26 research outputs found

    El surgimiento de China: Una visión desde América Central

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    Este estudio trata sobre el impacto del surgimiento de China en las economías centroamericanas, con especial énfasis en Guatemala y Honduras. Generalmente, la temática del impacto de China se la enfoca desde el punto de vista de las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las economías de América Central sin reparar que también el rápido crecimiento y la gran apertura de la economía china presentan nuevas potencialidades que pueden ser aprovechadas por los países de la región. Este estudio presenta análisis y recomendaciones para afianzar las ventajas competitivas que ya han desarrollado los países de centroamericanos, particularmente en el sector vestuario-textil, y otras que se vislumbran como posibles, de frente a los desafíos que enfrentan por parte de la fuerte competitividad de las industrias chinas. Pero también aborda cómo aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades que ofrece el mercado chino para las exportaciones de bienes y de servicios turísticos de la región, así como también las políticas que se necesitan para comenzar a atraer inversión directa desde ese país.Desarrollo y crecimiento económicos, Inversión, Globalización e integración regional, Desarrollo empresarial, NFP

    Las nuevas afinidades regionales en el Pacífico : ensayo de construcción de un marco conceptual

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    The present work attempts to construct a conceptual framework to examine the complex structure generated by the large number of existing institutions or those in the process of creation in this region. It includes a conceptual exercise on organizations associated with regional integration processes and trade negotiations, which are generically called economic association organizations. In the first place it is about highlighting the diversity and complexity of these organizations, and secondly; show that they cannot be fully understood by purely economic analysis. On the other hand, when introducing the historical dimension, the similarity of regional integration processes with other historical processes stands out. According to this interpretation, current integration processes are nothing more than a modern version of geopolitical transformations that have taken place in the past, so an integrated analysis of these transformations can be carried out.El presente trabajo intenta construir un marco conceptual para examinar la compleja estructura generada por el elevado número de instituciones existentes o en proceso de creación en esta región. Incluye un ejercicio conceptual sobre las organizaciones asociadas a los procesos de integración regional y negociaciones comerciales a las que denominamos genéricamente organizaciones de asociación económica. En primer lugar se trata de poner en evidencia la diversidad y complejidad de estas organizaciones, y en segundo lugar; demostrar que ellas no pueden comprenderse cabalmente mediante un análisis puramente económico. Por otra parte, al introducir la dimensión histórica, se destaca la semejanza de los procesos de integración regional con procesos históricos. De acuerdo con esta interpretación, los procesos de integración actuales no son más que una versión moderna de transformaciones geopolíticas que han tenido lugar en el pasado, por lo que cabe realizar un análisis integrado de estas transformaciones

    Towards an Understanding of Global Crises

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    This paper offers some elements for the construction of a theory of global crises. It distinguishes between man-made crises and human-induced crises. The conceptual framework developed draws upon the ideas set forth by Douglass North in his explanations of the historical process of economic change and by Ronald Heiner in his critique of the conventional rationality assumption. As case studies for the framework developed here, the paper discusses three of the most conspicuous global crises: the environmental, the demographic and the financial crises. In the case of the environment a brief discussion on current hydric and energy crises in Brazil is also offered

    Catégories tannakiennes

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    Financing Human Capital: Families & Society

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    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) describes human capital as “knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes embodied in individuals that facilitate the creation of personal, social and economic wellbeing.”* It follows from this interpretation that investment in human capital includes the sum of all costs that allow a new being to reach economic autonomy. In this paper we analyze the family and social dimensions of human capital and discuss how decisions on human capital formation are taken and how its associated costs are shared. The discussion leads us to identify an important paradox underlying human capital formation, namely the fact that while families are its main contributors the benefits of such investment go primarily to society as a whole. This paradox and its consequences are central to two very important current issues. The first issue, one that is common to many developed countries, is low female fertility which is the source, in particular, of population aging. The second issue, affecting chiefly developing countries, is the inequality of opportunities, a problem lying at the root of underdevelopment. Two options are discussed to respond to this dilemma, one based on redistributive programs and another on market solutions. The paper discusses the limits inherent to redistributive programs and goes on to present at length the alternative market solution. In a nutshell this consists of securitizing the human capital of individuals so as to finance the expenses leading to their upbringing, from birth to adulthood. In addition to describing this scheme the paper analyzes its advantages as well as the difficulties associated with its implementation. It concludes by exploring possible interpretations of the scheme and feasible routes for its adoption

    African power in the 21st century and beyond

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    The paper examines the concept of international power in connection with demographic trends as forecast by the United Nations. It focuses its attention on the situation of Africa, a region projected to become the second largest in terms of population by the turn of the century. The argument to be developed is that the large number of new entrants to labor markets of African countries will likely be deprived of the labor skills necessary to allow them earn a livelihood. The “demographic dividend” will thus be denied and the consequences will be felt not only in Africa but in the world at large, most acutely in Europe. To prevent the rise of this “disruptive” power in Africa the paper offers some novel ideas on how to redesign Official Development Assistance (ODA) so as to promote human capital investment

    Catégories Tannakiennes

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    428 tr.; 26 cm