108 research outputs found

    Experimental constraints on the parameter space of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model at LEP 2

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    We search for the neutral Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model at LEP 2. At the tree level any experimental constraints on tanβ\tan \beta cannot be set by the Higgs search at LEP 2 with s\sqrt{s} = 175 GeV, whereas at LEP 2 with s\sqrt{s} = 192 GeV tanβ\tan \beta can be set by an experimental constraint. Furthermore the tree level parameter space of the model can be completely explored by the Higgs search at LEP 2 with s\sqrt{s} = 205 GeV. Radiative corrections both to the neutral Higgs boson masses and to the relevant couplings for the scalar Higgs productions give large contributions to the production cross sections of the scalar Higgs bosons at the tree level. The tree level situation at LEP 2 with s\sqrt{s} = 192 GeV as well as with s\sqrt{s} = 205 GeV can be drastically changed by these effects. We expect that a small region of the 1-loop level parameter space of the model via the scalar Higgs production can be explored by the Higgs search at LEP 2.Comment: 14 pages (3 figures are included

    Baryogenesis in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model

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    We consider the generation of the baryon asymmetry in the two-Higgs doublet model. Investigating the thermal potential in the presence of CP violation, as relevant for baryogenesis, we find a strong first-order phase transition if the extra Higgs states are heavier than about 300 GeV. The mass of the lightest Higgs can be as large as about 200 GeV. We compute the bubble wall properties, including the profile of the relative complex phase between the two Higgs vevs. The baryon asymmetry is generated by top transport, which we treat in the WKB approximation. We find a baryon asymmetry consistent with observations. The neutron electric dipole moment is predicted to be larger than about 10^{-27}ecm and can reach the current experimental bound. Low values of tan\beta are favored.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Neutral Higgs bosons in the MNMSSM with explicit CP violation

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    Within the framework of the minimal non-minimal supersymmetric standard model (MNMSSM) with tadpole terms, CP violation effects in the Higgs sector are investigated at the one-loop level, where the radiative corrections from the loops of the quark and squarks of the third generation are taken into account. Assuming that the squark masses are not degenerate, the radiative corrections due to the stop and sbottom quarks give rise to CP phases, which trigger the CP violation explicitly in the Higgs sector of the MNMSSM. The masses, the branching ratios for dominant decay channels, and the total decay widths of the five neutral Higgs bosons in the MNMSSM are calculated in the presence of the explicit CP violation. The dependence of these quantities on the CP phases is quite recognizable, for given parameter values.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    The Baryon asymmetry in the Standard Model with a low cut-off

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    We study the generation of the baryon asymmetry in a variant of the standard model, where the Higgs field is stabilized by a dimension-six interaction. Analyzing the one-loop potential, we find a strong first order electroweak phase transition for Higgs masses up to at least 170 GeV. Dimension-six operators induce also new sources of CP violation. We compute the baryon asymmetry in the WKB approximation. Novel source terms in the transport equations enhance the generated baryon asymmetry. For a wide range of parameters the model predicts a baryon asymmetry close to the observed value.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 6 figure

    Neutral Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with explicit CP violation

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    The neutral Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) with explicit CP violation is investigated at the 1-loop level, using the effective potential method; not only the loops involving the third generation of quarks and scalar quarks, but also the loops involving WW boson, charged Higgs boson, and chargino are taken into account. It is found that for some parameter values of the NMSSM the contributions from the WW boson, charged Higgs boson, and chargino loops may modify the masses of the neutral Higgs bosons and the mixings among them significantly, depending on the CP phase. In e+ee^+e^- collisions, the prospects for discovering neutral Higgs bosons are investigated within the context of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation when the dominant component of the lightest neutral Higgs boson is the Higgs singlet field of the NMSSM.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, 6 figure

    Possibility of spontaneous CP violation in the nonminimal supersymmetric standard model with two neutral Higgs singlets

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    A supersymmetric standard model with two Higgs doublets and two Higgs singlets is investigated if it can accommodate the possibility of spontaneous CP violation. Assuming the degeneracy of the scalar quark masses of the third generation, we find that spontaneous CP violation in the Higgs sector is viable in our model. In the case of spontaneous CP violation, the masses of the lightest two neutral Higgs bosons are estimated to be 80 and 125 GeV for some parameter values in our model, which, are consistent with LEP2 data.Comment: 18 pages, 3figure

