15 research outputs found

    A first genome assembly of the barley fungal pathogen Pyrenophora teres f. teres

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    Background: Pyrenophora teres f. teres is a necrotrophic fungal pathogen and the cause of one of barley's most important diseases, net form of net blotch. Here we report the first genome assembly for this species based solely on short Solexa sequencing reads of isolate 0-1. The assembly was validated by comparison to BAC sequences, ESTs, orthologous genes and by PCR, and complemented by cytogenetic karyotyping and the first genome-wide genetic map for P. teres f. teres. Results: The total assembly was 41.95 Mbp and contains 11,799 gene models of 50 amino acids or more. Comparison against two sequenced BACs showed that complex regions with a high GC content assembled effectively. Electrophoretic karyotyping showed distinct chromosomal polymorphisms between isolates 0-1 and 15A, and cytological karyotyping confirmed the presence of at least nine chromosomes. The genetic map spans 2477.7 cM and is composed of 243 markers in 25 linkage groups, and incorporates simple sequence repeat markers developed from the assembly. Among predicted genes, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases and efflux pumps in particular appear to have undergone a P. teres f. teres-specific expansion of non-orthologous gene families. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that paired-end Solexa sequencing can successfully capture coding regions of a filamentous fungal genome. The assembly contains a plethora of predicted genes that have been implicated in a necrotrophic lifestyle and pathogenicity and presents a significant resource for examining the bases for P. teres f. teres pathogenicity

    Resistance to Subterranean clover mottle virus in Medicago truncatula and genetic mapping of a resistance locus

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    Subterranean clover mottle virus (SCMoV), which causes an important disease of annual clover pastures, was inoculated to the annual pasture legume Medicago truncatula, a model legume species used to help understand legume genome structure and function. Two hundred and nine accessions representing the core collection of M. truncatula were inoculated with infective sap containing SCMoV to determine their disease phenotypes. Forty-two of these accessions remained uninfected systemically and so were potentially resistant to the virus. Accession DZA315.16 developed a localised hypersensitive resistance reaction. In an F8 mapping population from a cross between the susceptible parent Jemalong 6/A17 and resistant accession DZA315.16, a total of 166 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were phenotyped for resistance and susceptibility to SCMoV. Resistant and susceptible lines showed parental phenotypic responses: 84 were susceptible and 82 were resistant, suggesting presence of a single resistance (R) gene. The phenotypic data were combined with genotypic data (76 polymorphic molecular markers) for this RIL population to provide a framework map. Genetic analysis located a single resistance locus termed RSCMoV1 on the long arm of chromosome 6. These results provide a basis for fine mapping the RSCMoV1 gene

