9 research outputs found

    Analysis of ethylene-bis-thiurammonosulphide

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    Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von ausgewaehlten organischen Schadstoffen im Klaerschlamm und deren oekotoxikologische Bewertung bei der Aufbringung von Klaerschlamm auf Boeden sowie Ableitung von Empfehlungen fuer Normwerte Abschlussbericht

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    Im Land Brandenburg wurde ein Klaerschlamm-Screening auf organische Problemstoffe durchgefuehrt. Aus 25 Klaeranlagen, mit haeuslichem, kommunalem und Industrieabwasser, wurden Sommer- und Winterproben entnommen. Untersucht wurden polychlorierte Terphenyle und Naphthaline, Chlorkohlenwasserstoff-Pestizide, leichtfluechtige Halogenkohlenwasserstoffe, BTEX-Aromaten, Chlorbenzole, polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe, Phenole, Chlorphenole, Phthalate, Mineraloelkohlenwasserstoffe, Tenside, zinnorganische Verbindungen und 2,4-Dichloranilin. Die ermittelten Konzentrationen lagen in der Tendenz in der gleichen Groessenordnung wie in der neueren Literatur beschrieben. Signifikante Unterschiede ergaben sich im Vergleich von Sommer- und Winterproben, wobei die Sommerproben mit Ausnahme von LAS hoeher belastet waren. Im Vergleich von haeuslichen mit kommunalen Klaerschlaemmen ergab sich kein signifikanter Unterschied. Zur Abschaetzung von Normwerten fuer Klaerschlammkonzentrationen wurden oekotoxilogische Wirkdaten aus dem terrestrischen und aquatischen Bereich zusammengestellt und eine im Boden tolerierbare Belastung abgeleitet. Als Normwert wird die Konzentration vorgeschlagen, die bei der landwirtschaftlichen Klaerschlammverwertung nach AbfklaerV nicht zu einer Ueberschreitung dieser tolerierbaren Bodenkonzentration fuehrt. Aufgrund einer nicht ausreichenden Datenlage konnte nicht fuer alle Substanzen ein Normwert abgeleitet werden. Die Gegenueberstellung der Klaerschlammbelastungen mit den Normwerten ergab fuer Tenside, Toluol und 2,4-Dichloranilin eine Ueberschreitung. Lindan, Di-n-butylphthalat und Acenaphthen liegen im Bereich des Normwertes. Fuer die weiteren untersuchten Substanzen ergibt sich eine teilweise deutliche Unterschreitung des Normwertes. (orig.)A sewage sludge screening of organic pollutants was carried out in the country of Brandenburg, Germany. Samples were taken in summer- and wintertime. The clarification plants were classified in three groups based on their delivery situation (household, municipal and industrial wastewater). Polychlorinated terphenyls and naphthalenes, CKW-pesticides, halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, BTEX components, chlorobenzenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, chlorophenols, phthalates, petroleum hydrocarbons, surfactants, organotin compounds and 2,4-dichloraniline were investigated. The concentration levels were found in the same magnitude as described in the literature. Significant differences were observed between summer and winter samples. Data from the terrestric and aquatic ecotoxicology were used to estimate tolerable levels of soil contamination. This leads to the so called 'Normwert' for concentrations of organic pollutants in sewage sludge. Not for all pollutants 'Normwerte' could be established because of a lack of ecotoxicological data. The concentrations of the most pollutants were found below the 'Normwert'. Lindane, dibutylphthalate and acenaphthene have concentrations in the same range as the 'Normwert'. Surfactants, 2,4-dichloroaniline and toluene exceed the 'Normwert'. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F98B983 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Lixiviação de nitrogênio em latossolo incubado com lodo de esgoto Nitrogen leaching in a latosol incubated with sewage sludges

