29 research outputs found

    Predictors for neonatal death in the rural areas of Shaanxi Province of Northwestern China: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Almost all (99%) neonatal deaths arise in low-income and middle-income countries. Approximately 450 new-born children die every hour, which is mainly from preventable causes. There has been increased recognition of the need for these countries to implement public health interventions that specifically target neonatal deaths. The purpose of this paper is to identify the predictors of neonatal death in Type 4 rural (poorest) counties in Shaanxi Province of northwestern China. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in Shaanxi Province, China. A single-stage survey design was identified to estimate standard errors. Because of concern about the complex sample design, the data were analysed using multivariate logistic regression analysis. Socioeconomic and maternal health service utilization factors were added into the model. Results During the study period, a total of 4750 women who delivered in the past three years were randomly selected for interview in the five counties. There were 4880 live births and 54 neonatal deaths identified. In the multiple logistic regression, the odds of neonatal death was significantly higher for multiparous women (OR = 2.77; 95% CI: 1.34, 5.70) and women who did not receive antennal health care in the first trimester of pregnancy (OR = 2.49; 95% CI: 1.41, 4.40). Women who gave birth in a county-level hospital (OR = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.04, 0.86) and had junior high school or higher education level (OR = 0.20; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.84) were significantly protected from neonatal death. Conclusions Public health interventions directed at reducing neonatal death should address the socioeconomic factors and maternal health service utilization, which significantly influence neonatal mortality in rural China. Multipara, low educational level of the women, availability of prenatal visits in the first trimester of pregnancy and hospital delivery should be considered when planning the interventions to reduce the neonatal mortality in rural areas

    High risk pregnancies and factors associated with neonatal death

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    OBJETIVO Identificar os fatores associados à mortalidade neonatal intra-hospitalar com base nas características individuais de gestantes de risco, do parto e do recém-nascido. MÉTODO Estudo epidemiológico do tipo transversal, realizado com crianças nascidas vivas de partos hospitalares de mulheres acompanhadas pelo ambulatório de alto risco de um hospital filantrópico de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil, no período de setembro de 2012 a setembro de 2013. RESULTADOS Fizeram parte da pesquisa 688 mulheres. O coeficiente de mortalidade neonatal foi de 17,7 óbitos/1.000 nascidos vivos, sendo sua maioria no período neonatal precoce. Trabalho de parto prematuro, malformação fetal e gestação múltipla foram as intercorrências associadas ao óbito neonatal. Recém-nascidos prematuros, com muito baixo peso ao nascer e Índice de Apgar menor que sete no quinto minuto de vida apresentaram risco elevado de morte. CONCLUSÃO A identificação de fatores de risco pode auxiliar no planejamento de ações para consolidação da rede perinatal. Programas específicos devem ser incentivados em outros países, na busca de resultados perinatais expressivos, como a redução da mortalidade neonatal.OBJECTIVE To identify the factors associated with intra-hospital neonatal mortality based on the individual characteristics of at-risk pregnant mothers, delivery and newborns. METHOD This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study of live newborns delivered by women attended at the high-risk outpatient unit of a philanthropic hospital in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil between September 2012 and September 2013. RESULTS Six hundred and eighty-eight women participated in the study. The neonatal mortality coefficient found was 17.7/1,000 live births, most in the early neonatal phase. Premature labor, fetal malformation and multiple gestations were associated with neonatal death. Premature, very low birth weight newborns and those with an Apgar score of less than seven, five minutes after birth were at high risk of death. CONCLUSION Identifying risk factors can help plan actions to consolidate the perinatal network. Specific programs should be incentivized in other countries, in the search for significant perinatal results such as reducing neonatal mortality.OBJETIVO Identificar los factores asociados con la mortalidad neonatal intrahospitalaria con base en las características individuales de gestantes de riesgo, del parto y del recién nacido. MÉTODO Estudio epidemiológico del tipo transversal, realizado con niños nacidos vivos de partos hospitalarios de mujeres seguidas en el ambulatorio de alto riesgo de un hospital filantrópico de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil, en el período de septiembre de 2012 a septiembre de 2013. RESULTADOS Hicieron parte de la investigación 688 mujeres. El coeficiente de mortalidad neonatal fue de 7,7 defunciones/1.000 nacidos vivos, siendo su mayoría en el período neonatal precoz. Trabajo de parto prematuro, malformación fetal y gestación múltiple fueron los sucesos asociados con la defunción neonatal. Recién nacidos prematuros, con muy bajo peso al nacer e Índice de Apgar menor que siete el quinto minuto de vida presentaron riesgo elevado de muerte. CONCLUSIÓN La identificación de factores de riesgo puede auxiliar la planificación de acciones para consolidación de la red perinatal. Se deben incentivar programas específicos en otros países, en la búsqueda por resultados perinatales considerables, como la reducción de la mortalidad neonatal