8 research outputs found

    Two new Zwackhiomyces (Xanthopyreniaceae, Ascomycota) species of lichenicolous fungi from Esfahan Province, Iran

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    Наведено описи, порівняння з близькоспорідненими видами та ілюстрації двох нових для науки видів роду Zwackhiomyces (зокрема: Z. esfahanensis S.Y. Kondr. & B. ZareiDarki та Z. zareii S.Y. Kondr.). Крім того, вперше для Ірану наведено три види: лишайник (Caloplaca intrudens H. Magn.) та два види ліхенофільних грибів (Zwackhiomyces sphinctrinoides (Zwackh) Grube & Hafellner і Zwackhiomyces coepulonus (Norman) Grube & R. Sant.), а також для провінції Есфахан (один вид лишайника — Protoparmeiopsis garovaglii (Körb.) S.Y. Kondr. та два види ліхенофільних грибів — Arthonia molendoi (Heufl. ex Frauenf.) R. Sant. і Muelleriella pygmaeum (Körb.) D. Hawksw.). Три види ліхенофільних грибів (Zwackhiomycessphinctrinoides, Lichenoconium erodens M.S. Christ. & D.L. Hawksw. та L. lecanorae (Jaap) D.L. Hawksw.) указані вперше для Казахстану.Приведены описания, сравнение с близкородственными видами и илюстрации двух нових для науки видов рода Zwackhiomyces (в частности: Z. esfahanensis S.Y. Kondr. & B. Zarei-Darki и Z. zareii S.Y. Kondr.). Кроме того, впервые для Ирана приведены три вида (лишайник — Caloplaca intrudens H. Magn. и два вида лихенофильных грибов — Zwackhiomyces sphinctrinoides (Zwackh) Grube & Hafellner и Zwackhiomyces coepulonus (Norman) Grube & R. Sant.), а также для провинции Эсфахан (один вид лишайника — Protoparmeiopsis garovaglii (Körb.) S.Y. Kondr. и два види лихенофильных грибов — Arthoniamolendoi(Heufl. ex Frauenf.) R.Sant. и Muelleriella pygmaeum (Körb.) D.Hawksw). Три вида лихенофильных грибов (Zwackhiomyces sphinctrinoides, Lichenoconium erodens M.S. Christ. & D.L. Hawksw. и L. lecanorae (Jaap) D.L. Hawksw.) указаны впервые для Казахстана

    New species and combinations in the genus Protoparmeliopsis (Lecanoraceae, Lichenized Ascomycota)

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    Two new species of the genus Protoparmeliopsis M. Choisy, P. zareii S.Y. Kondr. and P. esfahanensis S.Y. Kondr. & B. Zarei-Darki, are described, compared with closely related taxa, and illustrated. Twenty thee new combinations for the following taxa are proposed: Protoparmeliopsis baicalensis (for Lecanora baicalensis Zahlbr.), P. ba ranowii (for Lecanora baranowii Tomin), P. bipruinosum (for Le canora bipruinosa Fink), P. bog do e n sis (for Lecanora bogdoensis Tomin), P. chlorophtha l mum (for Lecanora chlorophthalma Poelt & Tomin), P. crustaceum (for Squamarina crustacea Savicz), P. degelii (for Squamarina degelii Poelt), P. dispersoareolatum (for Placodium dispersoareolatum Körb.), P. geisereae (for Le canora geisereae B.D. Ryan), P. hieroglyphicum (for Le ca nora hieroglyphica Poelt), P. kofae (for Lecanora kofae B.D. Ryan & T.H. Nash), P. kotovii (for Placodium kotovii Oxner), P. kukunorensis (for Lecanora kukunorensis H. Magn.), P. mazatzalensis (for Lecanora mazatzalensis B.D. Ryan & T.H. Nash), P. nashii (for Lecanora nashii B.D. Ryan), P. novomexicanum (for Lecanora no vo mexi cana H. Magn.), P. orbicularis (for Lecanora po ly t ropa var. orbicularis Schaer.), P. phaedrophthalmum (for Lecanora phaedrophthalma Poelt), P. sierrae (for Lecanora sierrae B.D. Ryan & T.H. Nash), P. sphaeroideum (for Pla codium sphaeroideum Oxner), P. stramineum (for Par melia straminea Wahlenb.), P. uzbekicum (for Le canora uzbekica Poelt) and P. verruculiferum (for Placodium verruculiferum Oxner).Наведено описи, порівняння з близькоспорідненими видами двох нових для науки видів роду Protoparmeiopsis M. Choisy — P. Zareii S.Y. Kondr. і P. esfahanensis S.Y. Kondr. & B. Zarei-Darki. Крім того, запропоновані нові комбінації назв 23 лишайників, у тому числі: Pro to par meliopsis baicalensis, P. baranowii, P. bipruinosum, P. bogdoensis, P. chlorophthalmum, P. crustaceum

    Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota): importance of monophyletic groups.

