34 research outputs found

    On the cohomology of pseudoeffective line bundles

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    The goal of this survey is to present various results concerning the cohomology of pseudoeffective line bundles on compact K{\"a}hler manifolds, and related properties of their multiplier ideal sheaves. In case the curvature is strictly positive, the prototype is the well known Nadel vanishing theorem, which is itself a generalized analytic version of the fundamental Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem of algebraic geometry. We are interested here in the case where the curvature is merely semipositive in the sense of currents, and the base manifold is not necessarily projective. In this situation, one can still obtain interesting information on cohomology, e.g. a Hard Lefschetz theorem with pseudoeffective coefficients, in the form of a surjectivity statement for the Lefschetz map. More recently, Junyan Cao, in his PhD thesis defended in Grenoble, obtained a general K{\"a}hler vanishing theorem that depends on the concept of numerical dimension of a given pseudoeffective line bundle. The proof of these results depends in a crucial way on a general approximation result for closed (1,1)-currents, based on the use of Bergman kernels, and the related intersection theory of currents. Another important ingredient is the recent proof by Guan and Zhou of the strong openness conjecture. As an application, we discuss a structure theorem for compact K{\"a}hler threefolds without nontrivial subvarieties, following a joint work with F.Campana and M.Verbitsky. We hope that these notes will serve as a useful guide to the more detailed and more technical papers in the literature; in some cases, we provide here substantially simplified proofs and unifying viewpoints.Comment: 39 pages. This survey is a written account of a lecture given at the Abel Symposium, Trondheim, July 201

    The K\"ahler-Ricci flow on surfaces of positive Kodaira dimension

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    The existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on a compact K\"ahler manifold has been the subject of intensive study over the last few decades, following Yau's solution to Calabi's conjecture. The Ricci flow, introduced by Richard Hamilton has become one of the most powerful tools in geometric analysis. We study the K\"ahler-Ricci flow on minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension one and show that the flow collapses and converges to a unique canonical metric on its canonical model. Such a canonical is a generalized K\"ahler-Einstein metric. Combining the results of Cao, Tsuji, Tian and Zhang, we give a metric classification for K\"aher surfaces with a numerical effective canonical line bundle by the K\"ahler-Ricci flow. In general, we propose a program of finding canonical metrics on canonical models of projective varieties of positive Kodaira dimension

    Manifolds with 1/4-pinched flag curvature

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    We say that a nonnegatively curved manifold (M,g)(M,g) has quarter pinched flag curvature if for any two planes which intersect in a line the ratio of their sectional curvature is bounded above by 4. We show that these manifolds have nonnegative complex sectional curvature. By combining with a theorem of Brendle and Schoen it follows that any positively curved manifold with strictly quarter pinched flag curvature must be a space form. This in turn generalizes a result of Andrews and Nguyen in dimension 4. For odd dimensional manifolds we obtain results for the case that the flag curvature is pinched with some constant below one quarter, one of which generalizes a recent work of Petersen and Tao

    Positivity of relative canonical bundles and applications

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    Given a family f:XSf:\mathcal X \to S of canonically polarized manifolds, the unique K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on the fibers induce a hermitian metric on the relative canonical bundle KX/S\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}. We use a global elliptic equation to show that this metric is strictly positive on X\mathcal X, unless the family is infinitesimally trivial. For degenerating families we show that the curvature form on the total space can be extended as a (semi-)positive closed current. By fiber integration it follows that the generalized Weil-Petersson form on the base possesses an extension as a positive current. We prove an extension theorem for hermitian line bundles, whose curvature forms have this property. This theorem can be applied to a determinant line bundle associated to the relative canonical bundle on the total space. As an application the quasi-projectivity of the moduli space Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}} of canonically polarized varieties follows. The direct images RnpfΩX/Sp(KX/Sm)R^{n-p}f_*\Omega^p_{\mathcal X/S}(\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}^{\otimes m}), m>0m > 0, carry natural hermitian metrics. We prove an explicit formula for the curvature tensor of these direct images. We apply it to the morphisms SpTSRpfΛpTX/SS^p \mathcal T_S \to R^pf_*\Lambda^p\mathcal T_{\mathcal X/S} that are induced by the Kodaira-Spencer map and obtain a differential geometric proof for hyperbolicity properties of Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}}.Comment: Supercedes arXiv:0808.3259v4 and arXiv:1002.4858v2. To appear in Invent. mat

    Existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics and multiplier ideal sheaves on del Pezzo surfaces

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    We apply Nadel’s method of multiplier ideal sheaves to show that every complex del Pezzo surface of degree at most six whose automorphism group acts without fixed points has a Kähler–Einstein metric. In particular, all del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4, 5, or 6 and certain special del Pezzo surfaces of lower degree are shown to have a Kähler–Einstein metric. These existence statements are not new, but the proofs given in the present paper are less involved than earlier ones by Siu, Tian and Tian–Yau

    Laser light-scattering study of ultrasonicated and thermosonicated soy proteins

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    In the food industry, detailed information on the relation between processing conditions and size of aggregates formed is desirable to permit optimization of some manufacturing processes. Ultrasonication (US) and thermosonication (TS, the combination of ultrasound and heat) have been used to modify the structure and function of various food proteins. Detailed investigation on the mechanisms requires accurate determination of the molecular weight and size distribution of proteins. The objective of this study was to investigate the structural characteristic of soy proteins after US and TS treatments using size-exclusion chromatography combined with on-line multi-angle laser light scattering and dynamic quasi-elastic light scattering (SEC-MALLS-QELS). SPI solutions (100 mg/mL) were sonicated for 0, 10, 30, 60, 180 and 300 seconds at power level of 72.02 W/cm2. For thermosonicated samples, protein solutions were first brought up to 25, 40, 50 and 70oC in a temperature-controlled water bath and then sonicated with the same processor for 10 seconds at 72.02 W/cm2. Samples were then analyzed by the SEC-MALLS-QELS system. US treatment caused aggregation of SPI and 7S globulins. Prolonged period of treatment also led to aggregation of 11S globulin to form larger soluble macromolecules. Changes in weight-average molecular weight (Mw) and hydrodynamic radii (rh) suggest that initial formation of large aggregates followed by dissociation. Upon TS treatment, SPI and 7S globulins were associated to form large macromolecules whereas 11S globulin was dissociated. Increases in Mw in TS treated SPI and 7S globulins suggest that heat and ultrasound treatments acted synergistically to promote protein aggregation. TS treatment also led to a slight decrease in Mw of 11S globulin, suggesting protein dissociation. The present results showed that the SEC-MALLS-QELS system is suitable for monitoring changes in molecular weight/size and conformation of soy proteins during ultrasonic treatments