350 research outputs found

    Unscreened Coulomb repulsion in the one dimensional electron gas

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    A tight binding model of electrons interacting via bare Coulomb repulsion is numerically investigated by use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method which we prove applicable also to very long range potentials. From the analysis of the elementary excitations, of the spin and charge correlation functions and of the momentum distribution, a picture consistent with the formation of a one dimensional "Wigner crystal" emerges, in quantitative agreement with a previous bosonization study. At finite doping, Umklapp scattering is shown to be ineffective in the presence of long range forces.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages with 8 eps figures. To be published on Phys. Rev.

    The transition between hole-pairs and four-hole clusters in four-leg tJ ladders

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    Holes weakly doped into a four-leg \tj ladder bind in pairs. At dopings exceeding a critical doping of δc1/8\delta_c\simeq {1/8} four hole clusters are observed to form in DMRG calculations. The symmetry of the ground state wavefunction does not change and we are able to reproduce this behavior qualitatively with an effective bosonic model in which the four-leg ladder is represented as two coupled two-leg ladders and hole-pairs are mapped on hard core bosons moving along and between these ladders. At lower dopings, δ<δc\delta<\delta_c, a one dimensional bosonic representation for hole-pairs works and allows us to calculate accurately the Luttinger liquid parameter \krho, which takes the universal value \krho=1 as half-filling is approached

    A Bosonic Model of Hole Pairs

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    We numerically investigate a bosonic representation for hole pairs on a two-leg t-J ladder where hard core bosons on a chain represent the hole pairs on the ladder. The interaction between hole pairs is obtained by fitting the density profile obtained with the effective model to the one obtained with the \tj model, taking into account the inner structure of the hole pair given by the hole-hole correlation function. For these interactions we calculate the Luttinger liquid parameter, which takes the universal value Kρ=1K_{\rho}=1 as half filling is approached, for values of the rung exchange JJ' between strong coupling and the isotropic case. The long distance behavior of the hole-hole correlation function is also investigated. Starting from large JJ', the correlation length first increases as expected, but diminishes significantly as JJ' is reduced and bound holes sit mainly on adjacent rungs. As the isotropic case is approached, the correlation length increases again. This effect is related to the different kind of bonds in the region between the two holes of a hole pair when they move apart.Comment: 11 page

    Numerical renormalization group study of the 1D t-J model

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    The one-dimensional (1D) tJt-J model is investigated using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. We report for the first time a generalization of the DMRG method to the case of arbitrary band filling and prove a theorem with respect to the reduced density matrix that accelerates the numerical computation. Lastly, using the extended DMRG method, we present the ground state electron momentum distribution, spin and charge correlation functions. The 3kF3k_F anomaly of the momentum distribution function first discussed by Ogata and Shiba is shown to disappear as JJ increases. We also argue that there exists a density-independent JcJ_c beyond which the system becomes an electron solid.Comment: Wrong set of figures were put in the orginal submissio

    Staggered flux and stripes in doped antiferromagnets

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    We have numerically investigated whether or not a mean-field theory of spin textures generate fictitious flux in the doped two dimensional tJt-J-model. First we consider the properties of uniform systems and then we extend the investigation to include models of striped phases where a fictitious flux is generated in the domain wall providing a possible source for lowering the kinetic energy of the holes. We have compared the energetics of uniform systems with stripes directed along the (10)- and (11)-directions of the lattice, finding that phase-separation generically turns out to be energetically favorable. In addition to the numerical calculations, we present topological arguments relating flux and staggered flux to geometric properties of the spin texture. The calculation is based on a projection of the electron operators of the tJt-J model into a spin texture with spinless fermions.Comment: RevTex, 19 pages including 20 figure

