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    Jargon is one of varieties of language created for specific functions by the people who engage in the regular situation. Certain community prefers to use a particular variety of language because they want to share the information more easily. In this study, the writer investigates the jargons used by the members of Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang Region and the meaning of those jargons. The writer believes that the Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site often uses the special terms of language that are only understood among them. Therefore, the writer was interested in finding the jargons and knowing the meaning of those jargons used. The writer applied a descriptive qualitative research design to describe and interpret the jargons used by the Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site. To collect the data, the writer used observation and interview. In this study, the writerÂ’s position was as a participatory observator because the writer was directly involved with situation to be observed. Moreover, this observation spent 3 (three) month period of time. Therefore, the writer of this study selected verbal and non-verbal interactions, especially on jargons to be observed. In interview, the writer used unstructured interview. The researcher predetermined the questions and alternative answers besides asking other related questions freely. It was devoted to collect the data needed in the study. To analyze the data, the writer applied several steps: 1) identifying the data of the jargons used at Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region, 2) classifying the jargons used at Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region, 3) listing the jargons and also their meaning, 4) arranging the data in the form of table, and 5) drawing conclusion based on the data. The result of this study revealed that there were 70 jargons found in Kaskus.Us virtual community forum site Indonesia in Malang region. There were twenty four jargons in the form of acronym, five jargons in the form of abbreviation, seven jargons in the form of noun, three jargons in the form of verb, six jargons in the form of personal name/ call, four jargons in the form of kind of food/ drink, and three jargons in the form of branded product. Besides, there are fourteen jargons of new vocabularies which come from the members of Kaskus.Us themselves