50,544 research outputs found

    Quantum interference-induced stability of repulsively bound pairs of excitations

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    We study the dynamics of two types of pairs of excitations which are bound despite their strong repulsive interaction. One corresponds to doubly occupied sites in one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard systems, the so-called doublons. The other is pairs of neighboring excited spins in anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains. We investigate the possibility of decay of the bound pairs due to resonant scattering by a defect or due to collisions of the pairs. We find that the amplitudes of the corresponding transitions are very small. This is a result of destructive quantum interference and explains the stability of the bound pairs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Manipulation of the dynamics of many-body systems via quantum control methods

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    We investigate how dynamical decoupling methods may be used to manipulate the time evolution of quantum many-body systems. These methods consist of sequences of external control operations designed to induce a desired dynamics. The systems considered for the analysis are one-dimensional spin-1/2 models, which, according to the parameters of the Hamiltonian, may be in the integrable or non-integrable limits, and in the gapped or gapless phases. We show that an appropriate control sequence may lead a chaotic chain to evolve as an integrable chain and a system in the gapless phase to behave as a system in the gapped phase. A key ingredient for the control schemes developed here is the possibility to use, in the same sequence, different time intervals between control operations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Loading of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the boson-accumulation regime

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    We study the optical loading of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate by spontaneous emission of atoms in excited electronic state in the Boson-Accumulation Regime. We generalize the previous simplified analysis of ref. [Phys. Rev. A 53, 2466 (1996)], to a 3D case in which more than one trap level of the excited state trap is considered. By solving the corresponding quantum many-body master equation, we demonstrate that also for this general situation the photon reabsorption can help to increase the condensate fraction. Such effect could be employed to realize a continuous atom laser, and to overcome condensate losses.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps figures, uses epl.st

    Quantum Chaos and Thermalization in Isolated Systems of Interacting Particles

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    This review is devoted to the problem of thermalization in a small isolated conglomerate of interacting constituents. A variety of physically important systems of intensive current interest belong to this category: complex atoms, molecules (including biological molecules), nuclei, small devices of condensed matter and quantum optics on nano- and micro-scale, cold atoms in optical lattices, ion traps. Physical implementations of quantum computers, where there are many interacting qubits, also fall into this group. Statistical regularities come into play through inter-particle interactions, which have two fundamental components: mean field, that along with external conditions, forms the regular component of the dynamics, and residual interactions responsible for the complex structure of the actual stationary states. At sufficiently high level density, the stationary states become exceedingly complicated superpositions of simple quasiparticle excitations. At this stage, regularities typical of quantum chaos emerge and bring in signatures of thermalization. We describe all the stages and the results of the processes leading to thermalization, using analytical and massive numerical examples for realistic atomic, nuclear, and spin systems, as well as for models with random parameters. The structure of stationary states, strength functions of simple configurations, and concepts of entropy and temperature in application to isolated mesoscopic systems are discussed in detail. We conclude with a schematic discussion of the time evolution of such systems to equilibrium.Comment: 69 pages, 31 figure

    Antiresonance and interaction-induced localization in spin and qubit chains with defects

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    We study a spin chain with an anisotropic XXZ coupling in an external field. Such a chain models several proposed types of a quantum computer. The chain contains a defect with a different on-site energy. The interaction between excitations is shown to lead to two-excitation states localized next to the defect. In a resonant situation scattering of excitations on each other might cause decay of an excitation localized on the defect. We find that destructive quantum interference suppresses this decay. Numerical results confirm the analytical predictions.Comment: Updated versio

    Many-particle confinement by constructed disorder and quantum computing

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    Many-particle confinement (localization) is studied for a 1D system of spinless fermions with nearest-neighbor hopping and interaction, or equivalently, for an anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain. This system is frequently used to model quantum computers with perpetually coupled qubits. We construct a bounded sequence of site energies that leads to strong single-particle confinement of all states on individual sites. We show that this sequence also leads to a confinement of all many-particle states in an infinite system for a time that scales as a high power of the reciprocal hopping integral. The confinement is achieved for strong interaction between the particles while keeping the overall bandwidth of site energies comparatively small. The results show viability of quantum computing with time-independent qubit coupling.Comment: An invited paper for the topical issue of J. Opt. B on quantum contro

    Localization and the effects of symmetries in the thermalization properties of one-dimensional quantum systems

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    We study how the proximity to an integrable point or to localization as one approaches the atomic limit, as well as the mixing of symmetries in the chaotic domain, may affect the onset of thermalization in finite one-dimensional systems. We consider systems of hard-core bosons at half-filling with nearest neighbor hopping and interaction, and next-nearest neighbor interaction. The latter breaks integrability and induces a ground-state superfluid to insulator transition. By full exact diagonalization, we study chaos indicators and few-body observables. We show that when different symmetry sectors are mixed, chaos indicators associated with the eigenvectors, contrary to those related to the eigenvalues, capture the onset of chaos. The results for the complexity of the eigenvectors and for the expectation values of few-body observables confirm the validity of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis in the chaotic regime, and therefore the occurrence of thermalization. We also study the properties of the off-diagonal matrix elements of few-body observables in relation to the transition from integrability to chaos and from chaos to localization.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, as published (Fig.09 was corrected in this final version