30 research outputs found

    The challenges of running magnetic resonance imaging services in the tertiary health centers of Nigeria

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    The field of diagnostic radiology has emerged and expanded to become an integral part of healthcare worldwide. Nigeria, as a country is keeping pace with the global trend. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is now becoming standard clinical care in many tertiary health centers of Nigeria. The technique has great advantages and some setbacks in a country likeNigeria. Here, we review some of the challenges involved in the practice of MRI, including recommendations on the way forwardfor overall advancementof MRI services in the country.Method: Literature search were done using keywords described above on Medline, PubMed, HINARI and Advanced Google search. Relevant articles were pooled and information wasextracted and appropriately referenced. Books and Journal hardcopies were also obtained from the Library of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. These were referenced accordingly. Results: The introduction of MRI as a radiological modality in Nigeria revolutionized the field of medicine. MRI gives different, reliable, safer and superior information when compared with Xrays (radiography) and computed tomography (CT) scans especially as regards soft tissue differentiation. The foremost challenges of MRI in Nigeria are; high economic cost, poor power supply issues and technical maintenance. Conclusion: We recommend a multi stakeholder approach in areas of procurement, installation, training and maintenance of MRI machine. The national health insurance scheme and other hospital based welfare schemes should be expanded to significantly accommodate high cost investigations like the MRI

    Description of the normal variants of the anatomical shapes of the sella turcica using plain radiographs: experience from Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria

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    Background: The anatomy of the sella turcica is variable in size and shape. It has been classified into three types: round, oval and flat. It can also be deep or shallow in both children and adults. The floor of the sella turcica which in most cases is concave may be, flat or even convex. In both anatomical and radiological practice in Nigeria, normal data in relation to the description of the normal variants of the anatomical shapes of the sella turcica are based on Caucasian studies.Methods: All available lateral skull radiographs of subjects over a 3-year period, from 2002 to 2004, were retrieved from the Radiology Department of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto for the study. Radiographs were mounted on the viewing boxes and sellae turcicae were studied and classified.Results: A total of 228 subjects were involved in this study. Of this figure, 171 (75%) were males, and 57 (25%) were females (m: f ratio = 3:1). The predominant shape of sella in the African subjects studied is oval, and the difference in frequency of oval shaped sella and that of round or flat types is highly statistically significant.(PArrière Plan: L\'anatomie de sella turcica varie selon la forme et la plat. Elle peut aussi être profonol ou plat, aussi chez les enfants que chez les adults. Le planche de sella turcica, qui est généralement concave peut être convexe, ou plat de forme. Bien en anatomie et en radiologie practiques au Nigéria. Les données relatives à la description des variants normales de formes anatomiques de sella turcica sont basées sur des études caucasiennes.Méthodes: Toutes les radiographes laterales du été collectées du departement de 3 ans (2002 a 2004) ont été collectées du departement de Radiologie de centre uiversitaire hospitalier de université Usmanu Danfodiyo pour cette étude. Les radiographes ont été montées sur les boîtes de visualization et sella turcica ont étés étudiées et classifiées.Resultats: Un total de 228 sujets ont été impliqués dans cette étude. De ce total, 171 (75%) étaient males, et 57 (25%) étaient femelles (m: f ratio = 3:1). La forme predominante de sella turcica pour les sujets africains étudiés est ovale, et la différence en frequence entre sella à forme ovale et sella à forme ronde ou plate est statistiquement très élevée. (PL 0.001). Le plancher de sella de plus commun pour les sujets africains étudiés est concave et la différence en frequence entre sella a plancher cancave sella à plancher convexe is statistiquement ties élevée. (PL 0.001).pour les deux cas de formes plancher de sella turcica et les différents types de plancher de sella turcica, en ce qui est du sex des sujets étudiés, la différence en frequence entre les mâles et les femelles est statistiquement très élevée. (PL 0.001).Conclusion: Il est concluque la predominance et relativité des frequences de variantes normales de formes anatomiques de sella turcica considérées dans cette étude surdes sujets Nigérians est similaire à celle considérées pour les “caucasians”. Des études plus poussées sur un champ plus étendu sont nécessaires pour confirmer nos decouvertes Keywords: Description, normal variants, anatomical shapes, sella turcica Annals of African Medicine Vol. 7 (2) 2008: pp. 77-8

