1,590 research outputs found

    Boundary Term in Metric f(R) Gravity: Field Equations in the Metric Formalism

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    The main goal of this paper is to get in a straightforward form the field equations in metric f(R) gravity, using elementary variational principles and adding a boundary term in the action, instead of the usual treatment in an equivalent scalar-tensor approach. We start with a brief review of the Einstein-Hilbert action, together with the Gibbons-York-Hawking boundary term, which is mentioned in some literature, but is generally missing. Next we present in detail the field equations in metric f(R) gravity, including the discussion about boundaries, and we compare with the Gibbons-York-Hawking term in General Relativity. We notice that this boundary term is necessary in order to have a well defined extremal action principle under metric variation.Comment: 12 pages, title changes by referee recommendation. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation. Matches with the accepted versio

    On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of the Minkowski Space

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    Using the standard Cayley transform and elementary tools it is reiterated that the conformal compactification of the Minkowski space involves not only the "cone at infinity" but also the 2-sphere that is at the base of this cone. We represent this 2-sphere by two additionally marked points on the Penrose diagram for the compactified Minkowski space. Lacks and omissions in the existing literature are described, Penrose diagrams are derived for both, simple compactification and its double covering space, which is discussed in some detail using both the U(2) approach and the exterior and Clifford algebra methods. Using the Hodge * operator twistors (i.e. vectors of the pseudo-Hermitian space H_{2,2}) are realized as spinors (i.e., vectors of a faithful irreducible representation of the even Clifford algebra) for the conformal group SO(4,2)/Z_2. Killing vector fields corresponding to the left action of U(2) on itself are explicitly calculated. Isotropic cones and corresponding projective quadrics in H_{p,q} are also discussed. Applications to flat conformal structures, including the normal Cartan connection and conformal development has been discussed in some detail.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures, late

    Strong Cosmic Censorship and Causality Violation

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    We investigate the instability of the Cauchy horizon caused by causality violation in the compact vacuum universe with the topology B×S1×RB\times {\bf S}^{1}\times {\bf R}, which Moncrief and Isenberg considered. We show that if the occurrence of curvature singularities are restricted to the boundary of causality violating region, the whole segments of the boundary become curvature singularities. This implies that the strong cosmic censorship holds in the spatially compact vacuum space-time in the case of the causality violation. This also suggests that causality violation cannot occur for a compact universe.Comment: corrected version, 8 pages, one eps figure is include

    An NMR-based nanostructure switch for quantum logic

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    We propose a nanostructure switch based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) which offers reliable quantum gate operation, an essential ingredient for building a quantum computer. The nuclear resonance is controlled by the magic number transitions of a few-electron quantum dot in an external magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 separate PostScript figures. Minor changes included. One reference adde

    Unwrapping Closed Timelike Curves

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    Closed timelike curves (CTCs) appear in many solutions of the Einstein equation, even with reasonable matter sources. These solutions appear to violate causality and so are considered problematic. Since CTCs reflect the global properties of a spacetime, one can attempt to change its topology, without changing its geometry, in such a way that the former CTCs are no longer closed in the new spacetime. This procedure is informally known as unwrapping. However, changes in global identifications tend to lead to local effects, and unwrapping is no exception, as it introduces a special kind of singularity, called quasi-regular. This "unwrapping" singularity is similar to the string singularities. We give two examples of unwrapping of essentially 2+1 dimensional spacetimes with CTCs, the Gott spacetime and the Godel universe. We show that the unwrapped Gott spacetime, while singular, is at least devoid of CTCs. In contrast, the unwrapped Godel spacetime still contains CTCs through every point. A "multiple unwrapping" procedure is devised to remove the remaining circular CTCs. We conclude that, based on the two spacetimes we investigated, CTCs appearing in the solutions of the Einstein equation are not simply a mathematical artifact of coordinate identifications, but are indeed a necessary consequence of General Relativity, provided only that we demand these solutions do not possess naked quasi-regular singularities.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Cosmic distance-duality as probe of exotic physics and acceleration

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    In cosmology, distances based on standard candles (e.g. supernovae) and standard rulers (e.g. baryon oscillations) agree as long as three conditions are met: (1) photon number is conserved, (2) gravity is described by a metric theory with (3) photons travelling on unique null geodesics. This is the content of distance-duality (the reciprocity relation) which can be violated by exotic physics. Here we analyse the implications of the latest cosmological data sets for distance-duality. While broadly in agreement and confirming acceleration we find a 2-sigma violation caused by excess brightening of SN-Ia at z > 0.5, perhaps due to lensing magnification bias. This brightening has been interpreted as evidence for a late-time transition in the dark energy but because it is not seen in the d_A data we argue against such an interpretation. Our results do, however, rule out significant SN-Ia evolution and extinction: the "replenishing" grey-dust model with no cosmic acceleration is excluded at more than 4-sigma despite this being the best-fit to SN-Ia data alone, thereby illustrating the power of distance-duality even with current data sets.Comment: 6 pages, 4 colour figures. Version accepted as a Rapid Communication in PR

    On the `Stationary Implies Axisymmetric' Theorem for Extremal Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    All known stationary black hole solutions in higher dimensions possess additional rotational symmetries in addition to the stationary Killing field. Also, for all known stationary solutions, the event horizon is a Killing horizon, and the surface gravity is constant. In the case of non-degenerate horizons (non-extremal black holes), a general theorem was previously established [gr-qc/0605106] proving that these statements are in fact generally true under the assumption that the spacetime is analytic, and that the metric satisfies Einstein's equation. Here, we extend the analysis to the case of degenerate (extremal) black holes. It is shown that the theorem still holds true if the vector of angular velocities of the horizon satisfies a certain "diophantine condition," which holds except for a set of measure zero.Comment: 30pp, Latex, no figure

    The Dirac system on the Anti-de Sitter Universe

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    We investigate the global solutions of the Dirac equation on the Anti-de-Sitter Universe. Since this space is not globally hyperbolic, the Cauchy problem is not, {\it a priori}, well-posed. Nevertheless we can prove that there exists unitary dynamics, but its uniqueness crucially depends on the ratio beween the mass MM of the field and the cosmological constant Λ>0\Lambda>0 : it appears a critical value, Λ/12\Lambda/12, which plays a role similar to the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound for the scalar fields. When M2≥Λ/12M^2\geq \Lambda/12 there exists a unique unitary dynamics. In opposite, for the light fermions satisfying M2<Λ/12M^2<\Lambda/12, we construct several asymptotic conditions at infinity, such that the problem becomes well-posed. In all the cases, the spectrum of the hamiltonian is discrete. We also prove a result of equipartition of the energy.Comment: 33 page

    Quantum corrections to the mass of the supersymmetric vortex

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    We calculate quantum corrections to the mass of the vortex in N=2 supersymmetric abelian Higgs model in (2+1) dimensions. We put the system in a box and apply the zeta function regularization. The boundary conditions inevitably violate a part of the supersymmetries. Remaining supersymmetry is however enough to ensure isospectrality of relevant operators in bosonic and fermionic sectors. A non-zero correction to the mass of the vortex comes from finite renormalization of couplings.Comment: Latex, 18 pp; v2 reference added; v3 minor change
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