56 research outputs found

    Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy could have efficacy in severe sepsis

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    Critical careMEETING ABSTRCTSSepsis 2013 / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / 5-6 November 201

    Antithrombin III concentrate may contribute to sepsis in nonovert disseminated intravascular coagulation

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    MEETING ABSTRACTSSepsis 2013 / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / 5-6 November 201

    The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: status report for IRIS imager

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    The current status of IRIS imager at NAOJ is reported. IRIS (Infrared Imaging Spectrograph) is a first light instrument of TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope). IRIS has just passed the preliminary design review and moved forward to the final design phase. In this paper, optical and mechanical design of IRIS imager and prototyping activities conducted during the preliminary design phase are summarized


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    ポリADP-リボシル化修飾反応は、タンパク質の翻訳後修飾反応のひとつであり、poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase(PARP)が産生するpoly(ADP-ribose)(PAR)が標的タンパク質に共有的もしくは非共有的に結合する。修飾を受けたタンパク質は、活性および局在が変化し、生理的役割が変化する。PARP1は、核に局在し、ヒストンをはじめとする核タンパク質をポリADP-リボシル化修飾する。一方、poly(ADPribose)glycohydrolase(PARG)は、標的タンパク質上に形成されたPAR を加水分解することで、ポリADP-リボシル化修飾反応を終結する。PARP1およびPARG によって形成されるポリADP-リボシル化修飾反応のサイクルは、DNA の修復や染色体の安定性に重要な働きを持つ。しかしながら、細胞分裂期におけるこれらのタンパク質の発現および細胞内局在については明らかになっていない。そこで、本研究では、ヒト子宮頸がん細胞株HeLa 細胞におけるPARP1およびPARG、PAR の細胞周期による細胞内局在および発現量の変化ついて検討した。 HeLa 細胞においてPARP1およびPARG は細胞分裂期に核から細胞質へ移行するとともに発現量が減少した。それに伴い、核におけるPAR の発現が減少した。加えて、細胞分裂期におけるPARP1およびPARG の減少は、転写が抑制されたことが起因となることを明らかにした。以上の結果より、細胞分裂期においてPARP1の発現および核での局在を減少させることで、核におけるポリADP-リボシル化修飾反応を抑制し染色体を不安定化させ細胞分裂を促進していることが示唆された。Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation modification is a post-translational modification of proteins in which poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) produced by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) binds covalently or non-covalently to target proteins. The modified protein changes its activity and localization, which exerts its physiological function. PARP1 localizes to the nucleus and modifies nuclear proteins such as histones by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) terminates the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation modification reaction by hydrolyzing PAR formed on the target protein. The poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation-modification cycle formed by PARP1 and PARG is important for DNA repair and chromosome stability. However, the expression and subcellular localization of these proteins during mitosis are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the subcellular localization and expression of PARP1, PARG and PAR in human cervical carcinoma cell line, HeLa cells, during the cell cycle.In HeLa cells, the expression levels of PARP1 and PARG decreased with the translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm during cell division. Accordingly, the expression of PAR in the nucleus was reduced. The decrease in PARP1 and PARG during mitosis was attributed to repressed transcription. These results indicate that decreasing PARP1 expression and localization in the nucleus during mitosis leads to the suppression of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation modification reactions in the nucleus, which decreases chromosome stability and promotes cell division.論

    The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: status report for IRIS imager

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    The current status of IRIS imager at NAOJ is reported. IRIS (Infrared Imaging Spectrograph) is a first light instrument of TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope). IRIS has just passed the preliminary design review and moved forward to the final design phase. In this paper, optical and mechanical design of IRIS imager and prototyping activities conducted during the preliminary design phase are summarized