    Biochemical and Haematological Indices of Weanly Albino Rats Fed Millet and Maize Based Complementary Weaning Food

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    Malnutrition is a public health problem in Nigeria accounting for more than 50% of all childhood death. The current work evaluated some nutritional, biochemical and haematological indices of weanly albino rats fed millet and maize based complimentary weaning foods for 3 weeks. Two diets, MLMX and MZMX were compared on one hand and on the other with millet alone (MLA). Maize alone (MZA) diets was used as negative control and Frisocream (PC) as positive control.. The mineral profiles of the two groups of rats were significantly (

    Oxidative stress among subjects with metabolic syndrome in Sokoto, North.Western Nigeria

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    Background: Oxidative stress is known to play a role in the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome and its components. Racial differences may exist in the level of markers of oxidative stress and antioxidants in patients with metabolic syndrome.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the oxidative stress and antioxidants status in subjects with metabolic syndrome in Sokoto, North.Western Nigeria.Methods: A cross.sectional community.based study was carried out. Two hundred subjects (96 males and 104 females) were recruited for the study using a multi.stage sampling technique. Demographic data were obtained from the participants. Evaluation of anthropometric variables, blood pressure, blood  glucose levels, lipid profiles, plasma insulin levels, total antioxidant status, and oxidative stress markers was performed.Results: The subjects with metabolic syndrome had significantly higher malondialdehyde as compared to those without metabolic syndrome (236.4 [92.2] vs. 184 [63.2] nmol/l). The antioxidant enzymes  (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase) were significantly lower in subjects with metabolic syndrome than in those without metabolic syndrome (11.3 [4.2] vs. 13.9 [4.1] U/ml, 160[42] vs. 220[32] U/ml, and 2.12 [0.2] vs. 2.42 [0.2] U/ml, respectively). Similarly, the antioxidant Vitamins (A, C, and E) levels were significantly lower in subjects with metabolic syndrome than in those withoutmetabolic syndrome (7.1 [4.1] vs. 7.7 [4.2] µmol/L, 225 [55.3] vs. 227.6 [62.3] µmol/L, and 75.9 [13.9] vs. 82.8 [18.6] mg/dl, respectively). There was a positive correlation between components of metabolic syndrome and free radicals.Conclusion: Significantly increased oxidative stress and diminished antioxidant defenses were found among Nigerians with metabolic syndrome.Key words: Antioxidants, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stres

    Effect of Dried Lake Salt (Kanwa) on Lipid profile and Heart Histology of Female Albino Rats

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    Peripatum cardiomyopathy is a devastating form of cardiac failure affecting women mainly in their last month of pregnancy or early postpartum with high incidence in Northern Nigeria where the consumption of dried lake salt postpartum is high. The current work was designed to study the effect of dried lake salt on lipid profile and histology of heart in female albino rats. The rats were administered graded doses of the salt for 4 weeks. The group administered 300mg/kg body weight of the dried lake salt has significantly (P<0.05) lower high density lipoprotein-cholesterol as compared with the control. There was no significant (P>0.05) increase in low density lipoprotein-cholesterol but total cholesterol, triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein- cholesterol levels were lower compared to the control. Atherogenic index of the group administered 300mg/kg body weight was significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to the control. The histological examinations of section of the heart reveal chamber dilation, hypertrophy and focal atrophy. The study suggests that consumption of dried lake salt for 4 weeks caused alteration to heart tissue and may cause heart related diseases in rats.Keywords: Peripartum cardiomyopathy, Dried lake salt, Postpartum, Pregnanc

