31 research outputs found

    Are ipsilateral breast tumour invasive recurrences in young (⩽40 years) women more aggressive than their primary tumours?

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    The characteristics of ipsilateral breast tumour recurrences (IBTRs) relative to those of their primary tumours (PTs) remain scarcely studied. Of 70 young (⩽40 years) premenopausal women with IBTRs, we studied a series of 63 with paired histological data. Median follow-up since IBTR was 10 years. Rates of histological types, grades or hormonal receptors were not significantly different in PTs and in IBTRs. The concordance between IBTRs and their PTs was good for histological types. IBTRs with conserved histological types tended to occur more locally, but not significantly sooner than others. These IBTRs had good concordance for hormone receptors. In discordant cases there were as many losses as appearances of the receptors. The concordance was weak for grades, with equivalent numbers of IBTRs graded lower as higher than their PTs. The 10-year overall survival rate was 70%. Neither the conservation of histological type, location, nor of the two combined were associated with deaths. Early (<2 years) IBTRs, tended to be associated with poorer survival (HR=2.24 (0.92–5.41); P=0.08). IBTRs did not display features of higher aggressiveness than PTs. Neither clinical nor histological definition of a true recurrence could be established other than the conservation of the histological type

    High rates of breast conservation for large ductal and lobular invasive carcinomas combining multimodality strategies

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    The literature reports low rates of breast conservation after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for operable breast cancers not amenable to initial breast-conserving surgery. This study aims to compare the outcome of lobular vs ductal carcinomas after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Between 1989 and 1999, 750 patients with clinical stage II/IIIA ductal (672) or lobular (78) invasive breast carcinomas were treated at the Institut Curie with primary anthracycline-based polychemotherapy followed by either breast conservation (surgery and/or radiotherapy) or mastectomy. Median follow-up was 10 years. Clinical response to primary chemotherapy was significantly worse for lobular than for ductal carcinomas (47 vs 60%; P=0.04), but only histological grade remained predictive in multivariate analysis. Breast conservation was high for both ductal and lobular carcinomas (65 and 54%; P=0.07), due, in part, to the use of radiotherapy, either exclusive or preoperative, for respectively 26 and 40% of patients. The lobular type had no adverse effect, neither on locoregional control nor on overall survival, even in the group of patients treated with breast conservation

    Can we avoid very large phase III trials?

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    Chromatin Assembly Factor-1, a Marker of Clinical Value to Distinguish Quiescent from Proliferating Cells

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    Histone synthesis and chromatin assembly are mainly associated with DNA replication and are thus intimately involved in cell cycle regulation. The expression of key components involved in these events in human cells was studied in relation to cell-proliferative status. Among several chromatin assembly factors, chromatin assembly factor (CAF)-1 stood out as the most discriminating marker of the proliferative state. We show, using both immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis, that the expression of both CAF-1 large subunits, p150 and p60, is massively down-regulated during quiescence in several cell lines. Upon exit from the quiescent state, the CAF-1 subunits are re-expressed early, before DNA replication. The amounts of either total or chromatin-associated pools of CAF-1 proteins correlate directly with cell proliferation. Regulation of CAF-1 expression is partly controlled at the RNA level, as shown by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and Northern blot experiments. Biological material from benign and malignant human breast tumors analyzed by immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry exhibits a strong positive correlation between CAF-1 p60 expression and the following proliferation markers: S-phase fraction (r = 0.84, P &lt; 0.0001); Ki-67 (r = 0.94, P &lt; 0.0001); and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (r = 0.95, P = 0.0001). We discuss the advantages of using CAF-1 to assess cell proliferation. High CAF-1 p60 levels are also shown to be associated with various prognostic factors. Our data highlight the precise association of CAF-1 expression with the proliferative state and validate the use of this factor as a useful proliferation marker and prognostic indicator in malignant and benign breast lesions