46 research outputs found

    Boron isotope geochemistry of Na-bicarbonate, Na-chloride, and Ca-chloride waters from the Northern Apennine Foredeep basin: other pieces of the sedimentary basin puzzle

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    The boron stable isotope ratio δ11B of 12 water samples representative of three chemical facies (fresh Na-bicarbonate, brackish Na-chloride, saline, and brine Ca-chloride) has been analyzed. Interpretation of the δ11B data, along with the chemical compositions, reveals that Na-carbonate waters from the Northern Apennine are of meteoric origin, with boron contributions from clay desorption and mixing with seawater-derived fluids of Na-chloride or Ca-chloride compositions. The comparison of our new results with the literature data on other sedimentary basins of Mediterranean, and worldwide, confirms the contribution of Na-bicarbonate waters to the genesis of mud volcano fluids. The Na-chloride sample of Salvarola (SAL), which may represent the end-member of the mud volcanoes, and the Ca-chloride brine water from Salsomaggiore (SM) indicate boron release from clays compatible with the diagenetic process. The empirical equation: δ11B=[5.1364×ln(1/B)mgl-1]+44.601relating boron concentration and the stable isotope composition of the fluids observed in this study and the literature is proposed to trace the effect of diagenesis in sedimentary basins. A geothermometer associated to the diagenetic equation is also proposed: T{ring operator}C=[δ11B-38.873(±1.180)]/[-0.164(±0.012)] The application of this equation to obtain reservoir temperatures from δ11B compositions of waters should be carefully evaluated against the results obtained from other chemical and isotopic geothermometers from other basins around the world

    Portable Raman Spectrometer for in situ analysis of asbestos and fibrous minerals

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    Asbestos inhalation is associated with fatal respiratory diseases and raises concerns from the perspective of workplace safety and environmental impacts. Asbestos and asbestos-like minerals naturally occur in rocks and may become airborne when outcrops or soils are disturbed by anthropic activities. In situ detection of these minerals is a crucial step for the risk evaluation of natural sites. We assess here whether a portable Raman spectrometer (pRS) may be used in the identification of asbestos and asbestos-like minerals at the mining front during exploitation. pRS performance was tested at three geologically different mining sites in Italy and New Caledonia and compared with a high-resolution micro-Raman spectrometer (HRS). About 80% of the overall in situ analyses at the mining front were successfully identified by pRS, even when intermixed phases or strongly disaggregated and altered samples were analyzed. Chrysotile and tremolite asbestos, asbestos-like antigorite, and balangeroite were correctly detected during surveys. The major difficulties faced during in situ pRS measurements were fluorescence emission and focussing the laser beam on non-cohesive bundles of fibers. pRS is adequate for discriminating asbestos and asbestos-like minerals in situ. pRS may support risk assessment of mining sites to better protect workers and environmen

    Structural Control on Clay Mineral Authigenesis in Faulted Arkosic Sandstone of the Rio do Peixe Basin, Brazil

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    Clay minerals in structurally complex settings influence fault zone behavior and characteristics such as permeability and frictional properties. This work aims to understand the role of fault zones on clay authigenesis in arkosic, high-porosity sandstones of the Cretaceous Rio do Peixe basin, northeast Brazil. We integrated field, petrographic and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations with X-ray diffraction data (bulk and clay-size fractions). Fault zones in the field are characterized by low-porosity deformation bands, typical secondary structures developed in high-porosity sandstones. Laboratory results indicate that in the host rock far from faults, smectite, illite and subordinately kaolinite, are present within the pores of the Rio do Peixe sandstones. Such clay minerals formed after sediment deposition, most likely during shallow diagenetic processes (feldspar dissolution) associated with meteoric water circulation. Surprisingly, within fault zones the same clay minerals are absent or are present in amounts which are significantly lower than those in the undeformed sandstone. This occurs because fault activity obliterates porosity and reduces permeability by cataclasis, thus: (1) destroying the space in which clay minerals can form; and (2) providing a generally impermeable tight fabric in which external meteoric fluid flow is inhibited. We conclude that the development of fault zones in high-porosity arkosic sandstones, contrary to other low-porosity lithologies, inhibits clay mineral authigenesis

    Micro-Raman mapping of the polymorphs of serpentine

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    Serpentinites are rocks, often used in buildings, formed in large extent by minerals of the serpentine group: chrysotile, antigorite, lizardite, and polygonal serpentine. The fibrous type (e.g. chrysotile) of serpentine group minerals, along with several amphibole varieties (e.g. actinolite and tremolite), are the major components of asbestos family. The exposure to fine fibrous asbestos powder is linked to diseases such as pleural mesothelioma and asbestosis. The identification of the main varieties of the serpentine group, laminated or fibrous, becomes an issue of great interest for public health. This work introduces an analytical strategy able to distinguish the different serpentine polymorphs directly on the sample, allowing the analysiswithin their textural environment, evidencing at themicrometer scale the mineral reactions of the phases. Samples coming from the Koniambo massif (Grande Terre Island, New Caledonia) were studied by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Raman peaks observed in the high wavenumber spectral range of 3550–3850 cm-1, associated with OH stretching vibrations, allow the iscrimination of the all four serpentine varieties. The relationship between the different varieties of serpentine, at a micrometric scale, in complex samples, has been investigated by two-dimensional Raman mapping