28 research outputs found

    Groundwater vulnerability to pesticides in Northwest Bangladesh

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    The transport and leaching potential hazards of various pesticides were studied in a shallow unconfined aquifer located in Northwest Bangladesh. Pesticide leaching potential was quantified using a one-dimensional advective–dispersive transport equation for a non-conservative chemical that follows first-order decay and linear adsorption in soils. Leaching potential index (LPI) was calculated for 69 sites in the study area to evaluate the relative vulnerability to pesticide leaching and to prioritize sites for model study and soil sampling. The numerical ranks of computed LPI were grouped by quantiles into very high, high, moderate, low and very low categories; and based on these rankings, the most vulnerable site was selected. The fate and transport of pesticides in this most vulnerable site was modeled using MT3D. The model results indicate that pesticides with high sorptivity and moderate to high persistence have low potential impact on groundwater. Top soils are found to be particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of organochlorine pesticides. Results also revealed that decreasing the soil organic matter and increasing the half-life of the pesticides at deeper depths did not make any significant change. Finally, six soil samples were collected from the same site at depths of 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, and 7.5 m for the analysis of pesticide residues. The soil–water was extracted from the samples following standard extraction technique and tested using gas chromatography (GC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for pesticide residues. Results showed no trace of pesticide residues in the soil–water; however, a few unknown peaks were detected indicating the use of some unknown brand of chemicals in the study area

    Hybrid approach to model the spatial regulation of T cell responses

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    BACKGROUND: Moving from the molecular and cellular level to a multi-scale systems understanding of immune responses requires the development of novel approaches to integrate knowledge and data from different biological levels into mechanism-based integrative mathematical models. The aim of our study is to present a methodology for a hybrid modelling of immunological processes in their spatial context. METHODS: A two-level hybrid mathematical model of immune cell migration and interaction integrating cellular and organ levels of regulation for a 2D spatial consideration of idealized secondary lymphoid organs is developed. It considers the population dynamics of antigen-presenting cells, CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes in naive-, proliferation- and differentiated states. Cell division is assumed to be asymmetric and regulated by the extracellular concentration of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and type I interferon (IFN), together controlling the balance between proliferation and differentiation. The cytokine dynamics is described by reaction-diffusion PDEs whereas the intracellular regulation is modelled with a system of ODEs. RESULTS: The mathematical model has been developed, calibrated and numerically implemented to study various scenarios in the regulation of T cell immune responses to infection, in particular the change in the diffusion coefficient of type I IFN as compared to IL-2. We have shown that a hybrid modelling approach provides an efficient tool to describe and analyze the interplay between spatio-temporal processes in the emergence of abnormal immune response dynamics. DISCUSSION: Virus persistence in humans is often associated with an exhaustion of T lymphocytes. Many factors can contribute to the development of exhaustion. One of them is associated with a shift from a normal clonal expansion pathway to an altered one characterized by an early terminal differentiation of T cells. We propose that an altered T cell differentiation and proliferation sequence can naturally result from a spatial separation of the signaling events delivered via TCR, IL-2 and type I IFN receptors. Indeed, the spatial overlap of the concentration fields of extracellular IL-2 and IFN in lymph nodes changes dynamically due to different migration patterns of APCs and CD4 + T cells secreting them. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed hybrid mathematical model of the immune response represents a novel analytical tool to examine challenging issues in the spatio-temporal regulation of cell growth and differentiation, in particular the effect of timing and location of activation signals