126 research outputs found

    Projections of air pollutant emissions and its impacts on regional air quality in China in 2020

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    Anthropogenic emissions of air pollutants in China influence not only local and regional environments but also the global atmospheric environment; therefore, it is important to understand how China's air pollutant emissions will change and how they will affect regional air quality in the future. Emission scenarios in 2020 were projected using forecasts of energy consumption and emission control strategies based on emissions in 2005, and on recent development plans for key industries in China. We developed four emission scenarios: REF[0] (current control legislations and implementation status), PC[0] (improvement of energy efficiencies and current environmental legislation), PC[1] (improvement of energy efficiencies and better implementation of environmental legislation), and PC[2] (improvement of energy efficiencies and strict environmental legislation). Under the REF[0] scenario, the emission of SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3 will increase by 17%, 50%, 49% and 18% in 2020, while PM10 emissions will be reduced by 10% over East China, compared to that in 2005. In PC[2], sustainable energy polices will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emissions by 4.1 Tg, 2.6 Tg and 1.8 Tg, respectively; better implementation of current control policies will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emission by 2.9 Tg, 1.8 Tg, and 1.4 Tg, respectively; strict emission standards will reduce SO2, NOx and PM10 emissions by 3.2 Tg, 3.9 Tg, and 1.7 Tg, respectively. Under the PC[2] scenario, SO2 and PM10 emissions will decrease by 18% and 38%, while NOx and VOC emissions will increase by 3% and 8%, compared to that in 2005. Future air quality in China was simulated using the Community Multi-scale Air Quality Model (CMAQ). Under RE[0] emissions, compared to 2005, the surface concentrations of SO2, NO2, hourly maximum ozone in summer, PM2.5, total sulfur and nitrogen depositions will increase by 28%, 41%, 8%, 8%, 19% and 25%, respectively, over east China. Under the PC[2] emission scenario, the surface concentrations of SO2, M2.5, total sulfur depositions will decrease by 18%, 16% and 15%, respectively, and the surface concentrations of NO2, nitrate, hourly maximum ozone in summer, total nitrogen depositions will be kept as 2005 level, over east China. The individual impacts of SO2, NOx, NH3, NMVOC and primary PM emission changes on ozone and PM.5 concentrations have been analyzed using sensitivity analysis. The results suggest that NOx emission control need to be enhanced during the summertime to obtain both ozone and PM2.5 reduction benefits. NH3 emission controls should also be considered in order to reduce both nitrate concentration and total nitrogen deposition in the future

    Metamaterial Polarization Converter Analysis: Limits of Performance

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    In this paper we analyze the theoretical limits of a metamaterial converter that allows for linear-to- elliptical polarization transformation with any desired ellipticity and ellipse orientation. We employ the transmission line approach providing a needed level of the design generalization. Our analysis reveals that the maximal conversion efficiency for transmission through a single metamaterial layer is 50%, while the realistic re ection configuration can give the conversion efficiency up to 90%. We show that a double layer transmission converter and a single layer with a ground plane can have 100% polarization conversion efficiency. We tested our conclusions numerically reaching the designated limits of efficiency using a simple metamaterial design. Our general analysis provides useful guidelines for the metamaterial polarization converter design for virtually any frequency range of the electromagnetic waves.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    NOx emissions in China: Historical trends and future perspectives

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    Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are key pollutants for the improvement of ambient air quality. Within this study we estimated the historical NOx emissions in China for the period 1995-2010, and calculated future NOx emissions every five years until 2030 under six emission scenarios. Driven by the fast growth of energy consumption, we estimate the NOx emissions in China increased rapidly from 11.0 Mt in 1995 to 26.1 Mt in 2010. Power plants, industry and transportation were major sources of NOx emissions, accounting for 28.4%, 34.0%, and 25.4% of the total NOx emissions in 2010, respectively. Two energy scenarios, a business as usual scenario (BAU) and an alternative policy scenario (PC), were developed to project future energy consumption. In 2030, total energy consumption is projected to increase by 64% and 27% from 2010 level respectively. Three sets of end-of-pipe pollution control measures, including baseline, progressive, and stringent control case, were developed for each energy scenario, thereby constituting six emission scenarios. By 2030, the total NOx emissions are projected to increase (compared to 2010) by 36% in the baseline while policy cases result in reduction up to 61% in the most ambitious case with stringent control measures. More than a third of the reduction achieved by 2030 between least and most ambitious scenario comes from power sector, and more than half is distributed equally between industry and transportation sectors. Selective catalytic reduction dominates the NOx emission reductions in power plants, while life style changes, control measures for industrial boilers and cement production are major contributors to reductions in industry. Timely enforcement of legislation on heavy-duty vehicles would contribute significantly to NOx emission reductions. About 30% of the NOx emission reduction in 2020 and 40% of the NOx emission reduction in 2030 could be treated as the ancillary benefit of energy conservation. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to explore the impact of key factors on future emissions