    Cephalometric Assessment of the Fourth Ventricles Using Computerized Tomography: A Five Year Study in Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH), Sokoto, North-Western Nigeria

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    The fourth ventricle is usually affected in posterior cranial fossa tumours and other intracranial and ventricular disorders. Therefore, accurate measurement of the fourth ventricle will go a long way in evaluating braindisorders and decision making prior to neurosurgical procedures. This, therefore, places high premium on the accuracy in the technique and equipment used in obtaining a good Computerised Tomography (CT) Scan of the brain. To provide baseline data for measurements of normal fourth ventricle using computed tomographic Scan. Measurement was made with Dragon V3.1.1. A total of 652 scan examinations of subjects were analyzed in this study. 434 (65.79%) of the subjects were males while 217 (34.21%) were females. (M: F ratio = 2:1).The mean length of the fourth ventricles was 9.55mm and mean width was 12.86mm. Maximum length was 13.95mm and minimum length was 5.1mm. Least width was 2.65mm and greatest width was 17.28mm. Thus, the difference between the lengths of the fourth ventricles was not statistically significant (p.0.05), so also there was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between the width of the fourth ventricles in males and females. In conclusion, this study has provided reference ranges for the normal values of the length and width of the fourth ventricle in male and female Nigerians.Keywords: Cephalometry, assessment, fourth ventricles, CT, Nigeria

    First report of Theileria annulata in Nigeria : findings from cattle ticks in Zamfara and Sokoto States

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    Background: Ticks and tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) represent a significant economic burden to cattle farming in sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria. However, in the northern part of this country, where the largest livestock population resides, little is known about the contemporary diversity of ticks and TBPs. This area is particularly vulnerable to climate change, undergoing marked transformation of habitat and associated flora and fauna that is also likely to include ticks. This study aimed to document the occurrence of tick species and Apicomplexan TBPs in cattle from north-western Nigeria. Methods: In 2017, ticks were collected from cattle in Zamfara and Sokoto States and identified morphologically. Additionally, a subset of ticks was screened molecularly for the detection of apicomplexan DNA. Results: A total of 494 adult ticks were collected from 80 cattle in Zamfara and 65 cattle in Sokoto State. Nine tick species were encountered, among which the presence of one, Hyalomma turanicum, had not previously been recorded in Nigeria. Hyalomma rufipes was the most prevalent tick infesting cattle in Zamfara State (76%), while Hyalomma dromedarii was the most prevalent in Sokoto State (44%), confirming the widespread transfer of this species from camels onto livestock and its adaptation to cattle in the region. Of 159 ticks screened, 2 out of 54 (3.7%) from Zamfara State and 29 out of 105 (27.6%) from Sokoto State harboured DNA of Theileria annulata, the agent of tropical theileriosis. Conclusions: This study confirms the presence of a broad diversity of tick species in cattle from north-western Nigeria, providing the first locality records for Zamfara State. The occurrence of H. turanicum indicates a distribution of this tick beyond northern Africa. This study provides the first report for T. annulata in Nigerian ticks. Given its enormous burden on livestock farming in north Africa and across Asia, further investigations are needed to better understand its epidemiology, vector transmission and potential clinical significance in cattle from northern Nigeria and neighbouring Sahelian countries

    Unusual occurrence of destroyed lung syndrome in childhood: a case report

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    A 10-year-old male child presented with three weeks history of neck swelling, fever and cough of insidious onset. On examination he was wasted and had dull percussion notes, bronchial breath sounds and crepitations on the left side. The ESR was high. Sputum AFB was positive. The chest radiograph showed features of Destroyed Lung Syndrome (DLS), one of the most severe complications of secondary PTB. The patient is doing well on antituberculous drugs. This case of DLS is presented here because it occurred in a child, a rather unusual presentation. Keywords: destroyed lung, tuberculosis, childhood Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 7(3&4) 2006: 46-4