14 research outputs found

    On the Stark Effect of the Line H_α

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    (1) A new canal-ray tube was designed to obtain sharp Doppler lines and an intense rest line of H_α. By observing the tube in the longitudinal direction, the Stark pattern of the rest line was photographed in the field 14, 790 V./cm. (2) The observed intensities are in general accordance with "dynamische Intensitaeten", but considerable enhancements and asymmetries were found in some of the components. (3) These discrepancies have been explained by the inequality in numbers of atoms excited into the initial states per second, caused by that the mean free time of residual gas atoms was not so large compared with the life time of their excited states. (4) The observed asymmetries in the displacements are in good accordance with the theoretical values derived by Schlapp. (5) Small enhancement was observed in the displacement of the first-order Stark effect. (6) The coefficient of the first-order Stark effect amounts to 6.44×10^±0.3%, which is 0.5% greater than the theoretical value. In conclusion, the writer wishes to express, his best thanks to Prof. J. Okubo, for the continual interest and encouragement throughout the course of this investigation

    On the Stark Effect of the Line H_β

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    In this paper, the writer wishes to describe the observational results of the Stark effect of the line H_β. The rest line of the canal-ray was separated spectroscopically from the Doppler lines and its Stark effect was observed. The rest line was much sharper compared with the line given by the transverse observation of the canal-ray and the Stark components were well resolved in the field of 11, 570 V./cm. The intestities of the Stark pattern obtained were found to be in fair agreement with "dynamische Intensitaten", except those of the components ±4 and ±6. These discrepancies were explained by that the mean free time of the residual gas atoms was not extremely great compared with the mean lives of their excited states. The observed asymmetries of the displacements are in excellent accordance with the theoretical values computed by Ryde. It was found, however, that the displacement was about 0.4% greater in every individual component than that which is theoretically expected. The most probable value of the coefficient of the first-order Stark effect was given as (6.433±0.012)×10^

    Distribution of Diacylglycerylhydroxymethyltrimethyl-β-alanine (DGTA) and Phosphatidylcholine in Brown Algae

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    Lipids were analyzed in thirteen species of brown algae collected at the seashore near Tokyo, Japan. Diacylglycerylhydroxymethyltrimethyl-β-alanine (DGTA), a recently identified betaine lipid, was found as a major lipid component in eight species of brown algae examined, namely, Ishige okamurai, Dictyota dichotoma, Pachydictyon coriaceum, Padina arborescens, Hizikia fusiformis, Sargassum horneri, S. ringgoldianum and S. thunbergii. However, phosphatidylcholine (PC) was not detected in any of these algae except I. okamurai. By contrast, PC was found as a major lipid component in five other species, namely, Colpomenia sinuosa, Endarachne binghamiae, Scytosiphon lomentarius, Eisenia bicyclis, Undaria pinnatifida. These algae in turn did not contain detectable amounts of DGTA. The fatty acid composition of four selected species, S. lomentarius, U. pinnatifida, D. dichotoma and H. fusiformis, was also studied. The fatty acid components of DGTA in D. dichotoma and H. fusiformis were similar to those of PC in U. pinnatifida, the major components being 16:0, 18:2 and 20:4ω6 (also 16:1 in D. dichotoma

    Resistivity of Evaporated Tellurium Films

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    The tellurium film was made by the vacuum evaporation and its resistivity was measured at various temperatures. When the substrate was kept at the room temperature during evaporation, the film showed a log R-1/T curve, conspicuously different from that of the bulk. By the heat treatment or by the electron bombardment, the resistivity was found to change irreversibly, becoming nearer to that of a bulk specimen. These features were explained by the crystallization of the amorphous deposit in the film. On the other hand, when the tellurium was deposited on a hot substrate, about 470°K in temperature, the resistivity of the film was found to be in good accordance with that of the bulk, giving the activation energies of 0.34 and 0.04 eV in the intrinsic and the extrinsic range, respectively

    The Thermopile for an Infra-red Spectrometer and its Application to a Vacuum Gauge

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    (1) The thermopiles have been constructed by depositing Bi-Te and Bi-Sb on thin colodion films by vacuum evaporation. (2) Thermoelectromotive force of the Bi-Te junction was measured as 450μV/℃ while that of the Bi-Sb, 120μV/℃. (3) Owing to the small heat capacity, the thermopiles were found to produce an oscillating thermoelectric power by the irradiation of the chopped infra-red ray. (4) The time constant was measured by observing the oscillating thermoelectric power in various chopping frequencies, and was given as 3/100 sec. (5) By evacuating the tube of the junction, the saturated thermoelectric power increased about 20 times. (6) The time constant also increased with equal proportion except a small discrepancy in high chopping frequency. (7) The change of characteristics due to the blackening was investigated. (8) Using the Bi-Sb junction, a convenient vacuum gauge has been constructed. In conclusion, the writers wish to their sincere appreciation to Dr. J. Okubo, the ex-superintendent professor of this institute, for his kind interest through the whole course of this work

    Variable Depth Echelette Gratings

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    In the far infrared spectroscopy, the echelette gratings are widely used not only as a dispersive medium but also as filters for short wavelength spectra. There are difficulties, however, that many kinds of gratings must be provided for the measurement of wide spectral region, because the optimum of the wavelength for a single grating is quite limited. These difficulties will be removed by making the depth of the grating variable. For the far infrared radiation, such mechanisms can be constructed and operated with sufficient accuracy

    On the Stark Effect of the Line H_α

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    On the Stark Effect of the Line H_β

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    Test of an Optical Flat by the Fabry Perot Etalon

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    Test of an Optical Flat by the Fabry Perot Etalon

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    To test the flatness of an optical fiat, a simple optical system, combined with the Fabry Perot etalon, has been [1evise[1, which affords sharp contour lines of elevation (or depression) in the image of the flat. When the fiat to be tested is held oblique to that to be referred, the elevation is indicated by the deviation of contour lines which are to be straight, parallel and equidistant if the flat is perfect, Analyzing the contour lines, the flatness has been measured with the accuracy of 1/200λ When the flats are held in parallel, only one contour line appears and in order to displace the line, the pressure of air in the etalon has been varied. In this case, the flatness can be surveyed without any analysis. This optical system is available to measure a minute displacement or a small change of an angle. In conclusion, the writers wish to express their best thanks to Dr. J. Okubo, ex-super-intendent professor of this institute, for his continued interest and encouragement in this work