20 research outputs found

    Investigation on efficiency of in-wheel BLDC motors for different winding structures

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    Electric machine windings are the essential elements which affect machine performance and efficiency substantially. Two main criteria are considered during winding design: impact on performance and manufacturing costs. In this study, different winding structure combinations are investigated by implementing in an in-wheel motor structure. The motor is a surface mounted permanent magnet BLDC motor which is intended to use in light electric vehicles. According to the design data, the obtained optimum design is manufactured and tested. Accurately captured test results are compared to the calculated values. The direct drive in-wheel BLDC motor used in this study has the rated values of 2.5 kW output power, 900 min-1 shaft speed and 150 V terminal voltage. A Finite Element Method (FEM) based software is used for the design study, that is called ANSYS Electronics Desktop. Effects of different winding topologies are studied by keeping the motor structure and materials unchanged. The validation of the optimized design is realized by conducting the performance experiments. The study shows that the winding topology has a great importance especially for in-wheel motors

    A technical review of building-mounted wind power systems and a sample simulation model

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    Small scale wind turbines installed within the built environment is classified as micro generation technology. This paper reports the investigation results of wind power application in buildings. First, general information is given for common type of wind turbines are used on buildings. Second, the wind aerodynamics and wind flows over the buildings are investigated based on local meteorological data and local building characteristics. However, to receive the highest potential wind energy resource and avoid turbulent areas, the tool of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has to be used to model the annual wind flows over buildings to help analyze, locate, and design wind turbines on and around buildings. Three different sample models for buildings and rural residential areas are explained with CFD models. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Şebeke bağlantılı fotovoltaik aydınlatma sisteminin bulanık mantık ile kontrolü

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    ÖZETŞEBEKE BAĞLANTILI FOTOVOLTAİK AYDINLATMA SİSTEMİNİN BULANIK MANTIK İLE KONTROLÜGelişen teknoloji ve artan dünya nüfusu enerji talebini de gün geçtikçe arttırmaktadır. Elektrik enerjisi üretiminde konvansiyonel kaynakların yüksek oranda kullanılması ve bu kaynaklarında hızla tükenmeleri, yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları üzerinde yapılan çalışmaları arttırmaktadır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının çevre dostu ve sürekli olmaları fosil yakıtlar karşısında önemli bir avantajlarındandır.Bulanık mantık ile yapılan kontrol sistemlerinin aydınlatmada kullanılması hem konfor hem de enerji tasarrufu açılarından avantaj kazandırmaktadır. Özellikle sistemin, ortamın aydınlık şiddetine ve harekete duyarlı olarak çalışması klasik anahtarlamalı kontrol sistemlerine göre önemli miktarda enerji tasarrufu sağlamaktadır.Bu çalışmada, fotovoltaik panellerden elde edilen elektrik enerjisi akümülatör gruplarında depolanmaktadır. Aydınlatma amacı ile belirlenen doğu cepheli laboratuvara, yüksek verimli fluoresant lambalarla yeni bir aydınlatma tesisatı döşenmiştir. Laboratuvara yerleştirilen hareket sensörü ve ışık seviyesini ölçen devre yardımı ile kontrol sisteminin giriş değişkenleri belirlenmektedir. Bilgisayarda gerçek zamanlı, olarak yapılan bulanık mantık kontrol sistemi ile laboratuvarın aydınlatması, kademeli olarak yapılmaktadır.Aydınlatılması yapılan güç elektroniği laboratuvarının, haftalık ders programına bağlı olarak yapılan hesaplamalar ve ölçümler sonucunda bir haftalık sürede eski aydınlatma sisteminin 1,968 kwh, yeni sistemin ise 0,542 kwh enerji harcadığı belirlenmiştir.Fotovoltaik panellerden elde edilen elektrik enerjisinin kimyasal enerjiye çevrilerek depolandığı akümülatör grubunun kapasitesi 200 Ah’tir. Ölçümler sırasında bu kapasite değerinin tamamı kullanılmadığı için, şebeke desteğine hiç ihtiyaç duyulmamıştır. Aydınlatma sisteminde bir haftalık test sürecinde 22,824 Ah’lik kapasite kullanılmıştır.Yani aydınlatma sisteminde kullanılan enerjinin tamamı fotovoltaik paneller tarafından üretilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; şebeke bağlantılı fotovoltaik aydınlatma sisteminin bulanık mantık ile kontrolü çalışmasında İstanbul Göztepe’de bulunan bir laboratuvar için ders saatlerinde ihtiyaç duyulan aydınlatmanın, gerekli aydınlatma düzeyini sağlayacak şekilde bulanık mantık kontrolörü kullanılarak yapılabildiği ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışma Marmara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu (BAPKO) tarafından desteklenen “Şebeke Bağlantılı Fotovoltaik Aydınlatma Sisteminin Bulanık Mantık ile Kontrolü” isimli proje ile paralel yürütülmüş ve sözkonusu proje 15.02.2006 tarihinde tamamlanmıştır. ABSTRACTGRID CONNECTED PHOTOVOLTAIC LIGHTING SYSTEM CONTROLLED BY FUZZY LOGIC Energy consumption is increasing with the technological development and world population. Researchs are increasing for renewable energy sources because of high usage percantage of conventional sources on electrical energy production. Tehy are important advantages of renewable energy sources to be environment friendly and continuous against the fossil fuels.The control systems which are using fuzzy logic have advantages both energy saving and comfort. Important amount of energy is being saved with movement and environment light level sensible systems.Electrical energy which produced by photovoltaic panels, is stored at accumulator group. New illumunation installation is set with high efficiency fluoresant lamps at laboratory. Control system inputs are determined with movement sensor and luxmeter circuit. The real time controller which is working on computer with fuzzy logic controller is made the staged control.Electrical consumption of power electronic laboratory lighting system is determined with calculation and measurements, 1.968 kwh with old lighting system and 0.542 kwh with new one, depends on weekly lesson programme.Accumulator group capacity is 200 Ah that stored electrical energy produced by photovoltaics. This capacity couldn’t used during the measurement stage. For that reason system didn’t need to grid connection. During the test week system used 22.824 Ah capacity. This mean whole of the system energy consumption produced by photovoltaics.As a result of research that name is grid connected photovoltaic lighting system controlled by fuzzy logic, illumination of laboratory during the lesson hours is made at reguired lighting level, where located Goztepe-İstanbul.This study executed parallel with the project “Grid Connected Photovoltaic Lighting System Controlled By Fuzzy Logic” that supported by Marmara University Scientific Research Projects Commission (BAPKO) and the project completed at 15.02.2006

