28 research outputs found

    Постать Тараса Шевченка в рецепції Ліни Костенко

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    У статті розглядається поетика творення Ліною Костенко образу Кобзаря крізь призму власного "я", через пережиті відчуття поета-шістдесятника, що своєю проекцією нагадують душевні терзання великого поета.В статье рассмотрена поэтика создания Линой Костенко образа Тараса Шевченко сквозь призму собственного "я", через пережитые ощущения поэта-шестидесятника, своей проекцией напоминающие душевные терзания великого поэта.The article deals with the problem of the poetics creation by Lina Kostenko Taras Shevchenko’ image through a prism her own mind, through sensations of the poet-sixtier, by the projection reminding sincere torments the great poet is considered

    Excited-State Dynamics in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    Household headship and academic skills of Indian children: a special focus on gender disparities

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    Using multivariate analyses and reading, mathematics and writing scores of children (aged 8-11 years) from a nationally representative sample, we find that children from female headed households either perform better or similar, but never worse than those from male headed households. Also, household fixed effect analysis reveals no gender disparity in academic scores of children belonging to female headed households, a case not true for children from male headed households. We relate this finding to gender parity in educational expenditure on children in female headed households against gender disparity in the same in households headed by males. Based on our findings we also offer some policy suggestion