1,075 research outputs found

    Monocyte Subset Recruitment Marker Profile Is Inversely Associated With Blood ApoA1 Levels.

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    Dyslipidemia promotes development of the atherosclerotic plaques that characterise cardiovascular disease. Plaque progression requires the influx of monocytes into the vessel wall, but whether dyslipidemia is associated with an increased potential of monocytes to extravasate is largely unknown. Here (using flow cytometry) we examined recruitment marker expression on monocytes from generally healthy individuals who differed in lipid profile. Comparisons were made between monocyte subsets, participants and relative to participants' lipid levels. Monocyte subsets differed significantly in their expression of recruitment markers, with highest expression being on either the classical or non-classical subsets. However, these inter-subset differences were largely overshadowed by considerable inter-participant differences with some participants having higher levels of recruitment markers on all three monocyte subsets. Furthermore, when the expression of one recruitment marker was high, so too was that of most of the other markers, with substantial correlations evident between the markers. The inter-participant differences were explained by lipid levels. Most notably, there was a significant inverse correlation for most markers with ApoA1 levels. Our results indicate that dyslipidemia, in particular low levels of ApoA1, is associated with an increased potential of all monocyte subsets to extravasate, and to do so using a wider repertoire of recruitment markers than currently appreciated

    Correlation between compositional and mechanical properties of human mesenchymal stem cell-collagen microspheres during chondrogenic differentiation

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    Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based engineering is promising for cartilage repair. However, the compositional mechanical relationship of the engineered structures has not been extensively studied, given the importance of such relationship in native cartilage tissues. In this study, a novel human MSC-collagen microsphere system was used to study the compositional mechanical relationship during in vitro chondrogenic differentiation using histological and biochemical methods and a microplate compression assay. The mechanical property was found positively correlating with newly deposited cartilage-relevant matrices, glycosaminoglycan, and type II collagen, and with the collagen crosslinker density, in agreement with the presence of thick collagen bundles upon structural characterization. On the other hand, the mechanical property negatively correlates with type I collagen and total collagen, suggesting that the initial collagen matrix scaffold of the microsphere system was being remodeled by the differentiating human MSCs. This study also demonstrated the application of a simple, sensitive, and nondestructive tool for monitoring the progression of chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs in tissue-engineered constructs and therefore contributes to future development of novel cartilage repair strategies. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2011.published_or_final_versio

    A family of thermostable fungal cellulases created by structure-guided recombination

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    SCHEMA structure-guided recombination of 3 fungal class II cellobiohydrolases (CBH II cellulases) has yielded a collection of highly thermostable CBH II chimeras. Twenty-three of 48 genes sampled from the 6,561 possible chimeric sequences were secreted by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae heterologous host in catalytically active form. Five of these chimeras have half-lives of thermal inactivation at 63°C that are greater than the most stable parent, CBH II enzyme from the thermophilic fungus Humicola insolens, which suggests that this chimera collection contains hundreds of highly stable cellulases. Twenty-five new sequences were designed based on mathematical modeling of the thermostabilities for the first set of chimeras. Ten of these sequences were expressed in active form; all 10 retained more activity than H. insolens CBH II after incubation at 63°C. The total of 15 validated thermostable CBH II enzymes have high sequence diversity, differing from their closest natural homologs at up to 63 amino acid positions. Selected purified thermostable chimeras hydrolyzed phosphoric acid swollen cellulose at temperatures 7 to 15°C higher than the parent enzymes. These chimeras also hydrolyzed as much or more cellulose than the parent CBH II enzymes in long-time cellulose hydrolysis assays and had pH/activity profiles as broad, or broader than, the parent enzymes. Generating this group of diverse, thermostable fungal CBH II chimeras is the first step in building an inventory of stable cellulases from which optimized enzyme mixtures for biomass conversion can be formulated

    Real-time counting of single electron tunneling through a T-shaped double quantum dot system

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    Real-time detection of single electron tunneling through a T-shaped double quantum dot is simulated, based on a Monte Carlo scheme. The double dot is embedded in a dissipative environment and the presence of electrons on the double dot is detected with a nearby quantum point contact. We demonstrate directly the bunching behavior in electron transport, which leads eventually to a super-Poissonian noise. Particularly, in the context of full counting statistics, we investigate the essential difference between the dephasing mechanisms induced by the quantum point contact detection and the coupling to the external phonon bath. A number of intriguing noise features associated with various transport mechanisms are revealed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Oakleaf: an S locus-linked mutation of Primula vulgaris that affects leaf and flower development