    Şebeke bağlantılı fotovoltaik aydınlatma sisteminin bulanık mantık ile kontrolü

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    ŞEBEKE BAĞLANTILI FOTOVOLTAİK AYDINLATMA SİSTEMİNİN BULANIK MANTIK İLE KONTROLÜ Gelişen teknoloji ve artan dünya nüfusu enerji talebini de gün geçtikçe arttırmaktadır. Elektrik enerjisi üretiminde konvansiyonel kaynakların yüksek oranda kullanılması ve bu kaynaklarında hızla tükenmeleri, yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları üzerinde yapılan çalışmaları arttırmaktadır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının çevre dostu ve sürekli olmaları fosil yakıtlar karşısında önemli bir avantajlarındandır. Bulanık mantık ile yapılan kontrol sistemlerinin aydınlatmada kullanılması hem konfor hem de enerji tasarrufu açılarından avantaj kazandırmaktadır. Özellikle sistemin, ortamın aydınlık şiddetine ve harekete duyarlı olarak çalışması klasik anahtarlamalı kontrol sistemlerine göre önemli miktarda enerji tasarrufu sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, fotovoltaik panellerden elde edilen elektrik enerjisi akümülatör gruplarında depolanmaktadır. Aydınlatma amacı ile belirlenen doğu cepheli laboratuvara, yüksek verimli fluoresant lambalarla yeni bir aydınlatma tesisatı döşenmiştir. Laboratuvara yerleştirilen hareket sensörü ve ışık seviyesini ölçen devre yardımı ile kontrol sisteminin giriş değişkenleri belirlenmektedir. Bilgisayarda gerçek zamanlı, olarak yapılan bulanık mantık kontrol sistemi ile laboratuvarın aydınlatması, kademeli olarak yapılmaktadır. Aydınlatılması yapılan güç elektroniği laboratuvarının, haftalık ders programına bağlı olarak yapılan hesaplamalar ve ölçümler sonucunda bir haftalık sürede eski aydınlatma sisteminin 1,968 kwh, yeni sistemin ise 0,542 kwh enerji harcadığı belirlenmiştir. Fotovoltaik panellerden elde edilen elektrik enerjisinin kimyasal enerjiye çevrilerek depolandığı akümülatör grubunun kapasitesi 200 Ah’tir. Ölçümler sırasında bu kapasite değerinin tamamı kullanılmadığı için, şebeke desteğine hiç ihtiyaç duyulmamıştır. Aydınlatma sisteminde bir haftalık test sürecinde 22,824 Ah’lik kapasite kullanılmıştır.Yani aydınlatma sisteminde kullanılan enerjinin tamamı fotovoltaik paneller tarafından üretilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; şebeke bağlantılı fotovoltaik aydınlatma sisteminin bulanık mantık ile kontrolü çalışmasında İstanbul Göztepe’de bulunan bir laboratuvar için ders saatlerinde ihtiyaç duyulan aydınlatmanın, gerekli aydınlatma düzeyini sağlayacak şekilde bulanık mantık kontrolörü kullanılarak yapılabildiği ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışma Marmara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu (BAPKO) tarafından desteklenen “Şebeke Bağlantılı Fotovoltaik Aydınlatma Sisteminin Bulanık Mantık ile Kontrolü” isimli proje ile paralel yürütülmüş ve sözkonusu proje 15.02.2006 tarihinde tamamlanmıştır. ABSTRACT GRID CONNECTED PHOTOVOLTAIC LIGHTING SYSTEM CONTROLLED BY FUZZY LOGIC Energy consumption is increasing with the technological development and world population. Researchs are increasing for renewable energy sources because of high usage percantage of conventional sources on electrical energy production. Tehy are important advantages of renewable energy sources to be environment friendly and continuous against the fossil fuels. The control systems which are using fuzzy logic have advantages both energy saving and comfort. Important amount of energy is being saved with movement and environment light level sensible systems. Electrical energy which produced by photovoltaic panels, is stored at accumulator group. New illumunation installation is set with high efficiency fluoresant lamps at laboratory. Control system inputs are determined with movement sensor and luxmeter circuit. The real time controller which is working on computer with fuzzy logic controller is made the staged control. Electrical consumption of power electronic laboratory lighting system is determined with calculation and measurements, 1.968 kwh with old lighting system and 0.542 kwh with new one, depends on weekly lesson programme. Accumulator group capacity is 200 Ah that stored electrical energy produced by photovoltaics. This capacity couldn’t used during the measurement stage. For that reason system didn’t need to grid connection. During the test week system used 22.824 Ah capacity. This mean whole of the system energy consumption produced by photovoltaics. As a result of research that name is grid connected photovoltaic lighting system controlled by fuzzy logic, illumination of laboratory during the lesson hours is made at reguired lighting level, where located Goztepe-İstanbul. This study executed parallel with the project “Grid Connected Photovoltaic Lighting System Controlled By Fuzzy Logic” that supported by Marmara University Scientific Research Projects Commission (BAPKO) and the project completed at 15.02.2006