    Pyrenophora teres: profile of an increasingly damaging barley pathogen

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    Pyrenophora teres, causal agent of net blotch of barley, exists in two forms, designated P. teres f. teres and P. teres f. maculata, which induce net form net blotch (NFNB) and spot form net blotch (SFNB), respectively. Significantly more work has been performed on the net form than on the spot form although recent activity in spot form research has increased because of epidemics of SFNB in barley-producing regions. Genetic studies have demonstrated that NFNB resistance in barley is present in both dominant and recessive forms, and that resistance/susceptibility to both forms can be conferred by major genes, although minor quantitative trait loci have also been identified. Early work on the virulence of the pathogen showed toxin effector production to be important in disease induction by both forms of pathogen. Since then, several laboratories have investigated effectors of virulence and avirulence, and both forms are complex in their interaction with the host. Here, we assemble recent information from the literature that describes both forms of this important pathogen and includes reports describing the host-pathogen interaction with barley. We also include preliminary findings from a genome sequence survey.Taxonomy: Pyrenophora teres Drechs. Kingdom Fungi; Phylum Ascomycota; Subphylum Pezizomycotina; Class Dothideomycete; Order Pleosporales; Family Pleosporaceae; Genus Pyrenophora, form teres and form maculata.Identification: To date, no clear morphological or life cycle differences between the two forms of P. teres have been identified, and therefore they are described collectively. Towards the end of the growing season, the fungus produces dark, globosely shaped pseudothecia, about 1-2 mm in diameter, on barley. Ascospores measuring 18-28 ÎŒm × 43-61 ÎŒm are light brown and ellipsoidal and often have three to four transverse septa and one or two longitudinal septa in the median cells. Conidiophores usually arise singly or in groups of two or three and are lightly swollen at the base. Conidia measuring 30-174 ÎŒm × 15-23 ÎŒm are smoothly cylindrical and straight, round at both ends, subhyaline to yellowish brown, often with four to six pseudosepta. Morphologically, P. teres f. teres and P. teres f. maculata are indistinguishable.Host range: Comprehensive work on the host range of P. teres f. teres has been performed; however, little information on the host range of P. teres f. maculata is available. Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum are considered to be the primary hosts for P. teres. However, natural infection by P. teres has been observed in other wild Hordeum species and related species from the genera Bromus, Avena and Triticum, including H. marinum, H. murinum, H. brachyantherum, H. distichon, H. hystrix, B. diandrus, A. fatua, A. sativa and T. aestivum (Shipton ., 1973, Rev. Plant Pathol. 52:269-290). In artificial inoculation experiments under field conditions, P. teres f. teres has been shown to infect a wide range of gramineous species in the genera Agropyron, Brachypodium, Elymus, Cynodon, Deschampsia, Hordelymus and Stipa (Brown et al., 1993, Plant Dis. 77:942-947). Additionally, 43 gramineous species were used in a growth chamber study and at least one of the P. teres f. teres isolates used was able to infect 28 of the 43 species tested. However, of these 28 species, 14 exhibited weak type 1 or 2 reactions on the NFNB 1-10 scale (Tekauz, 1985). These reaction types are small pin-point lesions and could possibly be interpreted as nonhost reactions. In addition, the P. teres f. teres host range was investigated under field conditions by artificially inoculating 95 gramineous species with naturally infected barley straw. Pyrenophora teres f. teres was re-isolated from 65 of the species when infected leaves of adult plants were incubated on nutrient agar plates; however, other than Hordeum species, only two of the 65 host species exhibited moderately susceptible or susceptible field reaction types, with most species showing small dark necrotic lesions indicative of a highly resistant response to P. teres f. teres. Although these wild species have the potential to be alternative hosts, the high level of resistance identified for most of the species makes their role as a source of primary inoculum questionable.Disease symptoms: Two types of symptom are caused by P. teres. These are net-type lesions caused by P. teres f. teres and spot-type lesions caused by P. teres f. maculata. The net-like symptom, for which the disease was originally named, has characteristic narrow, dark-brown, longitudinal and transverse striations on infected leaves. The spot form symptom consists of dark-brown, circular to elliptical lesions surrounded by a chlorotic or necrotic halo of varying width

    Differences in syntenic complexity between Medicago truncatula with Lens culinaris and Lupinus albus

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    Orthologous markers transferable between distantly related legume species allow for the rapid generation of genetic maps in species where there is little pre-existing genomic or EST information. We are using the model legume Medicago truncatula Gaertn. to develop such markers in legumes of importance to Australian agriculture. This will enable the construction of comparative genetic maps, help to determine patterns of chromosomal evolution in the legume family, and characterise syntenic relationships between M. truncatula and cultivated legumes. This information can then be used to identify markers that are tightly linked to the genes of interest, candidate gene(s) for a trait, and expedite the isolation of such genes. Among the Papilionoideae, we compared ESTs from the phylogenetically distant species, M. truncatula, Lupinus albus and Glycine max, to produce 500 intron-targeted amplified polymorphic markers (ITAPs). In addition to 126 M. truncatula cross-species markers from Department of Plant Pathology, University of California (USA), these markers were used to generate comparative genetic maps of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus Linn.). Our results showed that 90% of the ITAPs markers amplified genomic DNA in M. truncatula, 80% in Lupinus albus, and 70% in Lens culinaris. The comparative map of Lens culinaris was constructed based on 79 ITAP markers. The Lupinus albus comparative map was developed from 105 gene-based markers together with 223 AFLP markers. Although a direct and simple syntenic relationship was observed between M. truncatula and Lens culinaris genomes, there is evidence of moderate chromosomal rearrangement. This may account for the different chromosome numbers in the two species. A more complicated pattern among homologous blocks was apparent between the Lupinus albus and M. truncatula genomes

    Integration of EST-SSR markers of Medicago truncatula into intraspecific linkage map of lentil and identification of QTL conferring resistance to ascochyta blight at seedling and pod stages

