4 research outputs found

    Adaptation and visual search in mammographic images

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    Abstract Radiologists face the visually challenging task of detecting suspicious features within the complex and noisy backgrounds characteristic of medical images. We used a search task to examine whether the salience of target features in x-ray mammograms could be enhanced by prior adaptation to the spatial structure of the images. The observers were not radiologists, and thus had no diagnostic training with the im-ages. The stimuli were randomly selected sections from nor-mal mammograms previously classified with BIRADS Den-sity scores of Bfatty ^ versus Bdense, ^ corresponding to differ-ences in the relative quantities of fat versus fibroglandular tissue. These categories reflect conspicuous differences in vi-sual texture, with dense tissue being more likely to obscure lesion detection. The targets were simulated masses corre-sponding to bright Gaussian spots, superimposed by adding the luminance to the background. A single target was random-ly added to each image, with contrast varied over five levels so that they varied from difficult to easy to detect. Reaction times were measured for detecting the target location, before or after adapting to a gray field or to random sequences of a different set of dense or fatty images. Observers were faster at detecting the targets in either dense or fatty images after adapting to the specific background type (dense or fatty) that they were searching within. Thus, the adaptation led to a facilitation of search performance that was selective for the background tex-ture. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that adap-tation allows observers to more effectively suppress the spe-cific structure of the background, thereby heightening visual salience and search efficiency

    Adaptation maintains population homeostasis in primary visual cortex

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    Sensory systems exhibit mechanisms of neural adaptation, which adjust neuronal activity based on recent stimulus history. In primary visual cortex (V1), in particular, adaptation controls the responsiveness of individual neurons and shifts their visual selectivity. What benefits does adaptation confer to a neuronal population? We measured adaptation in the responses of populations of cat V1 neurons to stimulus ensembles with markedly different statistics of stimulus orientation. We found that adaptation serves two homeostatic goals. First, it maintains equality in the time-averaged responses across the population. Second, it maintains independence in selectivity across the population. Adaptation scales and distorts population activity according to a simple multiplicative rule that depends on neuronal orientation preference and on stimulus orientation. We conclude that adaptation in V1 acts as a mechanism of homeostasis, enforcing a tendency towards equality and independence in neural activity across the population