10 research outputs found

    Para além da sociedade civil: reflexÔes sobre o campo feminista

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    The Use of Ultrasonography to Study Teratogenicity in Ruminants: Evaluation of Ipomoea carnea in Goats

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    Background: Ipomoea carnea (I. carnea) is a poisonous plant found in Brazil and other tropical countries that often poison livestock. The plant contains the alkaloids calystegines and mainly swainsonine, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perinatal effects of I. carnea in goats. Methods: Forty-seven pregnant goats were randomly allocated into 5 treatment groups and given the following doses (g/kg BW) of I. carnea: 0 (IC0), 1.0 (IC1), 3.0 (IC3), 5.0 (IC5) and 7.5 (IC7). The treatment animals were given fresh I. carnea from day 27 of gestation to parturition. Weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements. Results: Goats from the IC7 group showed clinical signs of poisoning. Ultrasound examination revealed that I. carnea feeding in all treatment groups reduced fetal movement compared to the controls. There was an increase in the total number of birth defects (retrognathia and arthrogyposis) in the IC7 and IC5 groups compared to the controls. Conclusion: The results show that I. carnea has teratogenic potential in goats. In addition, ultrasounds were useful in evaluating fetotoxicity and teratogenicity. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 00:17, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo-FAPESP [2006/58729-2

    Maternalismo, polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas e benemerĂȘncia no Brasil (1930-1945) Maternalism, state policy, and women's philanthropic activities in Brazil (1930-1945)

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    Este artigo tem por objetivos: 1. revisitar as propostas das entidades filantrĂłpicas organizadas e administradas por mulheres na primeira metade do sĂ©culo XX; 2. repensar o papel que tiveram na elaboração de programas e no estabelecimento de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas; 3. chamar a atenção para a necessidade de uma releitura do movimento feminista brasileiro. O encaminhamento destes tĂłpicos serĂĄ feito a partir da anĂĄlise do discurso maternalista. A pesquisa baseou-se principalmente na documentação levantada nos arquivos da Cruzada PrĂł InfĂąncia, entidade fundada em 1930, na cidade de SĂŁo Paulo, e focalizarĂĄ as propostas referentes Ă  proteção da maternidade feitas pela sua diretora-presidente PĂ©rola Byington, entre 1930-1945.<br>The objectives of this study are: 1. To review the proposals of philanthropic entities, organized and managed by women in the first half of the 20th century; 2. To rethink the role they played elaborating programs and establishing public policies; 3. To call attention to the need of reviewing the Brazilian feminist movement. The guide for these topics will be based on the analysis of the maternalist discourse. The research was based on documents from the archives of the Cruzada PrĂł InfĂąncia (Crusade Pro-Childhood) an entity founded in the city of Sao Paulo in 1930. It will focus on the proposals for maternity protection elaborated by PĂ©rola Byington, its managing director between 1930-1945

    O papel das ONGs na construção de polĂ­ticas de saĂșde: a Aids, a saĂșde da mulher e a saĂșde mental The role of NGOs in designing public health policies: the Aids epidemic, women's health and mental health

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    Este artigo analisa iniciativas da sociedade civil na elaboração de polĂ­ticas de saĂșde no Brasil a partir do exame de trĂȘs casos em que a atuação de organizaçÔes nĂŁo-governamentais teve papel relevante nas trĂȘs Ășltimas dĂ©cadas: a epidemia de Aids, a saĂșde da mulher e a reforma psiquiĂĄtrica. Situa o surgimento das ONGs no contexto dos movimentos de participação civil no Brasil, identifica suas caracterĂ­sticas distintivas em relação a outras formas de associação e compara as trajetĂłrias especĂ­ficas nos casos da Aids, da saĂșde da mulher e do movimento psiquiĂĄtrico. O texto indica dilemas comuns ao campo das organizaçÔes nĂŁo-governamentais no final dos anos 90 e aponta a necessidade de estudos sobre a participação de organizaçÔes da sociedade civil no desenvolvimento de polĂ­ticas sociais, em especial das polĂ­ticas contra a violĂȘncia.<br>This article evaluates a series of civil society initiatives concerning the design of Brazilian public health policies stemming from the analysis of three cases in which non-governmental organizations played a significant role in the three last decades: the Aids epidemic, women's health and the psychiatric reform. It studies the birth of NGOs in the context of civil society participation in the country, it identifies its distinctive characteristics in relation to other forms of association and it compares their specific paths in the case of Aids, women's health and the psychiatric movement. It points to common dilemmas in the field of NGOs at the end of the 1990's and the need for studies about the participation of civil society organizations in the development of social public policies, specially in the area of public policies concerning violence