20 research outputs found

    Synoptic solar observations of the Solar Flare Telescope focusing on space weather

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    The solar group at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is conducting synoptic solar observations with the Solar Flare Telescope. While it is a part of a long-term solar monitoring, contributing to the study of solar dynamo governing solar activity cycles, it is also an attempt at contributing to space weather research. The observations include imaging with filters for Hα\alpha, Ca K, G-band, and continuum, and spectropolarimetry at the wavelength bands including the He I 1083.0 nm / Si I 1082.7 nm and the Fe I 1564.8 nm lines. Data for the brightness, Doppler signal, and magnetic field information of the photosphere and the chromosphere are obtained. In addition to monitoring dynamic phenomena like flares and filament eruptions, we can track the evolution of the magnetic fields that drive them on the basis of these data. Furthermore, the magnetic field in solar filaments, which develops into a part of the interplanetary magnetic cloud after their eruption and occasionally hits the Earth, can be inferred in its pre-eruption configuration. Such observations beyond mere classical monitoring of the Sun will hereafter become crucially important from the viewpoint of the prediction of space weather phenomena. The current synoptic observations with the Solar Flare Telescope is considered to be a pioneering one for future synoptic observations of the Sun with advanced instruments.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Report on the In-school Workshop of Academic Portfolio First in Japan

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    大阪府立大学工業高等専門学校では,教育改善の一環として2009年よりティーチング・ポートフォ リオ作成ワークショップを開催している.既に作成者数も本校教員の過半数を超えるようになった.こ の度,ティーチング・ポートフォリオ作成者を対象として,2012年3月上旬に3日間のアカデミック・ ポートフォリオ作成ワークショップをティーチング・ポートフォリオ作成ワークショップと同時に開催 した.本稿では,アカデミック・ポートフォリオ作成ワークショップの概要を報告し,ワークショップ 参加者の感想をメンター及びメンティーの立場から述べる.最後にアカデミック・ポートフォリオにお ける一番重要な視点である統合の考え方について考察する

    Annual Report:

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    Synthesis of Novel Globular Assemblages of Base-Amplifying Units to Apply to Photopolymer Systems

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    Decay of Labile Volatile Organic Compounds during the Measurement of Vehicle Exhaust

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