    Holons on a meandering stripe: quantum numbers

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    We attempt to access the regime of strong coupling between charge carriers and transverse dynamics of an isolated conducting ``stripe'', such as those found in cuprate superconductors. A stripe is modeled as a partially doped domain wall in an antiferromagnet (AF), introduced in the context of two different models: the t-J model with strong Ising anisotropy, and the Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The domain walls with a given linear charge density are supported artificially by boundary conditions. In both models we find a regime of parameters where doped holes lose their spin and become holons (charge Q=1, spin S_z=0), which can move along the stripe without frustrating AF environment. One aspect in which the holons on the AF domain wall differ from those in an ordinary one-dimensional electron gas is their transverse degree of freedom: a mobile holon always resides on a transverse kink (or antikink) of the domain wall. This gives rise to two holon flavors and to a strong coupling between doped charges and transverse fluctuations of a stripe.Comment: Minor revisions: references update

    Quantum-fluctuation-induced repelling interaction of quantum string between walls

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    Quantum string, which was brought into discussion recently as a model for the stripe phase in doped cuprates, is simulated by means of the density-matrix-renormalization-group method. String collides with adjacent neighbors, as it wonders, owing to quantum zero-point fluctuations. The energy cost due to the collisions is our main concern. Embedding a quantum string between rigid walls with separation d, we found that for sufficiently large d, collision-induced energy cost obeys the formula \sim exp (- A d^alpha) with alpha=0.808(1), and string's mean fluctuation width grows logarithmically \sim log d. Those results are not understood in terms of conventional picture that the string is `disordered,' and only the short-wave-length fluctuations contribute to collisions. Rather, our results support a recent proposal that owing to collisions, short-wave-length fluctuations are suppressed, but instead, long-wave-length fluctuations become significant. This mechanism would be responsible for stabilizing the stripe phase

    The Hubbard model with smooth boundary conditions

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    We apply recently developed smooth boundary conditions to the quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the two-dimensional Hubbard model. At half-filling, where there is no sign problem, we show that the thermodynamic limit is reached more rapidly with smooth rather than with periodic or open boundary conditions. Away from half-filling, where ordinarily the simulation cannot be carried out at low temperatures due to the existence of the sign problem, we show that smooth boundary conditions allow us to reach significantly lower temperatures. We examine pairing correlation functions away from half-filling in order to determine the possible existence of a superconducting state. On a 10×1010\times 10 lattice for U=4U=4, at a filling of n=0.87\langle n \rangle = 0.87 and an inverse temperature of β=10\beta=10, we did find enhancement of the dd-wave correlations with respect to the non-interacting case, a possible sign of dd-wave superconductivity.Comment: 16 pages RevTeX, 9 postscript figures included (Figure 1 will be faxed on request

    Dimerization and Incommensurate Spiral Spin Correlations in the Zigzag Spin Chain: Analogies to the Kondo Lattice

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    Using the density matrix renormalization group and a bosonization approach, we study a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with near-neighbor coupling J1J_1 and frustrating second-neighbor coupling J2J_2, particularly in the limit J2>>J1J_2 >> J_1. This system exhibits both dimerization and incommensurate spiral spin correlations. We argue that this system is closely related to a doped, spin-gapped phase of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice.Comment: 18 pages, with 13 embedded encapsulated Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty. Corrects a misstatement about the pitch angle, and contains additional reference

    A Monte Carlo Study of Correlations in Quantum Spin Ladders

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    We study antiferromagnetic spin--1/2 Heisenberg ladders, comprised of ncn_c chains (2nc62 \leq n_c \leq 6) with ratio J/JJ_{\bot}/J_{\|} of inter-- to intra--chain couplings. From measurements of the correlation function we deduce the correlation length ξ(T)\xi(T). For even ncn_c, the static structure factor exhibits a peak at a temperature below the corresponding spin gap. Results for isotropically coupled ladders (J/J=1J_{\bot}/J_{\|} = 1) are compared to those for the single chain and the square lattice. For J/J0.5J_{\bot}/J_{\|} \leq 0.5, the correlation function of the two--chain ladder is in excellent agreement with analytic results from conformal field theory, and ξ(T)\xi(T) exhibits simple scaling behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 5 EPS figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let