31 research outputs found


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    Objectives To evaluate the early and late postoperative complications, upper urinary tract morphology and function and metabolic alterations which may occur after ileal continent orthotopic urinary diversion. Patients and Methods Between July 1999 and January 2001, 42 male patients were subjected to radical cystoprostatectomy for bladder cancer and orthotopic urinary diversion at the urology departments of Cairo University and Suez Canal University Hospitals. All cases were evaluated clinically, bacteriologically, urodynamically and radiologically during the early and late postoperative periods (at 3 – 6 months and 6 – 18 months, respectively). The patients were divided into three groups: in Group I (22 cases) a W neobladder was fashioned with the uretero-ileal anastomosis done by creating extramural serosally lined tunnels. In Group II (12 cases) a Camey II pouch was done with ureteroileal anastomosis by direct end-to-end anastomosis in four and by Le Duc technique in eight pouches. In Group III (8 cases) a Kock's pouch was done with the ureters being directly implanted in the afferent loop above the constructed intussusception ileal nipple valve. In all types of reservoirs we used 45 cm of the ileum. Preoperatively all but four ureters were normal. These four ureters were dilated and uretero-ileal anastomosis was done by extramural serosally lined tunnels. Results In the early follow-up period total diurnal continence was achieved in 72%, 75% and 75% of the patients of Groups I, II and III, respectively, versus 91%, 83% and 88% in the late postoperative period. Nocturnal continence was achieved in 64%, 67% and 63% during the early postoperative period compared to 73%, 75% and 75% in the postoperative period for the three groups, respectively. In the early postoperative period complications occurred in 33% of the patients including ureteroileal leakage (9.5%), a prolonged pouchourethral anastomotic leakage (11.9%), wound dehiscence (4.7%), deep venous thrombosis (2.3%), bronchopneumonia (2.3%) and a prolonged ileus (2.3%). Late complications occurred in 26.2% of the patients including urethral recurrence, pelvic recurrence and urethroileal anastomotic stricture in 4.8%, 14.2%, 4.8%, respectively and urethral stricture at the bulbomembranous junction in 2.4%. A higher incidence of renal deterioration was detected in cases where the ureters were implanted directly (60%) or in cases where the ureters were implanted by Le Duc technique (30%). Deterioration was noted in 12.5% of the cases where the ureters were implanted in an intussusception nipple valve and in 4.5% of the renal units where the ureters were implanted in an extramural serosally lined tunnel. At 9 months postoperatively metabolic acidosis occurred in one patient with a Camey II neobladder. Conclusion A number of early and late postoperative complications were encountered after orthotopic neobladder. Metabolic complications were found in the form of metabolic acidosis in one patient. The lowest incidence of renal deterioration was reported in cases with extramural serosally lined ureteroileal anastomosis. Complications du RĂ©servoir IlĂ©al Orthotopique Objectifs: Evaluer les complications postopĂ©ratoires prĂ©coces et tardives, la morphologie et la fonction du haut appareil urinaire et les changements mĂ©taboliques qui peuvent se produire aprĂšs la dĂ©rivation urinaire orthotopique continente ilĂ©ale. Patients et MĂ©thodes: Entre juillet 1999 et janvier 2001, 42 patients de sexe masculin ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  une cystoprostatectomie radicale pour un cancer de vessie et une dĂ©rivation urinaire orthotopique aux services d'urologie des hĂŽpitaux de l'universitĂ© du Caire et de l'universitĂ© du Canal de Suez. Tous les cas ont subi une Ă©valuation mĂ©dicale, bactĂ©riologique, urodynamique et radiologique pendant les pĂ©riodes postopĂ©ratoires prĂ©coces et tardives (Ă  3 - 6 mois et 6 - 18 mois, respectivement). Les patients ont Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©s en trois groupes: dans le groupe I (22 cas) une neovessie en W a Ă©tĂ© façonnĂ© avec anastomose uretero-ilĂ©ale extra-murale crĂ©ant un tunnel sĂ©reux. Dans le groupe II (12 cas) une poche de Camey II a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e avec anastomose uretero-ileale type bout Ă  bout direct dans 4 cas et par la technique de Le Duc dans 8 cas. Dans le groupe III (8 cas) une poche de Kock a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e avec des uretĂšres directement implantĂ©s dans la boucle affĂ©rente au-dessus de la valve ilĂ©ale construite de mamelon d'intussusception. Dans tous les types de rĂ©servoirs nous avons employĂ© 45 centimĂštres de l'ilĂ©on. En prĂ©opĂ©ratoire tous sauf quatre uretĂšres Ă©taient normaux. Ces quatre uretĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© dilatĂ©s et l'anastomose uretero-ilĂ©ale a Ă©tĂ© faite par des tunnels intrasĂ©reux extra-muraux. RĂ©sultats: Pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©coce de suivi la continence diurne Ă©tait totale dans 72%, 75% et 75% des patients des groupes I, II et III, respectivement, contre 91%, 83% et 88% vers la fin de la pĂ©riode postopĂ©ratoire. La continence nocturne Ă©tait totale dans 64%, 67% et 63% pendant la pĂ©riode postopĂ©ratoire prĂ©coce comparĂ©e Ă  73%, Ă  75% et Ă  75% de la pĂ©riode postopĂ©ratoire tardive pour les trois groupes, respectivement. Dans la pĂ©riode postopĂ©ratoire prĂ©coce les complications ont Ă©tĂ© notĂ©es chez 33% des patients comprenant la fuite urĂ©tĂ©ro-ileale (9.5%), une fuite anastomotique prolongĂ©e entre la poche et l'urĂštre (11.9%), la dĂ©hiscence de la paroi (4.7%), la thrombose veineuse profonde (2.3%), le broncho-pneumonie (2.3%) et un ileus prolongĂ© (2.3%). Les complications tardives se sont produites chez 26.2% des patients comprenant la rĂ©currence urĂ©trale, la rĂ©currence pelvienne et la stĂ©nose anastomotique urethro-ileale dans 4.8%, 14.2%, 4.8%, respectivement et la stĂ©nose urĂ©trale Ă  la jonction bulbomembraneuse dans 2.4%. Une incidence plus Ă©levĂ©e d'altĂ©rations rĂ©nales a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e dans les cas oĂč les uretĂšres Ă©taient implantĂ©s directement (60%) ou dans les cas oĂč les uretĂšres Ă©taient implantĂ©s par la technique de Le Duc (30%). La dĂ©tĂ©rioration a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e dans 12.5% des cas oĂč les uretĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©s dans une valve d'intussusception et dans 4.5% des unitĂ©s rĂ©nales oĂč les uretĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©s dans un tunnel intra sĂ©reux extra-mural. À 9 mois postopĂ©ratoire l'acidose mĂ©tabolique s'est produite chez un patient prĂ©sentant une neovessie de Camey II. Conclusion: Un certain nombre de complications post-opĂ©ratoires prĂ©coces et tardives ont Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©es aprĂšs neovessie orthotopique. Des complications mĂ©taboliques ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es sous forme d'acidose mĂ©tabolique chez un patient. L'incidence la plus limitĂ©e d'altĂ©rations rĂ©nales a Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©e dans les cas avec anastomose urĂ©tĂ©roileal intrasĂ©reuse extra-murale. (Af J Urology: 2003 9(2): 72-79