    Charged Higgs boson in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with explicit CP violation

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    The phenomenology of the explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) is investigated, with emphasis on the charged Higgs boson. The radiative corrections due to both quarks and scalar-quarks of the third generation are taken into account, and the negative result of the search for the Higgs bosons at CERN LEP2, with the discovery limit of 0.1 pb, is imposed as a constraint. It is found that there are parameter regions of the NMSSM where the lightest neutral Higgs boson may even be massless, without being detected at LEP2. This implies that the LEP2 data do not contradict the existence of a massless neutral Higgs boson in the NMSSM. For the charged Higgs boson, the radiative corrections to its mass may be negative in some parameter regions of the NMSSM. The phenomenological lower bound on the radiatively corrected mass of the charged Higgs boson is increased as the CP violation becomes maximal, i.e., as the CP violating phase becomes π/2\pi/2. At the maximal CP violation, its lower bound is about 110 GeV for 5 tanβ\leqslant \tan \beta \leqslant 40. The vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the neutral Higgs singlet is shown to be no smaller than 16 GeV for any parameter values of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation. This value of the lower limit is found to increase up to about 45 GeV as the ratio (tanβ\tan \beta) of the VEVs of the two Higgs doublets decreases to smaller values (\sim 2). The discovery limit of the Higgs boson search at LEP2 is found to cover about a half of the kinematically allowed part of the whole parameter space of the NMSSM, and the portion is roughly stable against the CP violating phase.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, 6 figure

    Explicit CP violation in the Dine-Seiberg-Thomas model

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    The possibility of explicit CP violation is studied in a supersymmetric model proposed by Dine, Seiberg, and Thomas, with two effective dimension-five operators. The explicit CP violation may be triggered by complex phases in the coefficients for the dimension-five operators in the Higgs potential, and by a complex phase in the scalar top quark masses. Although the scenario of explicit CP violation is found to be inconsistent with the experimental data at LEP2 at the tree level, it may be possible at the one-loop level. For a reasonable parameter space, the masses of the neutral Higgs bosons and their couplings to a pair of ZZ bosons are consistent with the LEP2 data, at the one-loop level.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The Electroweak Phase Transition on Orbifolds with Gauge-Higgs Unification

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    The dynamics of five dimensional Wilson line phases at finite temperature is studied in the one-loop approximation. We show that at temperatures of order T \sim 1/L, where L is the length of the compact space, the gauge symmetry is always restored and the electroweak phase transition appears to be of first order. Particular attention is devoted to the study of a recently proposed five dimensional orbifold model (on S1/Z2) where the Wilson line phase is identified with the Higgs field (gauge-Higgs unification). Interestingly enough, an estimate of the leading higher-loop ``daisy'' (or ``ring'') diagram contributions to the effective potential in a simple five dimensional model, seems to suggest that the electroweak phase transition can be studied in perturbation theory even for Higgs masses above the current experimental limit of 114 GeV. The transition is still of first order for such values of the Higgs mass. If large localized gauge kinetic terms are present, the transition might be strong enough to give baryogenesis at the electroweak transition.Comment: 35 pages, 34 figures; v2: discussion on higher loop contributions improved, two figures added, minor correction

    Phenomenology of the nMSSM from colliders to cosmology

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    Low energy supersymmetric models provide a solution to the hierarchy problem and also have the necessary ingredients to solve two of the most outstanding issues in cosmology: the origin of dark matter and baryonic matter. One of the most attractive features of this framework is that the relevant physical processes are related to interactions at the weak scale and therefore may be tested in collider experiments in the near future. This is true for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as well as for its extension with the addition of one singlet chiral superfield, the so-called nMSSM. It has been recently shown that within the nMSSM an elegant solution to both the problem of baryogenesis and dark matter may be found, that relies mostly on the mixing of the singlet sector with the Higgs sector of the theory. In this work we review the nMSSM model constraints from cosmology and present the associated collider phenomenology at the LHC and the ILC. We show that the ILC will efficiently probe the neutralino, chargino and Higgs sectors, allowing to confront cosmological observations with computations based on collider measurements. We also investigate the prospects for a direct detection of dark matter and the constraints imposed by the current bounds of the electron electric dipole moment in this model.Comment: 44 pp, 10 figures; Fig.9 replaced; discussion on CP violation extended and references added; few minor additions in text about details of the cut