13 research outputs found

    Perfil hematológico de Chelonia mydas (Testudines, Cheloniidae) de acordo com o grau de acometimento pela fibropapilomatose e sua ausência

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    The green turtle Chelonia mydas feeds and nests in the Brazilian coastal area and is considered an endangered species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN 2009) and threatened by the Red List of Brazilian Fauna (Ministério do Meio Ambiente 2009). Fibropapillomatosis is a disease characterized by benign skin tumors (fibropapillomas), and it is one of the main threats to the survival of this species. Studies suggest the involvement of viruses as infectious agents associated with environmental and genetic factors. Blood samples were collected from 45 turtles captured in the coastal area of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From these, 27 were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Biometrical data on the turtles, size, location and quantity of tumors were recorded. The area occupied by fibropapillomas per animal was calculated and four groups were determined according to severity of the disease or its absence. The objective of the study was to compare hemogram results of the sea turtles classified in these four groups. The lowest hematocrit value was observed in severely affected animals. In the hemoglobin assay, the highest value was observed in the group of tumor free turtles and the lowest, in animals severely affected. Lymphocyte counts and curved carapace length were on the verge of statistical significance.Chelonia mydas, denominada tartaruga verde, é uma tartaruga marinha que frequenta o litoral brasileiro para alimentação e nidificação e é considerada em perigo de extinção pela IUCN (World Conservation Union, 2009) e ameaçada pela Lista Vermelha da Fauna Brasileira (Ministério do Meio Ambiente, 2009). A fibropapilomatose, doença caracterizada por tumores cutâneos benignos (fibropapilomas), é uma das mais importantes ameaças à sobrevivência dessa espécie. Pesquisas sugerem o envolvimento de agentes infecciosos virais em associação com fatores ambientais e genéticos. Foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 45 tartarugas provenientes do litoral do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, sendo 18 sem fibropapilomas e 27 acometidas. Dados de biometria das tartarugas, quantidade, localização e tamanho dos tumores foram anotados. Foi realizado o cálculo da área de fibropapilomas por animal e foram estipulados 4 grupos de acordo com o grau de acometimento e sua ausência. O objetivo foi realizar uma comparação entre os hemogramas das tartarugas marinhas classificadas nos 4 grupos. Animais de grau grave apresentaram o menor valor para hematócrito. Para dosagem de hemoglobina, observou-se que o maior valor foi para o grupo de tartarugas sem fibropapilomas e o menor para o de grau grave. Os valores de linfócitos e comprimento curvilíneo da carapaça beiraram a significância estatística

    Hematology values of captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla)

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    Hematological results are reported for 13 giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and 13 collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla). Animals were captive-reared adults held at the Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo (São Paulo, SP, Brazil) and Parque Zoológico Municipal Quinzinho de Barros (Sorocaba, SP, Brazil), and were considered healthy on physical examination. Examined parameters included red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein and differential leukocyte counts. Also, a survey for hemoparasites was done and none was observed in thin blood smears. The results were generally similar to those previously reported in the exiguous literature for these species, providing further reference data for the interpretation of laboratory results besides health monitoring, assisting early disease diagnosis and providing relevant information for conservation programs for these species

    Hematological and histopathological evaluation of wildlife green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with and without fibropapilloma from the north coast of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Blood profiles were determined in 47 juvenile green turtles, Chelonia mydas, from São Paulo northern coast, Brazil. Twenty-nine were affected by fibropapillomas and 18 were tumor free. Complete gross and histopathologic examinations of the fibropapillo were performed in 21 green turtles. Biometrical data, size, location and amount of tumors were recorded. The papillomas varied in morphology, location, size, color and texture. We found hyperplastic stroma, rich in blood vessels and connective tissue with increase in thickness of the dermis. The tumors w0ere classified as papillomas or fibropapillomas according to their epithelial and/or stromal proliferation. The lowest Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) values were observed in affected turtles

    Description of novel microsatellite loci in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus argenteus and cross-amplification in P. costatus and P. lineatus

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    Prochilodus is one of the most important fish resources of South America, in addition to the important role it plays in nutrient cycling of Neotropical rivers. In the present study, we describe the isolation and characterization of nine novel microsatellite loci in Prochilodus argenteus. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus varied from 5 (Par76) to 21 (Par85), revealing a total of 116 alleles. The values of observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.629 (Par69) to 0.926 (Par85 and Par86) and from 0.643 (Par66) to 0.931 (Par80), respectively. Furthermore, the ability of these and other previously described microsatellite markers to amplify orthologous loci was tested in two related species, Prochilodus costatus and Prochilodus lineatus. These loci will be useful for studies of population genetic structure in this group of fishes, and in aiding future genetic mapping studies of P. argenteus

