65 research outputs found

    Annotation de la temporalité en corpus : contribution à l'amélioration de la norme TimeML

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    National audienceThis paper reports a critical analysis of the TimeML standard, in the light of a temporal annotation that was conducted on spoken French. It shows that the norm suffers from weaknesses that must be corrected to fit the needs of NLP and corpus linguistics. These limitations concern mainly 1) the separation of different levels of linguistic annotation, 2) the delimitation in the text of the events, and 3) the absence of a bridging temporal relation in the norm.Cet article propose une analyse critique de la norme TimeML à la lumière de l'expérience d'annotation temporelle d'un corpus de français parlé. Il montre que certaines adaptations de la norme seraient conseillées pour répondre aux besoins du TAL et des sciences du langage. Sont étudiées ici les questions de séparation des niveaux d'annotation, de délimitation des éventualités dans le texte et de l'ajout d'une relation temporelle de type associative

    Towards integrated management of the pests and pathogens of cassava in Africa

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    Studies on pathogenic agents of cultivated plants are generally organised on a binomial basis with examination of a host plant and specific parasites or pests. As cassava in Africa has few important pests and they display a limited range of biological features and relations with the host, it was feasible for ORSTOM (L'Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopératon) researchers to study each of them over a period of 25 years in Côte d'lvoire, Congo and Togo and such work is currently in progress in Benin and France. The diseases and pests concerned are African cassava mosaic disease and its whitefly vector (Bemisia tahaci), cassava bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv manihotis, cassava mealybug (Phenacoccus manihoti), and cassava green mite (Mononychelus progresivus). Research initially concerned only specific cassava-pathogen or cassava-pest combinations, without attention being paid to the system as a whole, despite obvious epidemic convergences resulting from a common environment, analogies between effects on the host plant and probable interactions between the various pests of the same crop. A biocenotic approach was developed to integrate the various research activities. It is aimed at analysis of the functioning of plant-pathogen and plant-pest systems and enables the design and evaluation of options for integrated management. 'Transversal' comparisons of cassava parasite models cover pathogenic agents (pests and diseases) and their variability, their biological cycles and the climatic factors affecting them, relations with the host (genetic variability, physiology and crop management), the effect of entomophagous species and entomopathogens on phytophagous pests and the integration potential of modelling. The ORSTOM studies show the complexity of the ecology of pathogenic agents and pests in the cassava biocenosis. The extent of the cassava cropping area and the variety of production situations, the variability of pests (phytophagous and entomophagous organisms) and diseases and the many interactions between the factors regulating epidemic mechanisms leads to a complex mosaic whose structure is described. The various sequences of analysis of a system of parasite constraints are shown in matrix form (variability of pathogenic agents, vectors and phytophagous organisms, host-parasite relation modes, epidemiology and population dynamics, modelling) for the various organisms investigated to date. The analysis reveals the fundamental achievements and gaps in knowledge and also the most appropriate areas for combining approaches. The body of knowledge assembled at different sites, during different periods and concerning a variety of organisms and the analysis of this knowledge show that it is not necessary at this stage to collect new information but to make a synthesis (modelling) that will open up original lines of research with combinations of approaches and solutions

    Формирование этапов выбора приоритетных стратегий развития порта

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    У статті розглянуті етапи процесу вибору пріоритетних стратегій розвитку порту. В умовах ринкової економіки обґрунтовано таку послідовність етапів: встановлення базового набору альтернативних стратегій, формування критеріїв оцінки альтернативних стратегій, обґрунтування шкали вимірювання переваг стратегій, вибір методу оцінки альтернативних стратегій, вибір пріоритетних стратегій. Визначено зміст кожного з етапів вибору пріоритетних стратегій розвитку порту.The stages of process of choice of priorities strategies of development of port are considered in the article. In the conditions of market economy the following sequence of stages is grounded: establishments of base set of alternative strategies, establishments of criteria of estimation of alternative strategies choice of scale of measuring of preference of strategies, choice of method of estimation of alternative strategies, choice of priorities strategies maintenance of each of stages of choice of priorities strategies of development of port is Certain

    Covering various Needs in Temporal Annotation: a Proposal of Extension of ISO TimeML that Preserves Upward Compatibility

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    International audienceThis paper reports a critical analysis of the ISO TimeML standard, in the light of several experiences of temporal annotation that were conducted on spoken French. It shows that the norm suffers from weaknesses that should be corrected to fit a larger variety of needs in NLP and in corpus linguistics. We present our proposition of some improvements of the norm before it will be revised by the ISO Committee in 2017. These modifications concern mainly (1) Enrichments of well identified features of the norm: temporal function of TIMEX time expressions, additional types for TLINK temporal relations; (2) Deeper modifications concerning the units or features annotated: clarification between time and tense for EVENT units, coherence of representation between temporal signals (the SIGNAL unit) and TIMEX modifiers (the MOD feature); (3) A recommendation to perform temporal annotation on top of a syntactic (rather than lexical) layer (temporal annotation on a treebank)

    L’habitat du Néolithique ancien de Fontenay-le-Marmion « Le Grand Champ / Le chemin Haussé »