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    •In Primula vulgaris outcrossing is promoted through reciprocal herkogamy with insect-mediated cross-pollination between pin and thrum form flowers. Development of heteromorphic flowers is coordinated by genes at the S locus. To underpin construction of a genetic map facilitating isolation of these S locus genes, we have characterised Oakleaf, a novel S locus-linked mutant phenotype. •We combine phenotypic observation of flower and leaf development, with classical genetic analysis and next-generation sequencing to address the molecular basis of Oakleaf. •Oakleaf is a dominant mutation that affects both leaf and flower development; plants produce distinctive lobed leaves, with occasional ectopic meristems on the veins. This phenotype is reminiscent of overexpression of Class I KNOX-homeodomain transcription factors. We describe the structure and expression of all eight P. vulgaris PvKNOX genes in both wild-type and Oakleaf plants, and present comparative transcriptome analysis of leaves and flowers from Oakleaf and wild-type plants. •Oakleaf provides a new phenotypic marker for genetic analysis of the Primula S locus. We show that none of the Class I PvKNOX genes are strongly upregulated in Oakleaf leaves and flowers, and identify cohorts of 507 upregulated and 314 downregulated genes in the Oakleaf mutant

    Climate and environment reconstruction during the Medieval Warm Period in Lop Nur of Xinjiang, China

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    We made multi-proxy analysis of C-14, grain size, microfossils, plant seeds, and geochemical elements on samples from a profile in the central West Lake of Lop Nur. The grain size suggests relatively stable sedimentary environment around the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) with weak storm effect, which is followed by frequent strong storm events. Abundant microfossils and plant seeds in this stage indicate a warm and humid fresh to brackish lake environment. C, N, and stable elements are high in content in the sediments while Rb/Sr, Ba/Sr, and Ti/Sr are in a steady low level. In addition, plenty of red willows lived here prior to about 700 a B.P., indicating a favorable environmental condition. The results indicate that the environment in Lop Nur and its west bank turned to be favorable at about 2200 a B.P., where the Loulan Culture began to thrive. Then the climate and environment came to be in the good condition in the Tang and Song Dynasties, when the storm effect became weaker, rainfall increased and the salty lake water turned to be brackish to fresh lake water. Hence, limnic biomass increased with higher species diversity

    Engineering cofactor metabolism for improved protein and glucoamylase production in Aspergillus niger

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    Background: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) is an important cofactor ensuring intracellular redox balance, anabolism and cell growth in all living systems. Our recent multi-omics analyses of glucoamylase (GlaA) biosynthesis in the filamentous fungal cell factory Aspergillus niger indicated that low availability of NADPH might be a limiting factor for GlaA overproduction. Results: We thus employed the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle for metabolic engineering to identify and prioritize effective cofactor engineering strategies for GlaA overproduction. Based on available metabolomics and 13C metabolic flux analysis data, we individually overexpressed seven predicted genes encoding NADPH generation enzymes under the control of the\ua0Tet-on gene switch in two A. niger recipient strains, one carrying a single and one carrying seven glaA gene copies, respectively, to test their individual effects on GlaA and total protein overproduction. Both strains were selected to understand if a strong pull towards glaA biosynthesis (seven gene copies) mandates a higher NADPH supply compared to the native condition (one gene copy). Detailed analysis of all 14 strains cultivated in shake flask cultures uncovered that overexpression of the gsdA gene (glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase), gndA gene (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) and maeA gene (NADP-dependent malic enzyme) supported GlaA production on a subtle (10%) but significant level in the background strain carrying seven glaA gene copies. We thus performed maltose-limited chemostat cultures combining metabolome analysis for these three isolates to characterize metabolic-level fluctuations caused by cofactor engineering. In these cultures, overexpression of either the gndA or maeA gene increased the intracellular NADPH pool by 45% and 66%, and the yield of GlaA by 65% and 30%, respectively. In contrast, overexpression of the gsdA gene had a negative effect on both total protein and glucoamylase production. Conclusions: This data suggests for the first time that increased NADPH availability can indeed underpin protein and especially GlaA production in strains where a strong pull towards GlaA biosynthesis exists. This data also indicates that the highest impact on GlaA production can be engineered on a genetic level by increasing the flux through the pentose phosphate pathway (gndA gene) followed by engineering the flux through the reverse TCA cycle (maeA gene). We thus propose that NADPH cofactor engineering is indeed a valid strategy for metabolic engineering of A. niger to improve GlaA production, a strategy which is certainly also applicable to the rational design of other microbial cell factories.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Predicting Secondary Structures, Contact Numbers, and Residue-wise Contact Orders of Native Protein Structure from Amino Acid Sequence by Critical Random Networks

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    Prediction of one-dimensional protein structures such as secondary structures and contact numbers is useful for the three-dimensional structure prediction and important for the understanding of sequence-structure relationship. Here we present a new machine-learning method, critical random networks (CRNs), for predicting one-dimensional structures, and apply it, with position-specific scoring matrices, to the prediction of secondary structures (SS), contact numbers (CN), and residue-wise contact orders (RWCO). The present method achieves, on average, Q3Q_3 accuracy of 77.8% for SS, correlation coefficients of 0.726 and 0.601 for CN and RWCO, respectively. The accuracy of the SS prediction is comparable to other state-of-the-art methods, and that of the CN prediction is a significant improvement over previous methods. We give a detailed formulation of critical random networks-based prediction scheme, and examine the context-dependence of prediction accuracies. In order to study the nonlinear and multi-body effects, we compare the CRNs-based method with a purely linear method based on position-specific scoring matrices. Although not superior to the CRNs-based method, the surprisingly good accuracy achieved by the linear method highlights the difficulty in extracting structural features of higher order from amino acid sequence beyond that provided by the position-specific scoring matrices.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables; minor revision; accepted for publication in BIOPHYSIC