    Transperineal and endovaginal ultrasound for evaluating suburethral masses: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging

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    Objective To evaluate the utility of pelvic floor ultrasound (US) in the detection and evaluation of suburethral masses, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the reference standard. Methods This was a retrospective analysis of US and MRI scans of all women with a suburethral mass on clinical examination at a single urogynecology clinic over a 13-year period (February 2007 to March 2020). All women were examined using two-dimensional transperineal US (2D-TPUS) with or without three-dimensional endovaginal US (3D-EVUS). All patients underwent unenhanced T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI, which was considered the reference standard in this study. Presence of a suburethral mass and its size, location, connection with the urethral lumen and characteristics were evaluated on both pelvic floor US and MRI. Agreement between pelvic floor US and MRI was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC; 3,1). Results Forty women suspected of having a suburethral mass on clinical examination underwent both MRI and US (2D-TPUS with or without 3D-EVUS). MRI detected a suburethral mass in 34 women, which was also detected by US. However, US also identified a suburethral mass in the remaining six women. Thus, the agreement between US and MRI for detecting a suburethral mass was 85% (95% CI, 70.2–94.3%). The ICC analysis showed good agreement between MRI and 2D-TPUS for the measured distance between the suburethral mass and the bladder neck (ICC, 0.89; standard error of measurement (SEM), 3.64 mm) and excellent agreement for measurement of the largest diameter of the mass (ICC, 0.93; SEM, 4.31 mm). Good agreement was observed between MRI and 3D-EVUS for the measured distance from the suburethral mass to the bladder neck (ICC, 0.88; SEM, 3.48 mm) and excellent agreement for the largest diameter of the suburethral mass (ICC, 0.94; SEM, 4.68 mm). Conclusions 2D-TPUS and 3D-EVUS are useful in the imaging of suburethral masses. US shows good-to-excellent agreement with MRI in identifying and measuring suburethral masses; therefore, the two modalities can be used interchangeably depending on availability of equipment and expertise