727 research outputs found

    Hyper-elliptic Nambu flow associated with integrable maps

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    We study hyper-elliptic Nambu flows associated with some nn dimensional maps and show that discrete integrable systems can be reproduced as flows of this class.Comment: 13 page

    Degeneration of the Julia set to singular loci of algebraic curves

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    We show that, when a non-integrable rational map changes to an integrable one continuously, a large part of the Julia set of the map approach indeterminate points (IDP) of the map along algebraic curves. We will see that the IDPs are singular loci of the curves.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure


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    九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告 No.21ME-S7 「非線形波動研究の現状と将来 : 次の10 年への展望」RIAM Symposium No.21ME-S7 Current and Future Research on Nonlinear Waves : Perspectives for the Next Decade我々は今までの研究で高次元可積分系の周期点は充分な保存量があれば、不変周期点多様体(IVPP)を各周期毎に形成するということを示してきた。一方、非可積分写像を特徴付けるのはジュリア集合(不安定周期点集合の閉包)である。本研究では非可積分写像と可積分写像をパラメーターで連続的に繋ぐ高次元有理写像を考え、ジュリア集合が可積分極限ではどのように振舞って消滅するかを解析的に調べた

    Decentralization of knowledge

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    Martin-Barbero highlights the transformation of education in the passage from an educational-system society to a learning society, and the displacements in the specificity of the place of learning, which reconfigure the hegemony and legitimacy of knowledge. Nowadays, media networks expose the multiplicity of circulation channels and the decentralization of knowledge towards a new communicative ecosystem, with challenges and interactions, that reinforce the importance of the communication space of knowledge sharing