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    L’unité d’habitation du Néolithique ancien (VSG) de Fontenay-le-Marmion « Le Grand Champ » a été mise au jour lors d’une opération d’archéologie préventive du conseil général du Calvados. Ce site, en contexte de plateau, est localisé à une dizaine de kilomètres au sud de l’agglomération caennaise. Les structures de cet habitat sont difficilement identifiables sans une étude précise de la répartition spatiale du mobilier. Elles correspondent à trois fosses latérales d’habitation, deux fosses sud et une fosse nord ainsi qu’à quelques petites excavations interprétables comme les trous de poteaux d’une maison. Le mobilier provient presque exclusivement des fosses latérales d’habitation ; sans être abondant, il constitue un ensemble cohérent. Le matériel lithique en silex est le plus conséquent avec une production d’outils en silex principalement sur lame. Ce site a livré très peu de formes céramiques ; les pièces identifiées s’insèrent parfaitement dans les ensembles classiques de la culture VSG (grandes bouteilles, vases à profil en U ou à profil dit « en bombe »). Le macro-outillage en roche dure est également bien représenté. La fabrication de bracelet en schiste sur place est attestée par la présence de plusieurs pièces de la chaîne opératoire. L’étude tracéologique démontre également que deux grattoirs ont été utilisés pour travailler de la roche tendre, peut-être du schiste. L’étude des différents types de mobilier et une datation par le radiocarbone convergent pour placer cette occupation dans la phase moyenne du VSG ; entre le village rubané récent et VSG ancien de Colombelles (14) et la maison VSG à cordon de Mondeville (14).The early Neolithic habitation (VSG) at Fontenay-le-Marmion « Le Grand Champ », was brought to light during an excavation both funded and carried out by the conseil général du Calvados (Calvados departmental Council) prior to development. The site is situated on a plateau, approximately 10 km south of Caen. The features revealed are difficult to identify without precise spatial analysis of artefacts. They comprise three pits lateral to the habitation, two to the north and one to the south, with a few small cuts than can be interpreted as post holes. The artefacts, found almost exclusively in the lateral pits, make up a coherent – if not abundant – assemblage. Flint lithics are the most numerous with a production of mainly blade based tools. The site has yielded few pottery forms; the elements identified fit in perfectly with the classical assemblages of the VSG culture (large bottles, round based recipients or with spherical profiles). Hard stone macrotools are also well represented. The manufacture of schist bracelets in situ is attested by the presence of different elements of the production chain. Microwear analysis also shows that two scrapers have been used to work a soft stone, perhaps schist

    Long Term Stability of the LHC Superconducting Cryodipoles after Outdoor Storage

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    The main superconducting dipoles for the LHC are being stored outdoors for periods from a few weeks to several years after conditioning with dry nitrogen gas. Such a storage before installation in the 27 km circumference tunnel may affect not only the mechanical and cryogenic functionality of the cryodipoles but also their quench and field performance. A dedicated task force was established to study all aspects of long term behaviour of the stored cryodipoles, with particular emphasis on electrical and vacuum integrity, quench training behaviour, magnetic field quality, performance of the thermal insulation, mechanical stability of magnet shape and of the interface between cold mass and cryostat, degradation ofmaterials and welds. In particular, one specifically selected cryodipole stored outdoors for more than one year, was retested at cold. In addition, various tests have been carried out on the cryodipole assembly and on the most critical subcomponents to study aspects such as the hygrothermal behaviour of the supporting system and the possible oxidation of the Multi Layer Insulation reflective films. This paper summarizes the main investigations carried out and their results

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Attitude des femmes allaitantes à la fin du congé de maternité

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    Depuis 2002, l'Agence Nationale d'Accréditation et d'Evaluation en Santé recommande un allaitement maternel exclusif jusqu'à 6 mois. La Haute Autorité de Santé et l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé confirment cette notion en 2006. Malheureusement en France la majorité des femmes ayant décidé d'un allaitement maternel à la sortie de la maternité n'arrive pas à suivre ces recommandations. Effectivement d'après la littérature, le taux d'allaitement des femmes françaises après le 6ème mois est quasiment nul. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective de 6 mois réalisée à la maternité du CHU de Clermont-Ferrand à l'aide de 2 questionnaires : le 1er écrit et réalisé à la maternité et le second réalisé par téléphone dans la semaine suivant la fin du congé de maternité. Les femmes incluses devaient pratiquer l'allaitement maternel exclusif ou mixte et être bénéficiaires d'un congé de maternité. Sur 40 femmes retenues, 32 femmes ne reprennent pas le travail à la fin du congé de maternité, 8 femmes reprennent le travail dont 2 continuent l'allaitement maternel exclusif et 1 l'allaitement maternel mixte. 40% des femmes poursuivent l'allaitement maternel dont 27,5% de manière exclusive. Les principales raisons à cet arrêt de l'allaitement sont : la reprise du travail (31%), la prise de poids insuffisante du bébé (31%), la sensation de manque de lait (17%). Les résultats confirment que 60% des femmes allaitantes ont le désir de poursuivre l'allaitement à la reprise du travail. Malheureusement il existe une différence entre les souhaits et la réalité des faits car seulement 27,5% des femmes allaitent de façon exclusive à la fin du congé de maternité.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF