4 research outputs found

    Fuzzy quantification of common and rare species in ecological communities (FuzzyQ)

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    1. Most species in ecological communities are rare whereas only a few are common. This distributional paradox has intrigued ecologists for decades but the interpretation of species abundance distributions remains elusive. 2. We present Fuzzy Quantification of Common and Rare Species in Ecological Communities (FuzzyQ) as an R package. FuzzyQ shifts the focus from the prevailing species-categorization approach to develop a quantitative framework that seeks to place each species along a rarity commonness gradient. Given a community surveyed over a number of sites, quadrats, or any other convenient sampling unit, FuzzyQ uses a fuzzy clustering algorithm that estimates a probability for each species to be common or rare based on abundance-occupancy information. Such a probability can be interpreted as a commonness index ranging from 0 to 1. FuzzyQ also provides community-level metrics about the coherence of the allocation of species into the common and rare clusters that are informative of the nature of the community under study. 3. The functionality of FuzzyQ is shown with two real datasets. We demonstrate how FuzzyQ can effectively be used to monitor and model spatio-temporal changes in species commonness, and assess the impact of species introductions on ecological communities. We also show that the approach works satisfactorily with a wide range of communities varying in species richness, dispersion and abundance currencies. 4. FuzzyQ produces ecological indicators easy to measure and interpret that can give both clear, actionable insights into the nature of ecological communities and provides a powerful way to monitor environmental change on ecosystems. Comparison among communities is greatly facilitated by the fact that the method is relatively independent of the number of sites or sampling units considered. Thus, we consider FuzzyQ as a potentially valuable analytical tool in community ecology and conservation biology

    Histological and ultrastructural study of Myxobolus mugchelo (Parenzan, 1966) with initial histopathology survey of the Liza ramada host intestine

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    This paper provides histological and ultrastructural data on Myxobolus mugchelo (Myxozoa), a parasite of the intestinal wall of thinlip mullet Liza ramada from the Comacchio lagoons (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy). About 80% of the examined mullets were infected with this myxozoan. In histological sections, the plasmodia appeared rounded to ovoid and spindle shaped, measured 181.61 ± 97 × 122.79 ± 53.16 μm (mean ± standard deviation, SD) in size. Early sporogenic plasmodia were located primarily in the muscle layer where no pronounced inflammatory response was detected. Plasmodia containing mature spores were situated closer to mucosal folds and were encircled by numerous immune cells, especially mast cells. Mature spores were generally oval and 6.06 ± 0.40 × 3.48 ± 0.92 μm in size. The spores showed symmetrical and smooth valves. The anterior end of the spores contained two equal pyriform polar capsules measuring 2.19 ± 0.47 × 1.59 ± 0.29 μm. Inside the polar capsules, an isofilar polar filament displayed 5–6 coils perpendicular or slightly oblique to the longitudinal axis. The wall of the polar capsule was filled with a hyaline substance contrasting with the very dense internal matrix. The mucus layer surrounded the spore surface. A thorough comparison with the Myxobolus species infecting intestine of fish is provided. This is the first report on occurrence of this myxozoan species in L. ramada population of the North Adriatic Sea