    Artificial neural network-based model for estimating the produced power of a photovoltaic module

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    In this paper, a methodology to estimate the profile of the produced power of a 50 Wp Si-polycrystalline photovoltaic (PV) module is described. For this purpose, two artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been developed for use in cloudy and sunny days respectively. More than one year of measured data (solar irradiance, air temperature, PV module voltage and PV module current) have been recorded at the Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey (from 1-1-2011 to 24-2-2012) and used for the training and validation of the models. Results confirm the ability of the developed ANN-models for estimating the power produced with reasonable accuracy. A comparative study shows that the ANN-models perform better than polynomial regression, multiple linear regression, analytical and one-diode models. The advantage of the ANN-models is that they do not need more parameters or complicate calculations unlike implicit models. The developed models could be used to forecast the profile of the produced power. Although, the methodology has been applied for one polycrystalline PV module, it could also be generalized for large-scale photovoltaic plants as well as for other PV technologies. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Türkiye’nin güneş enerjisi potansiyeli’nin ve kullanım alanlarının incelenmesi

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    Dünya'da insan nüfusunun artması ve gelişen teknolojiye paralel olarak enerji ihtiyacı da gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Günümüzde fosil orijinli enerji kaynakları tükenmeye başlamıştır. Mevcut rezervlerinde sınırlı olması nedeni ile yeni kaynak arayışları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu arayışlar sırasında çevre problemlerinin dikkate alınması gerekliliği önemli bir sınırlama getirmektedir. Güneş enerjisi mevcut enerji kaynakları arasında çevreye en az zarar veren kaynaklardan biri olması nedeni ile öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, öncelikle dünyada yapılmakta olan güneş enerjisi uygulamalarını lemek, ülkemizde bu yönde yapılan uygulamaları ortaya koymak ve tespit edilen güneşlenme sürelerine bağlı olarak maksimum verimli sistemlerin neler olacağını açıklamaktır. Bu çalışma 4 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, güneş enerjisinin tarihçesi anlatılıp, çevreye olan etkileri açıklanmış ve Türkiye'nin güneş enerjisi potansiyeli ana hatları ile lenmiştir. İkinci bölümde, dünya'da yapılmakta olan güneş enerjisi uygulamaları, termal uygulamalar, elektrik enerjisi uygulamaları ve güneş enerjisi uygulamaları ana başlıkları altında incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, Türkiye'nin güneşlenme ölçümlerinde dikkate alınan parametreler açıklamış, güneşlenme haritaları ek olarak verilmiştir. Ülkemizde yapılan güneş enerjisi uygulamaları, ısı eldesine yönelik uygulamalar, elektrik enerjisi üretimi uygulamaları başlıkları altında irdelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, ülkemizde yapılan özel güneş enerjisi uygulamaları, bölgesel olarak ele alınıp, uygulamalarda kullanılan özel sistemler açıklanmıştır. ABSTRACT World energy consumption has been increasing with growing population and developing technology. Nowadays, fossil oriented conventional energy resources has started to come to the end. Because of restrict existing sources a need on new energy resources come to life. The another restriction on making researhes is environmental roblems. Among the existing energy resources the solar energy is a leading and one of the most environmentaly friend energy resource. The aim of this study is iniatially to summarize the solar energy applications which have been done around the world to bring out the applications done on the same subject in our country. To explain what the most efficient systems determined by duration solar radiating is. This research has four chapters. In the first chapter; the history of solar energy has been explained, solar energy and environment relation has been discussed and applications made in our country have been explained briefly. In the second chapter; solar energy applications have been explained under following tree main titles; Thermal applications, electric energy applications and various applications. In the third chapter; Turkeys solar reyonman and total solar radiating measurement results have been given. General solar energy applications are made in Turkey, have been explained. In the fourth chapter; special solar energy applications are made in Turkey, have been explained and special systems used in applications have been discusse