    Photochemical roles of rapid economic growth and potential abatement strategies on tropospheric ozone over South and East Asia in 2030

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    A regional air quality simulation framework including the Weather Research and Forecasting modeling system (WRF), the Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ), and precursor emissions to simulate tropospheric ozone over South and East Asia is introduced. Concentrations of tropospheric ozone and related species simulated by the framework are validated by comparing with observation data of surface monitoring, ozonesondes, and satellites obtained in 2010. The simulation demonstrates acceptable performance on tropospheric ozone over South and East Asia at regional scale. Future energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in 2030 under three future scenarios are estimated. One of the scenarios assumes a business-as-usual (BAU) pathway, and other two scenarios consider implemenation of additional energy and environmental strategies to reduce energy consumption, CO2, NOx, and VOC emissions in China and India. Future surface ozone under these three scenarios is predicted by the simulation. The simulation indicates future surface ozone significantly increases around India for a whole year and around northeastern China in summer. NOx is a main driver on significant seasonal increase of surface ozone, whereas VOC as well as increasing background ozone and methane is also an important factor on annual average of surface ozone in East Asia. Warmer weather around India is also preferable for significant increase of surfac ozone. Additional energy and environmental strategies assumed in future scenarios are expected to be effective to reduce future surface ozone over South and East Asia

    A behavior-based mobile robot with a visual landmark-recognition system

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    Wideband passive multiport model order reduction and realization of RLCM circuits

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    In vivo assessment of optimal viewing angles from X-ray coronary angiography

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    Aims: To propose and validate a novel approach to determine the optimal angiographic viewing angles for a selected coronary (target) segment from X-ray coronary angiography, without the need to reconstruct the entire coronary tree in three-dimensions (3D), such that subsequent interventions are carried out from the best view. Methods and results: The approach starts with standard quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) of the target vessel in two angiographic views. Next, the target vessel is reconstructed in 3D, and in a very simple and intuitive manlier, the possible overlap of the target vessel and other vessel segments can be assessed, resulting in the best view with minimum foreshortening and overlap. A retrospective study including 67 patients was set up for the validation. The overlap prediction result was compared with the true overlap on the available angiographic views (TEST views). The foreshortening for the views proposed by the new approach software viewing angle (SVA) and the views used during the stent deployment software viewing angle (EVA) were compared. Two experienced interventional cardiologists visually evaluated the success of SVA with respect to EVA. The evaluation results were graded into five values ranging from -2 to 2. The overlap prediction algorithm successfully predicted the overlap condition for all 235 TEST views. EVA was associated with more foreshortening than SVA (8.9%+/- 8.2% vs. 1.6%+/- 1.5%, p<0.001). The average evaluated point for the success of SVA was 0.94 +/- 0.80 (p<0.001), indicating that the evaluators were in favor of the optimal views determined by the proposed approach versus the views used during the actual intervention. Conclusions: The proposed approach is able to accurately and quickly determine the optimal viewing angles for the online support of coronary interventions.Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog

    Hybrid working mechanism enables highly reversible Zn electrodes

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    Available online 17 January 2023Zn dendrite growth and water-related side reactions have been criticized to hinder actual applications of aqueous Zn-ion batteries. To address these issues, a series of Zn interfacial modifications of building solid/electrolyte interphase (SEI) and nucleation layers have been widely proposed, however, their effectiveness remains debatable. Here, we report a boron nitride (BN)/Nafion layer on the Zn surface to efficiently solve Zn problems through combining the hybrid working mechanisms of SEI and nucleation layers. In our protective layer, Nafion exhibits the SEI mechanism by blocking water from the Zn surface and providing abundant channels for rapid Zn2+ transmission, whilst BN nanosheets induce Zn deposition underneath with a preferred (002) orientation. Accordingly, dendrite-free and side-reaction-free Zn electrode with (002) deposition under the protective layer is realized for the first time, as reflected by its high reversibility with average Coulombic efficiency of 99.2% for > 3000 ​h. The protected Zn electrode also shows excellent performance in full cells when coupling with polyaniline cathode under the strict condition of lean electrolyte addition. This work highlights insights for designing highly reversible metal electrodes towards practical applications.Libei Yuan, Junnan Hao, Bernt Johannessen, Chao Ye Fuhua Yang, Chao Wua, Shi-Xue Dou, Hua-Kun Liu, Shi-Zhang Qia
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