43 research outputs found

    Аналитические линейчатые поверхности и их полная классификация

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    The aim of the work - to give the possibility to expand mind of designers and architects projecting structures in the form of traditional and non-canonical ruled surfaces. These surfaces have several unquestionable advantages with a point of view of their forming, designing, and making of factory-made goods and erections in the form of ruled surfaces and analysis methods. Methods. Choosing ruled surfaces for classification, one can use methods of their determination by vector, parametrical, implicit, and in explicit equations. Only analytical ruled surfaces are considered which were examined and presented in scientific-and-technical literature. Results. All known at present time ruled surfaces are given in a graphic form. The determinations of some little known ruled surfaces are presented in a paper. The original sources, where these surfaces are examined or their application in real structures and erections are considered, or methods of determination of stress-strain state in thin-walled shells with ruled middle surfaces are presented, are given in references.Цель работы - предоставить материал, способный расширить кругозор проектировщиков и архитекторов, проектирующих объекты в форме традиционных и неканонических линейчатых поверхностей. Эти поверхности имеют ряд неоспоримых преимуществ с точки зрения их формообразования, конструирования и изготовления изделий и сооружений в форме линейчатых поверхностей и методов расчета. Методы. При подборе линейчатых поверхностей для классификации используются способы их задания в векторной, параметрической, явной и неявной формах, предлагаемых в дифференциальной геометрии. Рассматриваются только аналитические линейчатые поверхности, которые уже описаны и представлены в научно-технической литературе. Результаты. Представлены в графической форме все известные на настоящее время линейчатые поверхности. Даны определения некоторых малоизвестных линейчатых поверхностей, а в списке литературы указаны источники, в которых эти поверхности исследуются, рассматриваются вопросы их применения в реальных сооружениях или изделиях, дается методика определения напряженно-деформируемого состояния оболочек с соответствующими срединными поверхностями

    Каплевидные поверхности в архитектуре зданий, резервуаров и изделий

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    The review paper contains all known for today information on strength analysis, stability, and applications of drop shaped shells in construction and technics. The voluminous references containing 28 titles give an opportunity to lay down subsequent investigations in this field.В обзорной статье обобщены все известные на сегодняшний день материалы по расчету каплевидных оболочек на прочность, устойчивость и применению их в строительстве и технике. Обширный библиографический материал даст возможность наметить пути дальнейших исследований в этой области

    Технология образования уширенного основания под буронабивные сваи и устройство для ее реализации

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    The device for formation of the expanded basis under bored piles and technology of its performance is presented. It is shown, that increase of bearing ability of a pile of an offered build is reached by that at insertion of a trunk semiflexible blades run into a ground and are bent, creating the expanded basis under bored piles.Представлено устройство для образования уширенного основания под буронабивные сваи и технология его выполнения. Показано, что повышение несущей способности сваи предлагаемой конструкции достигается тем, что при забивке ствола упругоподатливые лопасти врезаются в грунт и изгибаются, создавая уширенное основание под буронабивные сваи

    Research on general and axisymmetric ellipsoidal shells used as domes, pressure vessels, and tanks

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    The principal advances in the design and construction, as well as the static, vibrational, and buckling analysis of thin-walled structures and buildings in the shape of general and axisymmetric ellipsoidal shells are summarized in this review. These shells are particularly useful as internally pressurized vessels or as heads and bottoms of cylindrical tanks and vessels. Reinforced concrete and structural steel domes of buildings, air-supported rubber-fabric shells, and underwater pressure vessels are also made in the form of ellipsoidal, shells. Knowing the geometry of ellipsoids, one can solve various problems in physics, optics, and so on. Basic results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the stress-strain state, buckling, and natural and forced vibrations contained in 209 references are presented in the review. The influence of temperature on the stress-strain state of the shells in question is also discussed. Some parts of the review are also devoted to an analysis of the literature on the stress-strain state of ellipsoidal and torispherical heads of pressure vessels with openings. Copyright © 2007 by ASME

    The perspectives of application of thin-walled plastic and composite polymer shells in civil and industrial architecture

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    The paper contains a brief historical review of application of thin-walled plastics and composite polymer shells in architecture. Concrete examples show the possibilities of using polymer composites as general (basic) elements of erections of industrial and civil purposes. Potential possibilities of polymer composite shells in architecture are illustrated with 23 pictures. It is shown that thin-walled plastic and composite polymer shells can be used in dwelling domes, spherical radio-parent hangars for radars, large-span covers over markets and exhibitions, high-mountain inns, semi-transparent semi-spherical inns for tourists, transparent sky-lights on the roofs of industrial buildings, and temporary summer cafes. Pneumatic and tent erections made of synthetic materials are not examined in the paper. They are under consideration in other paper of the author. Brief information and the latest references presented in the paper on existing methods of strength analysis of composite thin-walled shells will help to plan the subsequent researches of considered structures. This paper would be useful for researchers who want to begin to work with polymer composite thin-walled structures, for lecturers giving a course of studies on ‘composites in architecture’, and for architects. © 2017, © The Author(s) 2017

