7 research outputs found


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    The Caco-2 cell line is an immortalized line of heterogeneous human epithelialcolorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Human colonic adenocarcinoma cells that are able toexpress differentiation features characteristic of mature intestinal cells, such asenterocytes or mucus cells. These cells are valuable in vitro tools for studies related tointestinal cell function and differentiation. The Caco-2 cell line is widely used with invitro assays to predict the absorption rate of candidate drug compounds across theintestinal epithelial cell barrier. Caco-2 may also refer to a cell monolayer absorptionmodel. Cell-based functional assays, such as the Caco-2 drug transport model forassessing intestinal transport, are extremely valuable for screening lead compounds indrug discover


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    A simple, rapid, sensitive and preciseHigh Performance Liquid Chromatographic(HPLC) method has been developed for theestimation of gatifloxacin in its pharmaceuticaldosage forms. In this method RP-C18 column(150mmx4.6mm I.D., 5 m particle size) withmobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 0.05Mphosphate buffer in the ratio of 25:75 v/v inisocratic mode was used. The detection wavelengthis 293nm and the flow rate is 0.8ml/min.Ciprofloxacin is used as internal standard. Thelinearity was found to be in the range of 0.1 to 10g/ml and shows a correlation coefficient of0.9999. The intra- and inter-day variation wasfound to be less than 1.2% showing high precisionof the assay method. The mean percent recovery ofthe drug from the solution containing 4 g/ml was100.5 2.06 indicating high accuracy of theproposed method. Hence, this method is simple,fast, specific, accurate, precise and less timeconsuming for the estimation of gatifloxacin inpharmaceutical dosage form

    Spectrophotometric methods for the simultaneous estimation of losartan potassium and hydrochlorothiazide in tablet dosage forms,

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    ABSTRACT Atorvastatin is an antihyperlipoproteinemic drug and amlodipine is an antihypertensive drug. A simple, precise, rapid and selective spectrophotometric method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of atorvastatin and amlodipine in tablet dosage forms. The method involves solving of simultaneous equations based on measurement of absorptivity at two wavelengths 242nm and 364nm. Linearity range for atorvastatin and amlodipine were 1-20Ī¼g/ml and 1-50Ī¼g/ml respectively

    Simple spectrophotometric methods for the determination of rasagiline mesylate in pharmaceutical dosage form,ā€

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    Abstract: A simple, sensitive, highly accurate spectrophotometric method in UV region has been developed for the determination of nebivolol hydrochloride in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations. Nebivolol hydrochloride is an antihypertensive drug, which shows maximum absorbance at 281 nm with apparent molar absorptivity of 5.37208 x 10 3 mol -1 cm -1 . Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration range of 4-60 Āµg/mL. The slope, intercept and correlation coefficient were also calculated. The proposed method has been successfully used for the analysis of the drug in pure and its tablet dosage forms. Results of percentage recovery shows that the method was not affected by the presence of common excipients. The percentage assay of nebivolol hydrochloride was 98.75 and 99.02 respectively. The method was validated by sensitivity and precision which proves suitability of proposed method for the routine estimation of nebivolol in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations

    Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Nebivolol Hydrochloride in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    A simple, sensitive, highly accurate spectrophotometric method in UV region has been developed for the determination of nebivolol hydrochloride in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations. Nebivolol hydrochloride is an antihypertensive drug, which shows maximum absorbance at 281 nm with apparent molar absorptivity of 5.37208 Ɨ 103 mol-1 cm-1. Beerā€™s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 4-60 Ī¼g/mL. The slope, intercept and correlation coefficient were also calculated. The proposed method has been successfully used for the analysis of the drug in pure and its tablet dosage forms. Results of percentage recovery shows that the method was not affected by the presence of common excipients. The percentage assay of nebivolol hydrochloride was 98.75 and 99.02 respectively. The method was validated by sensitivity and precision which proves suitability of proposed method for the routine estimation of nebivolol in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations

    Development of RP-HPLC Method for the Estimation of Rabeprazole in Pure and Tablet Dosage Form

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    Abstract: A simple, rapid, sensitive and precise High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) method has been developed for the estimation of rabeprazole in bulk and tablet dosage form. In this method RP-C 18 column (150 mm x 4.6 mm I.D, 5 Āµm particle size) with mobile phase consisting of methanol and water in the ratio of 65:35 v/v in isocratic mode was used. The detection wavelength is 284 nm and the flow rate is 0.8 mL/min. Tinidazole is used as internal standard. In the range of 0.25-20 Āµg/mL, the linearity of rabeprazole shows a correlation coefficient of 0.9999. The drug and internal standard were eluted at 4.41Ā±0.05 and 2.16Ā±0.04 min. respectively. The intra-and inter-day variation was found to be less than 1% showing high precision of the assay method. The detection limit was found to be 100 ng/mL. The mobile phase selected for the proposed method is simple, fast, accurate and precise and hence can be applied for routine quality control analysis of rabeprazole in bulk and its tablet dosage form