4 research outputs found

    "geschichtlich durch und durch"? Considerations on music pedagogical relevance of a cultural studies perspective on the \u27musical material\u27

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    Angeregt durch den musikpĂ€dagogisch rege rezipierten ‚material turn‘ der Kultursoziologie wird in diesem Beitrag nach der Relevanz des ‚musikalischen Materials‘ fĂŒr musikpĂ€dagogisches Nachdenken und Handeln gefragt. Zur Beantwortung wird zunĂ€chst exemplarisch das VerstĂ€ndnis des Materialbegriffs in musikbezogenen und musikalischen ZusammenhĂ€ngen entfaltet. Dann wird ein Anschluss an aktuelle kultursoziologische Einsichten hergestellt. In einem weiteren Schritt werden Perspektiven fĂŒr einschlĂ€gige Bildung entfaltet, die abschließend in Anregungen fĂŒr einen produktions- und rezeptionsdidaktisch ausgerichteten Musikunterricht mĂŒnden. (DIPF/Orig.)Inspired by the ‘material turn’ in cultural sociology, which has been received by music pedagogues, this article asks about the relevance of ‘musical material’ for music pedagogical reflection and action. To answer this question, an understanding of the concept of material in exemplary music-related and musical contexts will first be developed. Then a connection to current socio-cultural insights will be established. In a further step, perspectives for relevant education are unfolded, which finally lead to suggestions for music lessons oriented towards production and reception didactics. (DIPF/Orig.

das Wörtlein: und": Reflections in the exploration and development of the relationship between music education and cultural studies

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    Apart from the fundamental difference between music education and cultural studies – the latter describing characteristics of cultural practice, the former in search of prospects for facilitating interaction with music – the disciplinary borders blur because of several overlaps: Whereas the subject matter of cultural studies comes from other academic fields, it is necessary for music education to deal with cultural aspects. Based on a transdisciplinary conception of music and culture, both grounded in theories of meaning and interaction, the author establishes an integral topic which accentuates their interconnectedness without neglecting their differences. (DIPF/Orig.

    "Das ist neu 
 das ist geil?". Social aspects in concepts of music education regarding "Neue Musik"

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    This essay examines how former concepts of music education focused on social aspects regarding “Neue Musik”. For that purpose, an understanding of “Neue Musik” is described with reference to Émile Durkheim’s concept of a “social fact.” On this basis, suggestions are offered on how social aspects in concepts of music education can be systematically approached. As a conclusion, we draft a perspective for music teaching, which accentuates the importance of invention, composition and improvisation of music to develop an appreciation of both music and social values. (DIPF/Orig.

    O corpo perigoso

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