15 research outputs found
Performance Simulation and Evaluation of Net Zero Energy Buildings in an Australian Coastal Climate
Net zero energy buildings (NZEB) are becoming more common, and as new energy saving designs and technologies become available, the ability to estimate overall energy use and understand the impact on operation of building appliances will become important. This paper outlines simulation results of performance improvements achieved by modifying various components (glazing, lighting, thermal comfort settings) of two tertiary education NZEBs and a typical modern commercial building. The DesignBuilder models\u27 thermal performance and energy consumption were validated using real data from case study buildings. The work shows validating models of smaller, less conven-tional, buildings is more difficult than for larger conventional ones. Performance of NZEBs was benchmarked against the typical commercial building, and subsequently the impact of alterations to overall energy savings established. Results illustrate that NZEBs appear more sensitive to design changes. The work indicates significant savings are achievable in NZEBs and conventional buildings if suitable glazing is selected, lighting controlled according to daylight, or comfort band settings adjusted appropriately. Poten-tial savings are quantified using models developed and validated in simulation
Warming up human body by nanoporous metallized polyethylene textile
Energy wasted for heating the empty space of the entire building can be saved by passively heating the immediate environment around the human body. Here, the authors show a nanophotonic structure textile with tailored infrared property for passive personal heating using nanoporous metallized polyethylene