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    Lodo de esgoto contém teores elevados de N orgânico. Se for aplicado em quantidade excessiva em solos, há risco de poluição de águas subsuperficiais com nitrato, produto da mineralização do N. Por essa razão, um dos critérios agronômicos para a determinação da taxa máxima de aplicação do lodo de esgoto é a quantidade de N mineral que será disponibilizada às culturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados relativos à lixiviação de N mineralizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico incubado durante 224 dias com dois tipos de lodo de esgoto anaeróbios, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e outro com presença de despejos industriais (Barueri, SP). Cada lodo de esgoto foi aplicado em quatro doses, contendo 0,13, 0,3, 0,5 e 1,0 g kg-1 de N orgânico. Essa quantidade de substrato mineralizável foi equivalente a 5, 11, 22 e 43 t ha-1 de lodo de Franca, e a 8, 15, 31 e 61 t ha-1 de lodo de Barueri. O experimento foi conduzido em colunas de percolação, sob temperatura de 25 a 28 °C em laboratório, fazendo-se lixiviações com solução extratora de KCl 0,01 mol L-1. Foram determinadas as quantidades de N mineral (N-NH4+ e N-NO3- + N-NO2-) extraídas nos percolados em doze épocas. Houve correlação significativa entre as quantidades aplicadas de N na forma orgânica e as quantidades de N mineralizadas durante a incubação nos dois tipos de lodo avaliados. O potencial de mineralização estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples foi de 73 mg kg-1 de N no solo sem aplicação de lodo, e aumentou de 107 para 224 mg kg-1 e de 132 para 364 mg kg-1 nos tratamentos com o lodo de esgoto de Franca e de Barueri, respectivamente. A fração de mineralização potencial do N orgânico dos dois tipos de lodo de esgoto decresceu com o aumento das doses aplicadas: 26, 25, 21 e 14 % para o de Franca, e 43, 39, 34 e 27 % para o de Barueri. Em consequência, o potencial de lixiviação de N no Latossolo aumentou de 46 para 207 % com as doses do lodo de Franca, e de 81 para 399 % com as doses do lodo de Barueri.<br>Sewage sludges contain high levels of organic N. If these residues are applied in excess to soils, there is the risk of polluting the groundwater with nitrate, a product of N mineralization. For this reason, one of the criteria underlying the determination of the maximum N application rate to soils is the crop available N. This paper presents the results of a 224 day laboratory leaching study on organic N mineralization of anaerobically-digested sewage sludges from two treatment plants, namely Franca (urban sludge) and Barueri (urban-industrial sludge), both located in São Paulo State, Brazil. The sewage sludges were applied to 0-0.20 m Latosol (Oxisol) samples at four rates, containing 0.13, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 g kg-1 of organic N; these treatments were equivalent to the soil application of 5, 11, 22 and 43 t ha-1 of Franca sewage sludge and to 8, 15, 31 and 61 t ha-1 of Barueri sewage sludge. The soil samples with treatments were incubated in percolation tubes at temperatures between 25 and 28 °C. The tubes were periodically leached (12 times) with 0.01 mol L-1 KCl, and N-NH4+ and N-(NO3- + NO2-) were determined in the leachates. During the incubation, there was a significant correlation between the rate of organic N applied as sludges and the net inorganic N accumulation in the leachates, for both sludges. The potential N mineralization estimated by the single exponential model for the soil without sludge was 73 mg kg-1 of N, and increased from 107 to 224 mg kg-1 and from 132 to 364 mg kg-1 in the Franca and Barueri-treated soils, respectively. The potential mineralization fraction of organic N in the residues decreased with increasing rates: 26, 25, 21 and 14 % for the Franca, and 43, 39, 34 and 27 % for Barueri sewage sludge. Thus, the potential for N leaching in the studied Oxisol increased from 46 to 207 % when increasing doses of Franca sewage sludge were applied, and from 81 to 399 % under increasing doses of Barueri sludge

    Mikromekaaninen oskillaattori

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    Tässä diplomityössä tutustuttiin kapasitiivisesti kytketyllä mikromekaanisella resonaattorilla stabiloidun sähkömekaanisen oskillaattorin teoriaan: resonaattorin mekaniikkaan ja vahvistimen elektroniikkaan. Esitetyn teorian pohjalta suunniteltiin ja rakennettiin sähkömekaaninen 500 kHz:n Pierce-oskillaattori. Prototyypin toiminta demonstroitiin mittauksin. Prototyypin mittauksissa todennettiin mikromekaanisen oskillaattorin värähtelytaajuuden ja -amplitudin riippuvuus resonaattorin biasjännitteestä; mittaustulokset olivat ennusteiden mukaiset. Oskillaattorin värähtelytarkkuutta kuvaava vaihekohina mitattiin tarkoitukseen suunnitellulla laitteistolla. Mitattu vaihekohina oli -123dBc@SkHz. Prototyypissä käytettiin palkkiresonaattoria, jonka epälineaarisuuden seurauksena oskillaattorin ulostulo oli säröytynyt. Työssä pohdittiin myös fysikaalisia rajoja palkkiresonaattoriin perustuvan mikromekaanisen oskillaattorin suorituskyvylle