6 research outputs found

    Low Prevalence Of Renal, Cardiac, Pulmonary, And Neurological Extra-articular Clinical Manifestations In Spondyloarthritis: Analysis Of The Brazilian Registry Of Spondyloarthritis

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    Objective: To describe the extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), usually not related to spondyloarthritis (SpA), in a large cohort of Brazilian patients. Materials and methods: This retrospective study analyzed 1,472 patients diagnosed with SpA and cared for at 29 health care centers distributed in the five major geographic regions in the country, participating in the Brazilian Registry of Spondyloarthritis (BRS). All patients were assessed for the prevalence of major extra-articular manifestations (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological), classify ed according to the diagnosis [ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis (ReA), arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (uSpA), and juvenile SpA], and according to the clinical presentation (axial, peripheral, mixed, and enthesitis). Results: Of the patients with SpA assessed, 963 had AS, 271 PsA, 49 ReA, 48 arthritis associated with IBD, 98 uSpA, and 43 juvenile SpA. Cardiac involvement was reported in 44 patients (3.0%), pulmonary involvement in 19 (1.3%), renal involvement in 17 (1.2%), and neurological involvement in 13 patients (0.9%). Most patients with visceral involvement had AS or PsA, and the mixed (axial + peripheral) and/or predominantly axial clinical form. Conclusion: Cardiac, renal, pulmonary, and neurological extra-articular manifestations are quite infrequent in SpA, ranging from 0.9% to 3% in this large Brazilian cohort, and affected predominantly patients with AS and PsA. © 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.523375383Sieper, J., Rudwaleit, M., Baraliakos, X., Brandt, J., Braun, J., Burgos-Vargas, R., The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) handbook: A guide to assess spondyloarthritis (2009) Ann Rheum Dis, 68 (SUPPL 2), pp. ii1-44Mielants, H., van den Bosh, F., Extra-articular manifestations (2009) Clin Exp Rheumatol, 27 (4 SUPPL 55), pp. S56-S61van der Cruyssen, B., Ribbens, C., Boonen, A., Mielants, H., de Vlam, K., Lenaerts, J., The epidemiology of ankylosing spondylitis and the commencement of anti-TNF therapy in daily rheumatology practice (2007) Ann Rheum Dis, 66 (8), pp. 1072-1077van der Linden, S., Valkenburg, H.A., Cats, A., Evaluation of diagnostic criteria for ankylosing spondylitis. 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    A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain

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    Task-free functional connectivity in animal models provides an experimental framework to examine connectivity phenomena under controlled conditions and allows for comparisons with data modalities collected under invasive or terminal procedures. Currently, animal acquisitions are performed with varying protocols and analyses that hamper result comparison and integration. Here we introduce StandardRat, a consensus rat functional magnetic resonance imaging acquisition protocol tested across 20 centers. To develop this protocol with optimized acquisition and processing parameters, we initially aggregated 65 functional imaging datasets acquired from rats across 46 centers. We developed a reproducible pipeline for analyzing rat data acquired with diverse protocols and determined experimental and processing parameters associated with the robust detection of functional connectivity across centers. We show that the standardized protocol enhances biologically plausible functional connectivity patterns relative to previous acquisitions. The protocol and processing pipeline described here is openly shared with the neuroimaging community to promote interoperability and cooperation toward tackling the most important challenges in neuroscience