11 research outputs found

    Identificação e caracterização de genes relacionados à biossíntese de ácidos clorogênicos em Coffea arabica L.

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    O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café no cenário mundial , a lém de ser o segundo maior mercado consumidor da bebida, atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos. Pesquisas estão em desenvolvimento para aumentar o conhecimento genético de cafeeiros relacionada com a qualidade do produto. A qualidade da bebida é diretamente influenciada pelos compostos químicos presentes no grão de café, como por exemplo, ácidos clorogênicos (CGAs) que são relacionados à adstringência da bebida. Visando uma maior compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares e genéticos associados a produção dos CGAs, os objetivos deste trabalho são: i) identifica rdosgenes da viade biossíntese dos CGAs; ii) caracterizar o perfil transcricional in silico para alguns genes candidatos. Neste estudo foi utilizada uma montagem de Novo do transcriptoma de C. arabica e os seus respectivos 65,480 unigenes obtidos através de RNA-Seq de folhas, flores e de persiperma de frutos em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. Foram identificados 45 genes candidatos para a via de biossíntese dos CGAs, os quais incluem todos os principais genes descritos para esta rota metabólica (fenilalanina amonialiase, cinamato 4-hidroxilase, 4-couramato CoA ligase, 4-couramato 3-hidroxilase, hidroxicinamoil quinato transferase e cafeoil-CoA O-metilttransferase)

    Diterpenes biochemical profile and transcriptional analysis of cytochrome P450s genes in leaves, roots, flowers, and during Coffea arabica L. fruit development.

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    Lipids are among the major chemical compounds present in coffee beans, and they affect the flavor and aroma of the coffee beverage. Coffee oil is rich in kaurene diterpene compounds, mainly cafestol (CAF) and kahweol (KAH), which are related to plant defense mechanisms and to nutraceutical and sensorial beverage characteristics. Despite their importance, the final steps of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis remain unknown. To understand the molecular basis of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis, we report the content dynamics of CAF and KAH in several Coffea arabica tissues and the transcriptional analysis of cytochrome P450 genes (P450). We measured CAF and KAH concentrations in leaves, roots, flower buds, flowers and fruit tissues at seven developmental stages (30e240 days after flowering - DAF) using HPLC. Higher CAF levels were detected in flower buds and flowers when compared to fruits. In contrast, KAH concentration increased along fruit development, peaking at 120 DAF. We did not detect CAF or KAH in leaves, and higher amounts of KAH than CAF were detected in roots. Using P450 candidate genes from a coffee EST database, we performed RT-qPCR transcriptional analysis of leaves, flowers and fruits at three developmental stages (90, 120 and 150 DAF). Three P450 genes (CaCYP76C4, CaCYP82C2 and CaCYP74A1) had transcriptional patterns similar to CAF concentration and two P450 genes (CaCYP71A25 and CaCYP701A3) have transcript accumulation similar to KAH concentration. These data warrant further investigation of these P450s as potential candidate genes involved in the final stages of the CAF and KAH biosynthetic pathways

    Diterpenes biochemical profile and transcriptional analysis of cytochrome P450s genes in leaves, roots, flowers, and during Coffea arabica L. fruit development.

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    Lipids are among the major chemical compounds present in coffee beans, and they affect the flavor and aroma of the coffee beverage. Coffee oil is rich in kaurene diterpene compounds, mainly cafestol (CAF) and kahweol (KAH), which are related to plant defense mechanisms and to nutraceutical and sensorial beverage characteristics. Despite their importance, the final steps of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis remain unknown. To understand the molecular basis of coffee diterpenes biosynthesis, we report the content dynamics of CAF and KAH in several Coffea arabica tissues and the transcriptional analysis of cytochrome P450 genes (P450). We measured CAF and KAH concentrations in leaves, roots, flower buds, flowers and fruit tissues at seven developmental stages (30?240 days after flowering - DAF) using HPLC. Higher CAF levels were detected in flower buds and flowers when compared to fruits. In contrast, KAH concentration increased along fruit development, peaking at 120 DAF. We did not detect CAF or KAH in leaves, and higher amounts of KAH than CAF were detected in roots. Using P450 candidate genes from a coffee EST database, we performed RT-qPCR transcriptional analysis of leaves, flowers and fruits at three developmental stages (90, 120 and 150 DAF). Three P450 genes (CaCYP76C4, CaCYP82C2 and CaCYP74A1) had transcriptional patterns similar to CAF concentration and two P450 genes (CaCYP71A25 and CaCYP701A3) have transcript accumulation similar to KAH concentration. These data warrant further investigation of these P450s as potential candidate genes involved in the final stages of the CAF and KAH biosynthetic pathways.201

    Primer aislamiento de Escherichia coli O157:H7 enterohemorrágica en el Perú

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    En Febrero del año 2001 como parte del «Estudio transversal de los agentes etiológicos de diarrea aguda» en la Macroregión Sur del país, el Laboratorio Referencial de Tacna aisló una cepa procedente de una muestra de heces de un lactante de 11 meses de edad con un cuadro de diarrea disentérica, identificándola como Escherichia coli O157. Esta cepa fue confirmada y caracterizada en el Instituto Nacional de Salud como E. coli O157:H7 toxina shiga tipo II, siendo el primer aislamiento reportado de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica en el Perú