    Static, vibration, and buckling analyses and applications to one-sheet hyperboloidal shells of revolution

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    The principal achievements of science and engineering in the sphere of design, construction, and static, vibrational, and buckling analysis of thin-walled constructions and buildings in the shape of hyperbolic surfaces of revolution are summarized in this review article. These shells are useful as hyperbolic cooling towers, TV towers, reinforced concrete water tanks, and arch dams. They are also used as supports for electric power transmission lines and as high chimneys. Several public and industrial buildings having the hyperbolic form are described in the review. The basic results of theoretical and experimental investigations of stress-strain state, buckling, and vibration are summarized. The influence of temperature and moisture on the stress-strain state of the shells in question is also analyzed. This review article contains 261 references

    Thin sheet metal suspended roof structures

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    Metal membrane suspended roofs are used considerably less than other type of suspended roofs. Russia possesses an undoubted priority in this type of structures. At present time, all theoretical and practical problems are solved, but in spite of this, few design offices and project organizations would undertake the design and supervision of construction of large-spanned membrane metal suspension roofs. In the paper, brief information on the history of emergence of metal suspended roofs is presented, and general information on structural features of membrane roofs is given. As illustrations, the most outstanding membrane roofs erected in Russia are shown and description of some existing tension fabric membrane structures built in Austria, Canada, Japan, China, and other countries is presented. © 201

    Geometry and strength of general heficoidal shells

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    The geometry of helical surfaces has been well studied. Several available methods of strength analysis of helicoidal shells give one a choice in solving one-dimensional or two-dimensional problems. The basic problems considered in this review article, which contains 181 references, include geometrical research, approximation and bending of helical surfaces, static analysis of helicoidal shells by analytic and numerical methods, the vibrations of pre-twisted cantilevered plates, helical tubular shells, the generation of helical surfaces by mated surface of revolution, and the application of the helicoidal constructions. © 1999 American Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Static analysis of shells with developable middle surfaces

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    This review article is devoted to an analysis of the literature on the stress-strain state of shells with developable middle surfaces. Wide choices of design methods for the developable surfaces provide not only the necessary shapes and special properties; they also prove to be convenient to apply. Representative examples are given for the static analysis of thin elastic shells by both analytic and numerical methods. Generally, the curvilinear non-orthogonal conjugate coordinates of the developable middle surface are used. Lines of principal curvatures are used as coordinates only for the strength analysis of thin shells in the form of Monge’s ruled surfaces. It is shown that momentless and moment theories give similar results if certain conditions are met a priori. The parabolic (isometric) bending of thin developable shells is also analyzed. This review article contains 97 references. © 1998 American Society of Mechanical Engineers


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    Cable-stayed structures are simple in assembling, light in weight, safe in maintenance, and often possess the architectural expressiveness. Today’s cable-stayed structures erected in Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Singapore, USA, South Korea, Australia, and other countries are recognized as unique and innovative structural solutions. Unique first-of-its-kind systems and the well-known structures and buildings of all types, which have practical importance and novelty and were marked by the rewards of professional associations or were passed into the top lists of journals, are presented in the paper. But there is no current classification of cable-stayed structures till present time. New classification of cable-stayed structures containing five groups or ten sub-groups of considered structures is offered. It is impossible to present all meaningful cable-stayed structures in one paper but every sub-group is illustrated by specific notable examples. The principal information on the 90 remarkable cable-stayed public and industrial buildings are submitted for consideration and a special table with the indication of country, architects, and year of erection of these structures was compiled first. The existence of such cable-stayed structures as "suspended bridges" of two types is indicated but their description is not given, because it is the subject of analysis for bridge engineers. The 58 references presented in the manuscript will help to obtain additional information.Вантовые конструкции просты в сборке, мало весят, Cable-stayedstructuresaresimpleinassembling, lightinweight, безопасны в обслуживании и часто привносят архитектурную выразительность. В настоящее время вантовые конструкции, возведенные в Германии, Франции, Италии, Японии, Сингапуре, США, Южной Корее, Австралии и других странах, признаны как уникальные и инновационные конструктивные решения. В статье представлены уникальные, первые в своем роде конструкции, которые имеют практическую значимость и новизну и были отмечены наградами профессиональных сообществ или вошли в топ-лист журналов. Однако к настоящему времени отсутствует классификация вантовых конструкций. Предложена новая классификация вантовых сооружений, содержащая пять групп или десять подгрупп рассматриваемых конструкций. Не представляется возможным представиь все значимые вантовые сооружения в одной статье, однако каждая подгруппа проиллюстрирована соответствующим примером. В статье впервые представлены принципиальные сведения о 90 значимых вантовых общественных и промышленных зданиях. В табличной форме представлена информация о стране, архитекторе и годах строительства этих сооружений. Отмечено существование таких вантовых сооружений, как подвесные мосты двух типов, однако этот вопрос относится к специфической области мостостроения