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    The molecular phylogeny of the Parmeliaceae, Physciaceae, Caliciaceae and many other families of lichen-forming fungi is now based on polyphasic approach using up to six or seven different genes of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. As a consequence the taxonomy of the Parmeliaceae and other families can now be based on segregation of robust monophyletic groups of species. The majority of phylogenetic analyses of small species groups of the Teloschistaceae (especially of Caloplaca) are based on ITS1/ITS2 sequences of nuclear DNA as the main molecular tool. There are fewer reports of polyphasic molecular data having been used in such phylogenetic analyses (Gaya 2003, 2008; Fedorenko 2009, 2012). Such investigations have indicated that the currently accepted genera Caloplaca, Fulgensia, Xanthoria and Teloschistes are polyphyletic and the delineation of Caloplaca and Xanthoria and of Caloplaca and Fulgensia is problematic. The existence of well defined monophyletic groups within species groups like those of Caloplaca cerina, C.saxicola, C. regalis, C. ferruginea, C. variabilis and Fulgensia fulgens (some of which are type species of different genera proposed in ‘premolecular time’) are found to be distributed among other monophyletic branches of the xanthorioid lichens following analysis of nuclear molecular data. As a consequence generic names proposed for the above species groups (i.e. Blastenia, Pyrenodesmia, Polycauliona etc.) can be used together with Caloplaca s.str., Teloschistes, Seirophora and Fulgensia. However, it should be emphasized that following molecular analysis such groups/genera as Blastenia, Pyrenodesmia and the Caloplaca saxicola- group include far fewer species than was proposed from morphological segregation in the ‘premolecular’ period. Alternatively, molecular data confirms that the morphologically defined groups (i.e. Blastenia, Pyrenodesmia, Polycauliona etc.) are just as polyphyletic as the genera Teloschistes, Seirophora and Fulgensia. Caloplaca subgenus Gasparrinia is similarly polyphyletic. Furthermore, there have been recent proposals to retain the xanthorioid genera Jackelixia, Ovealmbornia, Xanthokarooa within Xanthoria. However, this is in complete disagreement with the presently accepted molecular phylogenetic tree of the Teloschistaceae. Molecular data indicates that Jackelixia, Ovealmbornia and Xanthokarooa could be considered to belong to Xanthodactylon s.l., but certainly not Xanthoria s.l. Further, present molecular data does not support the families Letrouitiaceae and Teloschistaceae. In future we will probably have three families, i.e. Teloschistaceae s. emend., Caloplacaceae s. emend. and Xanthoriaceae s. emend., instead of the two mentioned above. Special attention to monophyletic groups in the current Teloschistaceae as well as wider usage of a polyphasic molecular approach will also help to clarify the position and circumscription of generic groups within these families

    New monophyletic branches of the teloschistaceae (lichen-forming ascproved by three gene phylogenyomycota)

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    Seventeen robust monophyletic branches newly discovered in the phylogenetic tree of the Teloschistaceae after separate nrITS, nrLSU and mtSSU, as well as combined phylogenetic analysis are proposed to consider as the following separate genera: Dijigiella S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lo\u2032k\uf6s gen. nov. for the D. kaernefeltiana group, Elixjohnia S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Sirenophila jackelixii group, Fominiella S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the F. tenerifensis group; Gintarasiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca aggregata, Hanstrassia S. Y. Kondr. gen. nov. for the Elenkiniana lenae group, Harusavskia S. Y. Kondr. gen. nov. for H. elenkinianoides sp. n., Huriella S. Y. Kondr. et D. Upreti gen. nov. for H. loekoesiana sp. n., Ikaeria S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca aurantiellina, Klauderuiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Variospora thallincola group, Laundonia S. Y. Kondr., L. Lo\u2032k\uf6s et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Gyalolechia flavovirescens group, Lazarenkoiopsis S. Y. Kondr., L. Lo\u2032k\uf6s et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca ussuriensis, Nevilleiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca marchantii group, Opeltia S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lo\u2032k\uf6s gen. nov. for the Caloplaca neobaltistanica group, Oxneriopsis S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca oxneri group, Teuvoahtiana S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca rugulosa group, Tomnashia S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Polycauliona rosei group, and Xanthaptychia S. Y. Kondr. et S. Ravera gen. nov. for the Seirophora orientalis group. Hitherto missing molecular data on three gene sequences of the type species of the genera Seirophora and Sirenophila are completed within this study. Six new to science species (Dijigiella kaernefeltiana S. Y. Kondr. sp. n., D. subaggregata S. Y. Kondr. et K\ue4rnefelt sp. n., Fominiella tenerifensis S. Y. Kondr., K\ue4rnefelt, A. Thell et T. Feuerer sp. n., Hanstrassia jaeseounhurii S. Y. Kondr., Ch.-H. Park et L. Lo\u2032k\uf6s sp. n., Harusavskia elenkinianoides S. Y. Kondr., X. Y. Wang, S.-O. Oh et J.-S. Hur sp. n., Huriella loekoesiana S. Y. Kondr. et D. Upreti sp. n.) are described, compared with closely related taxa. A total of 34 new combinations for genera mentioned above are proposed

    Recent literature on lichens—214

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