1,270 research outputs found

    Assessing nutrient flux control in agroforestry.

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    Studies on the strategies for the assessment of relevant factors for the determination of the nutrient output in order to control unporductive nutrient losses and off-site effects of land use by agroforestry, in the Central Amazonia, Brasil

    Fertilization effects on soil P, K, Ca and Mg contents in a mixed tree cropping system in Central Amazonia.

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    The main objective was to study the fertilizer effects on P, K, Ca e Mg contents in mixed tree cropping system with Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), peach palm (Bactris gasipaes), annatto (Bixa orellana) and pueraria (Pueraria phaseoloides)

    Soil quality parameters of a xanthic ferralsol in the Amazon basin.

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    A Fertbio 2002 reuniu a XXV Reunião Brasileira de Fertilidade do Solo e Nutrição de Plantas, a IX Reunião Brasileira sobre Micorrizas, o VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Microbiologia do Solo e a Reunião Brasileira de Biologia do Solo, sob o tema: "Agricultura: bases ecológicas para o desenvolvimento social e econômico sustentado

    Characteristics of sustainable polyculture production systems on terra firme.

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    The combination of soil science, forestry, agronomy and biology allowed an analytical comparison of various experimental mixed culture systems. From these studies, a descriptor system was developed which allows to understand the contribution of each plant species to nutrient cycling, water distribution, litter formation, overall biomass production and crop production. This knowledge allows to combine plants so that their properties interact to form a system, which minimizes mineral losses and which regulates air humidity and water distribution and thus leads to stable crop production. The general conclusion which can be drawn after eight years of polyculture study is: a) stable productions systems for samllholder families have bee developed; b) the systems are variable; they can be adapted to the respective site conditions; c) the manager of these plantations requires a deeper understanding of the cultivation systems and an intensive dissemination of knowledge and a well develope on-farm training system for farmers

    Characteristics of sustainable polyculture production systems on terra firme.

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    The combination of soil science, forestry, agronomy and biology allowed an analytical comparison of various experimental mixed culture systems. From these studies, a descriptor system was developed which allows to understand the contribution of each plant species to nutrient cycling, water distribution, litter formation, overall biomass production and crop production. This knowledge allows to combine plants so that their properties interact to form a system, which minimizes mineral losses and which regulates air humidity and water distribution and thus leads to stable crop production. The general conclusion which can be drawn after eight years of polyculture study is: a) stable productions systems for samllholder families have bee developed; b) the systems are variable; they can be adapted to the respective site conditions; c) the manager of these plantations requires a deeper understanding of the cultivation systems and an intensive dissemination of knowledge and a well develope on-farm training system for farmers

    Field calibration of time domain reflectrometry in an Amazonian rainforest soil with variable bulk density: sources of error and influence of land-use.

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    Spontane durale arteriovenöse Fistel am Sinus cavernosus: Demaskierung nach endoskopischer Nasennebenhöhlen-Operation

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    Zusammenfassung: Spontane arteriovenöse Fisteln können sich über längere Zeit symptomlos entwickeln, bevor sie mit Strömungsgeräuschen, Visusminderung, Exophthalmos und konjunktivaler Injektion symptomatisch werden. Wir stellen den seltenen Fall einer okkulten parainfektiösen duralen arteriovenösen Fistel vor. Diese demaskierte sich postoperativ durch akute Verschlechterung der venösen Drainage, möglicherweise aufgrund der intraoperativen Lagerung, positiver Beatmungsdrucke und Stauung durch die Nasentamponad

    Pest and disease incidence in agroforestry systems of the Brazilian Central Amazon.

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    In Central Amazonia there are no examples of pests or diseases whose incidence is reduced in agroforestry systems

    Significant subsoil accumulation of mineral nitrogen under perennial crops in a ferralitic Amazonian upland soil: effects of land use systems and single-tree patterns.

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    Water and nutrient flux measurements.

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