19 research outputs found

    A Study of responsive teaching of Communication Ability of Young Children - A Text Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Questions of Parents and Nursery School Teachers -

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    本稿は、認定こども園の1 ~ 5 歳児の園児の保護者63名と、保育者24名を対象に、保護者と保育者の自由記述を基にしたテキストマイニングによる分析を行い、保護者と保育者の幼児のコミュニケーション能力に関する意識の比較を通して、幼児のコミュニケーション能力に関する指導法についての知見を得ることを目的として行った。その結果、保護者と保育者が共通して幼児のコミュニケーション能力が育っている場面としてとらえていたのは、「友達」と「遊ぶ」場面や、「伝える」場面であった。保護者も言葉の重要性を感じていたが、保育者は、「自分」の「気持ち」を「言葉」で伝える場面を大切にしていた。また、「言葉」で「伝える」ことがうまくいかず「泣く」「姿」のような葛藤する場面、「子ども」「同士」の「貸し借り」をする「姿」、相互交渉する場面も保育者は幼児のコミュニケーション能力が育っている場面ととらえていたことが明らかになった。保育者は保護者に対して、「言葉」で伝える際に、上手くいかない際にもその葛藤を支え、子どもの思いを代弁しながら支持していくかかわりが求められることが示唆された。departmental bulletin pape

    Evaluation Tendency of Experienced Child Care Providers on the Appropriateness of Manner of Speaking by Current Child Care Providers and Students to 3-Year-Old Children —Focusing on Reflection, Evaluation, Interpretation, and Meaning Making—

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the evaluation tendency of experienced caregivers on the appropriateness of manner of speaking by current caregivers and students, who were interacting with 3 -year-old children with "desirable attitude" and "attitude needs consideration". We analyzed evaluations by a former public kindergarten director who had worked for 36 years and a child care provider who had worked at a private kindergarten for 15 years and had no experience in a supervisory position. In both evaluations, a similar trend was found for the "attitude needs consideration". However, there was a discrepancy between the two in terms of the “desirable attitude”. This result suggests that reflection, evaluation criteria, interpretation, and meaning making based on childcare experience are more important in capturing "manner of speaking" for "attitude needs consideration”.departmental bulletin pape

    Scaling of in Vitro Membrane Permeability to Predict P-glycoprotein-Mediated Drug Absorption in Vivo

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    RESEARCH ARTICLES Assessment of Pharmacy Students' Communication Competence Using the Roter Interaction Analysis System During Objective Structured Clinical Examinations

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    Objective. To determine the value of using the Roter Interaction Analysis System during objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) to assess pharmacy students' communication competence. Methods. As pharmacy students completed a clinical OSCE involving an interview with a simulated patient, 3 experts used a global rating scale to assess students' overall performance in the interview, and both the student's and patient's languages were coded using the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). The coders recorded the number of utterances (ie, units of spoken language) in each RIAS category. Correlations between the raters' scores and the number and types of utterances were examined. Results. There was a significant correlation between students' global rating scores on the OSCE and the number of utterances in the RIAS socio-emotional category but not the RIAS business category. Conclusions. The RIAS proved to be a useful tool for assessing the socio-emotional aspect of students' interview skills

    Data on correlation between CT-derived and MRI-derived myocardial extracellular volume

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    This article describes data related to a research article titled “Estimation of myocardial extracellular volume fraction with cardiac CT in subjects without clinical coronary artery disease: A feasibility study”, Kurita et al. (in press) [1]. Myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECV) is an imaging biomarker that can elevate in various heart diseases. This article describes correlation between CT-derived and MRI-derived ECV in 24 myocardial segments in 8 patients. CT-derived ECV was obtained from pre-contrast and delayed-phase images acquired by using dual-source CT system. MRI-derived ECV was obtained by using modified Look-Locker inversion recovery sequence implemented on a 3 T MRI system

    The Strip-Hippo Pathway Regulates Synaptic Terminal Formation by Modulating Actin Organization at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Synapses

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    SummarySynapse formation requires the precise coordination of axon elongation, cytoskeletal stability, and diverse modes of cell signaling. The underlying mechanisms of this interplay, however, remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Strip, a component of the striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase (STRIPAK) complex that regulates these processes, is required to ensure the proper development of synaptic boutons at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. In doing so, Strip negatively regulates the activity of the Hippo (Hpo) pathway, an evolutionarily conserved regulator of organ size whose role in synapse formation is currently unappreciated. Strip functions genetically with Enabled, an actin assembly/elongation factor and the presumptive downstream target of Hpo signaling, to modulate local actin organization at synaptic termini. This regulation occurs independently of the transcriptional co-activator Yorkie, the canonical downstream target of the Hpo pathway. Our study identifies a previously unanticipated role of the Strip-Hippo pathway in synaptic development, linking cell signaling to actin organization