently evaluated through the use of GIS-based software. To show this, we will focus on the Martian site identification outline, providing multiple real examples taken from two ongoing study cases, i.e., the Simud Vallis landing site proposed by Pajola et al. (Icarus 268:355\u2013381, 2016a) for the ESA ExoMars rover and the Eridania landing site proposed by Pajola et al. (Icarus 275:163\u2013182, 2016b) for the NASA Mars 2020 landing site selection

    The 2010 European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission proposal

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    The European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission described in this paper was proposed in December 2010 to ESA as an 'M-class' mission under the Cosmic Vision programme. It consists of a single balloon platform floating in the middle of the main convective cloud layer of Venus at an altitude of 55 km, where temperatures and pressures are benign (~25°C and ~0. 5 bar). The balloon float lifetime would be at least 10 Earth days, long enough to guarantee at least one full circumnavigation of the planet. This offers an ideal platform for the two main science goals of the mission: study of the current climate through detailed characterization of cloud-level atmosphere, and investigation of the formation and evolution of Venus, through careful measurement of noble gas isotopic abundances. These investigations would provide key data for comparative planetology of terrestrial planets in our solar system and beyond. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V