    Microcalorimetric study on the toxic effect of Pb2+ to Tetrahymena

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    The toxic effect of Pb2+ has been studied in eukaryotic cells by using Tetrahymena as a target. The maximum power (P (m)) and the growth rate constant (k) were determined, which showed that values of P (m) and k were linked to the concentration (C) of Pb2+. The addition of Pb2+ caused a decrease of the maximum heat production and growth rate constant, indicating that Tetrahymena growth was inhibited in the presence of Pb2+, and Pb2+ took part in the metabolism of cells. From micrographs, morphological changes of Tetrahymena were observed with addition of Pb2+, indicating that the toxic effect of Pb2+ derived from destroying the membrane of surface of Tetrahymena. According to the thermogenic curves and photos of Tetrahymena under different conditions, it is clear that metabolic mechanism of Halobacterium halobium R1 growth has been changed with the addition of Pb2+.The toxic effect of Pb2+ has been studied in eukaryotic cells by using Tetrahymena as a target. The maximum power (P (m)) and the growth rate constant (k) were determined, which showed that values of P (m) and k were linked to the concentration (C) of Pb2+. The addition of Pb2+ caused a decrease of the maximum heat production and growth rate constant, indicating that Tetrahymena growth was inhibited in the presence of Pb2+, and Pb2+ took part in the metabolism of cells. From micrographs, morphological changes of Tetrahymena were observed with addition of Pb2+, indicating that the toxic effect of Pb2+ derived from destroying the membrane of surface of Tetrahymena. According to the thermogenic curves and photos of Tetrahymena under different conditions, it is clear that metabolic mechanism of Halobacterium halobium R1 growth has been changed with the addition of Pb2+

    Clonal diversity and genealogical relationships of gibel carp in four hatcheries

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    To conserve and utilize the genetic pool of gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), the Fangzheng and Qihe stock hatcheries have been established in China. However, little information is available on the amount of genetic variation within and between these populations. In this study, clonal diversity in 101 fish from these two stock hatcheries and 35 fish from two other hatcheries in Wuhan and Pengze respectively was analysed for variation in serum transferrin. Thirteen clones were found in Fangzheng and Qihe, of which 12 were novel. Six clones were specific to Fangzheng and three specific to Qihe, whereas four were shared among the Fangzheng and Qihe fish. To obtain more knowledge on genetic diversity and genealogical relationships within gibel carp, the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (similar to 920 bp) was sequenced in 64 individuals representing all 14 clones identified in the four hatcheries. Differences in the mtDNA sequences varied remarkably among hatcheries, with the Fangzheng and Qihe lines demonstrating high diversity and Wuhan and Pengze showing no variation. The Fangzheng and Qihe lines might represent two distinct matrilineal sources. One of the Qihe samples carried the haplotype shared by a most widely cultivated Fangzheng clone, indicating that a Fangzheng clone escaped from cultivated ponds and moved into the Qihe hatchery. Four Fangzheng samples clustered within the lineage formed mainly by Qihe samples, most likely reflecting historical gene flow from Qihe to Fangzheng. It is suggested that clones in Wuhan originated from Fangzheng, consistent with their introduction history, supporting the hypothesis that gibel carp in Pengze were domesticated from individuals in the Fangzheng hatchery.To conserve and utilize the genetic pool of gynogenetic gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), the Fangzheng and Qihe stock hatcheries have been established in China. However, little information is available on the amount of genetic variation within and between these populations. In this study, clonal diversity in 101 fish from these two stock hatcheries and 35 fish from two other hatcheries in Wuhan and Pengze respectively was analysed for variation in serum transferrin. Thirteen clones were found in Fangzheng and Qihe, of which 12 were novel. Six clones were specific to Fangzheng and three specific to Qihe, whereas four were shared among the Fangzheng and Qihe fish. To obtain more knowledge on genetic diversity and genealogical relationships within gibel carp, the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (similar to 920 bp) was sequenced in 64 individuals representing all 14 clones identified in the four hatcheries. Differences in the mtDNA sequences varied remarkably among hatcheries, with the Fangzheng and Qihe lines demonstrating high diversity and Wuhan and Pengze showing no variation. The Fangzheng and Qihe lines might represent two distinct matrilineal sources. One of the Qihe samples carried the haplotype shared by a most widely cultivated Fangzheng clone, indicating that a Fangzheng clone escaped from cultivated ponds and moved into the Qihe hatchery. Four Fangzheng samples clustered within the lineage formed mainly by Qihe samples, most likely reflecting historical gene flow from Qihe to Fangzheng. It is suggested that clones in Wuhan originated from Fangzheng, consistent with their introduction history, supporting the hypothesis that gibel carp in Pengze were domesticated from individuals in the Fangzheng hatchery