187 research outputs found

    It Takes Two to Tango: Process Integration and Wages

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    The Inflationary Consequences of a Currency Changeover on the Catering Sector: Evidence from the Michelin Red Guide

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    This paper examines the inflationary consequences of a currency changeover in the catering market. Empirical evidence from the Michelin Red Guide shows that: i) differently from restaurants in non-euro countries, restaurants in the euro area experienced abnormal price increases just after the changeover, ii) among restaurants in the euro area, tourist restaurants are responsible for most of the abnormal price increases. These results suggest that proposed explanations for the changeover effect such as menu adjustment and rounding up are only part of the story. We present a simple model of the catering market that is consistent with the evidence.Restaurants, Tourists, Euro, Currency Changeover.

    Non-Linearity in the Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from UK Firms

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    We develop a model of the firm’s maximization programme in which the firm’s capital structure is a non linear function of a vector of costs including asymmetric information costs and is subject to a debt ceiling. Using conditional quantile regression methods, we test for the existence of such a non- linearity in a heterogeneous sample of UK firms and demonstrate that, by exploiting more fully the distribution of leverage, this technique yields new insights into the choice of leverage ratio. Not only is the estimated effect of the explanatory variables different at different quantiles of the distribution, we find evidence that the effect of a variable changes sign between low leveraged and high leveraged firms

    Capital structure in South Korea: A Quantile Regression Approach

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    This paper analyzes capital structure in South Korea from 1991 until 1999. The paper makes use of quantile regression methods to explore the changing distribution of debt-capital ratios across firms and over time. We find clear evidence of heterogeneity in the capital structure of firms. There is also strong evidence of heterogeneity in the determinants of capital structure choice. The size of the firm and its rate of growth have a positive impact on debt at low values of the debt ratios, but a negative impact at high values of the ratios. By contrast, the proportion of net fixed assets has a negligible impact at low values of the debt ratios, but a significantly positive impact at medium or high values of the ratios. The observed non-linearities in the determinants of capital structure are consistent with an agency cost theory of capital structure, and with both a non-negativity constraint and an upper bound on debt.

    Implementation Cycles in the New Economy

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    The economic boom of the USA in the 1990s was remarkable in its duration, the sustained rise in equipment investment, the reduced volatility of productivity growth, and continued uncertainty about the trend growth rate. In this paper we link these phenomena using an extension of the classic model of implementation cycles due to Shleifer (1986). The key idea is that uncertainty about the trend growth rate can lead firms to bring forward the implementation of innovations, temporarily eliminating expectations-driven business cycles, because delay is risky when beliefs are not common knowledge.Implementation cycles, New Economy, multiple equilibria.

    Internal migration and vulnerability to poverty in Tanzania

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    This paper investigates internal migration and vulnerability to poverty in Tanzania. It examines whether migration reduced household vulnerability to poverty for a panel of households from the Kagera region over the period 2004-2010. The dataset allows the analysis of two samples of households: those with the same head in the periods considered and an enlarged network of split-off households. The potential endogeneity of migration is controlled by both matching methods and an exogenous variation. A severe drought in 2008-09 affected the areas of the country with a bimodal rain season, but not those with a unimodal rain season. It is thus possible to study the heterogeneity of migrants with respect to an unanticipated shock in the region of destination. The evidence shows that migration reduced vulnerability to basic needs and to food consumption poverty for families which experienced migration to unimodal regions. The results are consistent with migration as a risk management strategy by households

    Discretionary Enforcement and Strategic Interactions Between Firms, Regulatory Agency and Justice Department: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation

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    This paper presents a game theoretic morphological analysis of the U.S. environmental authorities’ (i.e., EPA and DOJ) behavioural mechanisms, based on strategic interactions among the players. The models explore the role of discretion that such authorities enjoy, either in deciding how to pursue environmental violations (investigative and prosecutorial discretion) or in judging them (judicial discretion). The purpose is to identify both the optimal firms’ behaviour in terms of compliance, and the DOJ’s and EPA’s optimal strategies in terms of enforcement actions to undertake. Consistent with the setting of the game theory models, the role of EPA and DOJ in deterring firms from polluting is, then, empirically tested, by means of a laboratory experiment. Laboratory evidence on compliance behaviour of firms when faced with enforcement conditions predicted by the theoretical models set up is discussed for the different experimental treatments performed

    Fiscal effects of migrants in Europe: a quantile regression approach

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    In this paper, we explore the fiscal impact of immigrants in Europe applying a quantile regression approach to data from the European Survey on Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for the period 2007-2015. Our estimations show that not only on average but also in almost all income quantiles, the fiscal position of both European and non-European migrants is not significantly different from that of native citizens. Furthermore, non-EU migrants are net contributors as compared to the corresponding native citizens in the Netherlands and Belgium for various quantiles. Lastly, we examine the link between migrants’ fiscal position and the fiscal perception of native European citizens measured using ESS data. We find a conflicting relationship: countries where migrants are perceived negatively are instead countries where they are net fiscal contributors and vice versa

    Leverage and Capital Structure Determinants of Chinese Listed Companies

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    This paper assesses the financial fragility of the Chinese economy by looking at risk factors in the corporate nonfinancial sector. Total debt in the People’s Republic of China has increased significantly in recent years, mostly on account of nonfinancial corporate debt. Earning and the financial performance of corporate firms have weakened, and so has the asset quality of the financial sector. In this paper, quantile regressions are applied to a rich dataset of Chinese listed companies contained in Standard & Poor’s IQ Capital database. We find higher sensitivity over time of corporate leverage to some of its key determinants, particularly for firms at the upper margin of the distribution. In particular, profitability increasingly acts as a curb on corporate leverage. At a time of falling profitability across the Chinese nonfinancial corporate sector, this eases the brake on leverage and may contribute to its continuing increase
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