12 research outputs found

    The Economic Cost of Smoking: Differences in Wages between Smokers and Non-smokers in Russia

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    This paper estimates the economic losses related to the negative effect of smoking on wages in Russia. Data from the 2006 Living Standards Survey of Russia’s Tomsk region are used to jointly estimate a system of three equations: the smoking decision equation and two separate equations for wages of smokers and non-smokers. The results show that, after controlling for observed characteristics and taking into account unobserved heterogeneity in personal characteristics, smoking has a substantial negative impact on wages of working men in Russia. It has been also shown that the effect of smoking on wages differs between males and females.smoking; differences in wages

    FASTGINI: Stata module to calculate Gini coefficient with jackknife standard errors

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    fastgini calculates the Gini coefficient as well as its jackknife standard error. Mata is used to speed-up the process for exact calculations, and plus there's an option to aggregate data first and estimate Gini on the grouped data.Gini coefficient, inequality, jackknife

    BIOPROBIT: Stata module for bivariate ordered probit regression

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    bioprobit fits maximum-likelihood two-equation ordered probit models of ordinal variables depvar1 and depvar2 on the independent variables indepvars1 and indepvars2. The actual values taken on by dependent variables are irrelevant, except that larger values are assumed to correspond to "higher" outcomes.ordered probit, bivariate ordered probit

    Maximum likelihood estimation of endogenous switching regression models

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    This article describes the movestay Stata command, which implements the maximum likelihood method to fit the endogenous switching regression model

    Creating print-ready tables in Stata

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    This article describes the new Stata command xml_tab, which outputs the results of estimation commands and Stata matrices directly into tables in XML format. The XML files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc, or they can be linked with Microsoft Word files. By using XML, xml_tab allows Stata users to apply a rich set of formatting options to the elements of output tables

    EGEN_INEQUAL: Stata module providing extensions to generate inequality and poverty measures

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    The set of programs in this package uses egen to create newvar of the optionally specified storage type equal to one of the standard inequality and Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) poverty measures.relative mean deviation ,coefficient of variation,Gini index, Mehran index, Piesch index, Kakwani index, Theil entropy index, mean log deviation generalized entropy

    Impact of interventions on discrete outcomes: Maximum likelihood estimation of the binary choice models with binary endogenous regressors

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    In this article, we describe the switch_probit command, which implements the maximum likelihood method to fit the model of the binary choice with binary endogenous regressors

    Creating print-ready tables in Stata

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    This article describes the new Stata command xml_tab, which outputs the results of estimation commands and Stata matrices directly into tables in XML format. The XML files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc, or they can be linked with Microsoft Word files. By using XML, xml_tab allows Stata users to apply a rich set of formatting options to the elements of output tables. Copyright 2008 by StataCorp LP.xml_tab, estimates, regression, matrices, xml, Excel, Word

    GCONC: Stata module to compute generalized measures of concentration

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    gconc computes the generalized measures of inequality and concentration.concentration, inequality

    LOOKFOR_ALL: Stata module to search for variables/patterns in .dta files

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    lookfor_all is an extension of a Stata program, lookfor. lookfor_all searches through all Stata data files in a current directory and subdirectories for the variable(s) with a specified pattern. The pattern could be a part/whole variable name and/or a word(part of the word) in the variable label. lookfor_all outputs the list of data files where the pattern was found and the list of variables within every data file that match the pattern. The list of files is clickable. By clicking on the file Stata loads that data file in memory and the file became active. lookfor_all can also search directories other than a current by specifying the path for a search.data management, search, pattern