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    Microsatellite markers have been extensively utilised in the leguminosae for genome mapping and identifying major loci governing traits of interest for eventual marker-assisted selection (MAS). The lack of available lentil-specific microsatellite sequences and gene-based markers instigated the mining and transfer of expressed sequence tag simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR)/SSR sequences from the model genome Medicago truncatula, to enrich an existing intraspecific lentil genetic map. A total of 196 markers, including new 15 M. truncatula EST-SSR/SSR, were mapped using a population of 94 F-5 recombinant inbred lines produced from a cross between cv. Northfield (ILL5588) x cv. Digger (ILL5722) and clustered into 11 linkage groups (LG) covering 1156.4 cM. Subsequently, the size and effects of quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning Ascochyta lentis resistance at seedling and pod/maturity stages were characterised and compared. Three QTL were detected for seedling resistance on LG1 and LG9 and a further three were detected for pod/maturity resistance on LG1, LG4 and LG5. Together, these accounted for 34 and 61% of the total estimated phenotypic variation, respectively, and demonstrated that resistance at the different growth stages is potentially conditioned by different genomic regions. The flanking markers identified may be useful for MAS and for the future pyramiding of potentially different resistance genes into elite backgrounds that are resistant throughout the cropping season

    The first gene-based map of Lupinus angustifolius L.-location of domestication genes and conserved synteny with Medicago truncatula

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    We report the first gene-based linkage map of Lupinus angustifolius (narrow-leafed lupin) and its comparison to the partially sequenced genome of Medicago truncatula. The map comprises 382 loci in 20 major linkage groups, two triplets, three pairs and 11 unlinked loci and is 1,846 cM in length. The map was generated from the segregation of 163 RFLP markers, 135 gene-based PCR markers, 75 AFLP and 4 AFLP-derived SCAR markers in a mapping population of 93 recombinant inbred lines, derived from a cross between domesticated and wild-type parents. This enabled the mapping of five major genes controlling key domestication traits in L. angustifolius. Using marker sequence data, the L. angustifolius genetic map was compared to the partially completed M. truncatula genome sequence. We found evidence of conserved synteny in some regions of the genome despite the wide evolutionary distance between these legume species. We also found new evidence of widespread duplication within the L. angustifolius genome

    Constant connectivity: rethinking interruptions at work

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    While the subject of interruptions has received considerable attention among organizational researchers, the pervasive presence of information and communication technologies has not been adequately conceptualized. Here we consider the way knowledge workers interact with these technologies. We present fine-grained data that reveal the crucial role of mediated communication in the fragmentation of the working day. These mediated interactions, which are both frequent and short, have been commonly viewed as interruptions — as if the issue is the frequency of these single, isolated events. In contrast, we argue that knowledge workers inhabit an environment where communication technologies are ubiquitous, presenting simultaneous, multiple and ever-present calls on their attention. Such a framing employs a sociomaterial approach which reveals how contemporary knowledge work is itself a complex entanglement of social practices and the materiality of technical artefacts. Our findings show that employees engage in new work strategies as they negotiate the constant connectivity of communication media

    SSR analysis of the Medicago truncatula SARDI core collection reveals substantial diversity and unusual genotype dispersal throughout the Mediterranean basin

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    The world's oldest and largest Medicago truncatula collection is housed at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). We used six simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci to analyse the genetic diversity and relationships between randomly selected individuals from 192 accessions in the core collection. M. truncatula is composed of three subspecies (ssp.): ssp. truncatula, ssp. longeaculeata, and ssp. tricycla. Analysis at the level of six SSR loci supports the concept of ssp. tricycla, all the samples of which showed unique alleles at two loci. Contingency Chi-squared tests were significant between ssp. tricycla and ssp. truncatula at four loci, suggesting a barrier to gene flow between these subspecies. In accessions defined as ssp. longeaculeata, no unique allelic distribution or diagnostic sizes were observed, suggesting this apparent ssp. is a morphological variant of ssp. truncatula. The data also suggest M. truncatula that exhibits unusually wide genotype dispersal throughout its native Mediterranean region, possibly due to animal and trade-related movements. Our results showed the collection to be highly diverse, exhibiting an average of 25 SSR alleles per locus, with over 90% of individuals showing discrete genotypes. The rich diversity of the SARDI collection provides an invaluable resource for studying natural allelic variation of M. truncatula. To efficiently exploit the variation in the SARDI collection, we have defined a subset of accessions (n = 61) that maximises the diversity