    Modernidade alimentar e consumo de alimentos: contribuições sócio-antropológicas para a pesquisa em nutrição Dietary modernity and food consumption: socio-anthropological contributions to research in nutrition

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    Este trabalho buscou apresentar o que a modernidade alimentar representa para a sociologia e a antropologia, questão que é discutida a partir de revisão bibliográfica. Considera-se inicialmente a presença do tema alimentação nos estudos das ciências sociais, enfocando-se as abordagens relacionadas à modernidade alimentar, especialmente o trabalho de Claude Fischler. Privilegiou-se o registro das questões relacionadas à alimentação e às mudanças no mundo do trabalho, ampliação do comércio, feminização da sociedade e a questão das identidades. Ao compreender o fenômeno alimentar e o seu consumo em uma abordagem mais qualitativa pode-se avançar na construção das ciências nutricionais, privilegiando-se uma abordagem compreensiva sobre o alimento e a alimentação nos dias atuais. Como recomendação os estudos atuais devem se dedicar à investigação do consumo alimentar como um fenômeno social para que se agreguem novos componentes analíticos ao conjunto de resultados com o enfoque biomédico.<br>The scope of this work was to illustrate what dietary modernity represents for sociology and anthropology, which is a subject based on a bibliographic review that is discussed in this article. Initially, the presence of the theme of food and nutrition was assessed in studies in the social sciences, by focusing on the approaches related to dietary modernity, especially as found in the works of Claude Fischler. The main subjects of discussion were related to food and nutrition and changes in the work environment, the expansion of commerce, the feminization of society and the question of identity. By understanding the food phenomenon and consumption thereof using a more qualitative approach, it is possible to make progress in configuring the nutritional sciences, adopting a comprehensive approach to food and nutrition in this day and age. Future studies should be dedicated to investigating food consumption as a social phenomenon in order to aggregate new analytical components with a biomedical emphasis to the body of results

    Treino cognitivo em adultos maduros e idosos: impacto de estratégias segundo faixas de escolaridade Entrenamiento cognitivo en adultos maduros y ancianos: impacto de estrategias según niveles de escolaridad Cognitive training in older adults and the elderly: impact of educational strategies according to age

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo testar a eficácia de treino cognitivo de seis sessões, baseado na apresentação e prática de estratégias de memória (categorização) e na realização de atividades que recrutam as funções executivas, oferecido a idosos. Objetivou-se, também, identificar e comparar as estratégias mnemônicas utilizadas pelos participantes antes e após treino, segundo faixas de escolaridade. Participaram do estudo 31 idosos, divididos em Grupo 1 (com até 8 anos de escolaridade) e Grupo 2 (com 9 anos ou mais). Foram aplicadas questões sociodemográficas, escalas cognitivas e uma lista de estratégias possíveis para identificação das estratégias usadas. Os resultados indicaram a influência da escolaridade no uso de estratégias de memória no pré-teste. No pós-teste, apontaram para aumento na velocidade de processamento e na utilização de estratégias. Concluiu-se que o uso de estratégias, a autoeficácia para a memória e o ganho após o treino cognitivo podem ser influenciados pela escolaridade.<br>El objetivo de este estudio fue testar la eficacia de entrenamiento cognitivo de seis sesiones basado en la presentación y práctica de estrategias de memoria (categorización) y en la realización de actividades que reclutan las funciones ejecutivas, ofrecido a ancianos. Se objetivó también identificar y comparar las estrategias mnemónicas utilizadas por los participantes antes y después del entrenamiento, según niveles de escolaridad. Participaron del estudio 31 ancianos, divididos en Grupo 1 (con hasta 8 años de escolaridad) y Grupo 2 (con 9 años o más). Fueron realizadas cuestiones sociodemográficas y utilizadas escalas cognitivas y una lista de estrategias posibles para identificación de las estrategias usadas. Los resultados indicaron la influencia de la escolaridad en el uso de estrategias de memoria en el pre test. En el post teste, señalaron aumento en la velocidad de procesamiento y en la utilización de estrategias. Se concluyó que el uso de estrategias, la autoeficacia para la memoria y el gaño después del entrenamiento cognitivo pueden ser influenciados por la escolaridad.<br>The objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of a cognitive training program of six sessions based on the presentation and practice of memory strategies (categorization) and activities that recruit executive functions offered for older adults. We also aimed at identifying and comparing the mnemonic strategies used by participants stratified by levels of schooling before and after training. The study included 31 older adults divided into group 1 (up to 8 years of schooling) and group 2 (9 or more years of schooling). The instruments used were: sociodemographic questionnaire, cognitive scales and a list of possible strategies to identify the strategies used. The results were indicated the influence of education on the use of memory strategies in the pre-test and post-test. At the post-test, there was a significant increase in processing speed and strategies use. It is concluded that he use of strategies, memory self-efficacy and the gain after cognitive training may be influenced by education