3 research outputs found

    Riikliku programmi „Eesti keele keeletehnoloogiline tugi (2006−2010)“ sihtevalveerimine

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    Riikliku programmi “Eesti keele keeletehnoloogiline tugi (2006–2010)” (edaspidi RP EKKTT) peaeesmärgiks oli eesti keele keeletehnoloogilise toe arendamine tasemele, mis võimaldab eesti keelel edukalt toimida tänapäeva infotehnoloogilises keskkonnas. Keeletehnoloogia on infotehnoloogiat ja keeleteadust ühendav interdistsiplinaarne valdkond, mis tegeleb vahendite (meetodite, algoritmide, programmide) väljatöötamisega nii kirjutatud kui ka suulise keele arvutitöötluseks. Kuna eesti keele kõnelejate arv on liiga väike selleks, et keeletehnoloogiat arendavatel firmadel tekiks huvi eesti keelele sobivate vahendite väljatöötamise vastu, on keeletehnoloogia arendamiseks paratamatult vaja riigi toetust.www.hm.ee/index.php?popup=download&id=1165

    Erasmus in the Baltic countries 2007-2013

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    In 1981 the European Commission started a pilot-student mobility action in Europe, which became a predecessor to the Erasmus programme launched in 1987. During the first academic year 11 European countries with almost 3 244 students participated in the programme. In 1995 Erasmus was merged with other educational and training programmes and was named the Socrates programme. In 2000 the programme was prolonged to Socrates II. In 2007 a new programme called the Lifelong Learning Programme grew from the previous Socrates. This brochure provides a statistical analysis of the implementation of the Erasmus Programme’s decentralised mobility actions in the 3 participating Europe- an countries in the Baltic Area and covers the overall performance of all the different types of actions funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (Student and Staff Mobility, Intensive Programmes, Erasmus Intensive Language Courses) in the period 2007–2013

    Consumption of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)-supplemented diet during colitis development ameliorates gut inflammation without causing steatosis in mice.

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    Dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been proposed for weight management and to prevent gut inflammation. However, some animal studies suggest that supplementation with CLA leads to the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The aims of this study were to test the efficiency of CLA in preventing dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis, to analyze the effects of CLA in the liver function, and to access putative liver alterations upon CLA supplementation during colitis. So, C57BL/6 mice were supplemented for 3 weeks with either control diet (AIN-G) or 1% CLA-supplemented diet. CLA content in the diet and in the liver of mice fed CLA containing diet were accessed by gas chromatography. On the first day of the third week of dietary treatment, mice received ad libitum a 1.5%?2.5% DSS solution for 7 days. Disease activity index score was evaluated; colon and liver samples were stained by hematoxylin and eosin for histopathology analysis and lamina propria cells were extracted to access the profile of innate cell infiltrate. Metabolic alterations before and after colitis induction were accessed by an open calorimetric circuit. Serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and alanine aminotransaminase were measured; the content of fat in liver and feces was also accessed. CLA prevented weight loss, histopathologic and macroscopic signs of colitis, and inflammatory infiltration. Mice fed CLA-supplemented without colitis induction diet developed steatosis, which was prevented in mice with colitis probably due to the higher lipid consumption as energy during gut inflammation. This result suggests that CLA is safe for use during gut inflammation but not at steady-state conditions