    Light sources of solar simulators for photovoltaic devices: A review

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    As solar power usage is increasing nowadays, performance tests have become one of the most important topics in order to guarantee the security of photovoltaic tools. For photovoltaic panels to become efficient, there is need for health testing of all materials and technologies used in the production of the panels in electrical and optical aspects. Thus, when future energy standards are considered, it is imperative to use solar simulators that obtain near real sunlight spectrum values. The most important components of solar simulators used in photovoltaic panel tests are light sources. In this study, solar simulators' were classified based on the light sources they use, and their history and technological development were investigated in line with the literature. Within the scope of this study, carbon arc lamps, sodium vapor lamps, argon arc lamps, quartz-tungsten halogen lamps, mercury xenon lamps, xenon arc, xenon flash lamps, metal halide lamps, LED and super continuum laser light sources were investigated. Additionally, to compare spectral deficiency among these light sources and solar simulators, multiple light sourced solar simulators were also covered under a separate title

    A review of anti-reflection and self-cleaning coatings on photovoltaic panels

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    The production of electrical energy from solar energy through the photovoltaic method has become increasingly widespread throughout the world in the last 20 years. The photovoltaic energy system generates electricity depending on the amount of sunlight reaching the solar cell, and the amount of sunlight that reaches the solar cells in a solar panel decreases due to factors such as soil and organic dirt. At the same time, sunlight is refracted and reflected due to the reflective effect of the cover glass surface, even if the surface of the photovoltaic panel is clean. The remaining solar rays are broken and reach the solar cell. Decreasing sunlight also causes a decrease in electrical power output. Thus, to overcome these problems, photovoltaic solar cells and cover glass are coated with anti-reflective and self-cleaning coatings. As observed in this study, SiO2, MgF2, TiO2, Si3N4, and ZrO2 materials are widely used in anti-reflection coatings. Common methods used are sol-gel + spin-coating or + dipcoating, sputtering, DC or RF magnetron, and electrospun methods. Regarding self-cleaning applications, fabricating superhydrophobic surfaces stands out among other methods. In self-cleaning applications, Al2O3, TiO2, and Si3N4 are the most suitable materials; the double- and triple-layer coatings yield successful results in terms of surface adhesion and durability. In multi-layer anti-reflection coatings, the reflectance was reduced in studies in which materials with low and high reflection indexes were applied and light transmittance was increased

    Systematic review of the data acquisition and monitoring systems of photovoltaic panels and arrays

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    Solar energy has increased in its share of global electrical energy production. The increasing reliability of solar energy has positively affected the sustainability of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. A failure in any module in the plant can reduce or interrupt the production of electrical energy, causing significant losses in both efficiency and asset value. Therefore, responding to a fault as quickly as possible in a PV power plant is critical. The ability of the PV plant operator to react to potential faults is directly related to the rapid detection of faulty modules. In this paper, different PV monitoring systems in the literature are investigated extensively from the point of view of the devices and the techniques used to measure PV systems\" current, voltage, solar radiation, and module temper-ature. In particular, the communication methods and data acquisition cards used in monitoring were examined. Remote monitoring technologies quickly detect the location of a malfunction in a large-scale power plant. In this context, traditional wire communication methods, today\"s communication technologies, and the low-cost IoT (Internet of Things) technologies used to monitor the performance of large and small-scale PV power plants are compared in detail. With the advancement of Internet of Things technologies such as Zigbee and LoRa, research on remote wireless monitoring of photovoltaic modules has accelerated in recent years. These technologies are projected to be widely deployed in the near future for the maintenance and fault detection of numerous photovoltaic installations