63 research outputs found

    Profound alterations of the chromatin architecture at chromosome 11p15.5 in cells from Beckwith-Wiedemann and Silver-Russell syndromes patients

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    Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) are imprinting-related disorders associated with genetic/epigenetic alterations of the 11p15.5 region, which harbours two clusters of imprinted genes (IGs). 11p15.5 IGs are regulated by the methylation status of imprinting control regions ICR1 and ICR2. 3D chromatin structure is thought to play a pivotal role in gene expression control; however, chromatin architecture models are still poorly defined in most cases, particularly for IGs. Our study aimed at elucidating 11p15.5 3D structure, via 3C and 3D FISH analyses of cell lines derived from healthy, BWS or SRS children. We found that, in healthy cells, IGF2/H19 and CDKN1C/KCNQ1OT1 domains fold in complex chromatin conformations, that facilitate the control of IGs mediated by distant enhancers. In patient-derived cell lines, we observed a profound impairment of such a chromatin architecture. Specifically, we identified a cross-talk between IGF2/H19 and CDKN1C/KCNQ1OT1 domains, consisting in in cis, monoallelic interactions, that are present in healthy cells but lost in patient cell lines: an inter-domain association that sees ICR2 move close to IGF2 on one allele, and to H19 on the other. Moreover, an intra-domain association within the CDKN1C/KCNQ1OT1 locus seems to be crucial for maintaining the 3D organization of the region

    Evidence of epigenetic changes affecting the chromatin state of the retinoic acid receptor beta2 promoter in breast cancer cells

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    Retinoic acid (RA)-resistance in breast cancer cells has been associated with irreversible loss of retinoic acid receptor beta, RARbeta, gene expression. Search of the causes affecting RARbeta gene activity has been oriented at identifying possible differences either at the level of one of the RARbeta promoters, RARbeta2, or at regulatory factors. We hypothesized that loss of RARbeta2 activity occurs as a result of multiple factors, including epigenetic modifications, which can pattern RARbeta2 chromatin state. Using methylation-specific PCR, we found hypermethylation at RARbeta2 in a significant proportion of both breast cancer cell lines and primary breast tumors. Treatment of cells with a methylated RARbeta2 promoter, by means of the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR), led to demethylation within RARbeta2 and expression of RARbeta indicating that DNA methylation is at least one factor, contributing to RARbeta inactivity. However, identically methylated promoters can differentially respond to RA, suggesting that RARbeta2 activity may be associated to different repressive chromatin states. This supposition is supported by the finding that the more stable repressive RARbeta2 state in the RA-resistant MDA-MB-231 cell line can be alleviated by the HDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA), with restoration of RA-induced RARbeta transcription. Thus, chromatin-remodeling drugs might provide a strategy to restore RARbeta activity, and help to overcome the hurdle of RA-resistance in breast cancer

    TSC2 epigenetic defect in primary LAM cells. Evidence of an anchorage-independent survival

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is caused by mutations in TSC1 or TSC2 genes. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) can be sporadic or associated with TSC and is characterized by widespread pulmonary proliferation of abnormal \u3b1-smooth muscle (ASM)-like cells. We investigated the features of ASM cells isolated from chylous thorax of a patient affected by LAM associated with TSC, named LAM/TSC cells, bearing a germline TSC2 mutation and an epigenetic defect causing the absence of tuberin. Proliferation of LAM/TSC cells is epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent and blockade of EGF receptor causes cell death as we previously showed in cells lacking tuberin. LAM/TSC cells spontaneously detach probably for the inactivation of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK)/Akt/mTOR pathway and display the ability to survive independently from adhesion. Non-adherent LAM/TSC cells show an extremely low proliferation rate consistent with tumour stem-cell characteristics. Moreover, LAM/TSC cells bear characteristics of stemness and secrete high amount of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8. Anti-EGF receptor antibodies and rapamycin affect proliferation and viability of non-adherent cells. In conclusion, the understanding of LAM/TSC cell features is important in the assessment of cell invasiveness in LAM and TSC and should provide a useful model to test therapeutic approaches aimed at controlling their migratory ability

    A HS6ST2 gene variant associated with X-linked intellectual disability and severe myopia in two male twins

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    X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) refers to a clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder, in which males are more heavily affected than females. Among the syndromic forms of XLID, identified by additional clinical signs as part of the disease spectrum, the association between XLID and severe myopia has been poorly characterized. We used whole exome sequencing (WES) to study two Italian male twins presenting impaired intellectual function and adaptive behavior, in association with severe myopia and mild facial dysmorphisms. WES analysis detected the novel, maternally inherited, mutation c.916G\u2009>\u2009C (G306R) in the X-linked heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 (HS6ST2) gene. HS6ST2 transfers sulfate from adenosine 3'-phosphate, 5'-phosphosulfate to the sixth position of the N-sulphoglucosamine residue in heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans. Low HS sulfation levels are associated with defective optic disc and stalk morphogenesis during mammalian visual system development. The c.916G>C variant affects the HS6ST2 substrate binding site, and its effect was considered "deleterious" by in-silico tools. An in-vitro enzymatic assay showed that the HS6ST2 mutant isoform had significantly reduced sulphotransferase activity. Taken together, the results suggest that mutant HS6ST2 is possibly involved in the development of myopia and cognitive impairment, characteristics of the probands reported here

    Sequence variants identification at the KCNQ1OT1: TSS differentially Methylated region in isolated omphalocele cases

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    Background: Omphalocele is a congenital midline ventral body wall defect that can exist as isolated malformation or as part of a syndrome. It can be considered one of the major and most frequent clinical manifestation of Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) in case of loss of methylation at KCNQ1OT1: Transcription Star Site-Differentially Methylated Region (TSS-DMR) or in presence of CDKN1C mutations. The isolated form of the omphalocele accounts approximately for about the 14% of the total cases and its molecular etiology has never been fully elucidated. Methods: Given the tight relationship with BWS, we hypothesized that the isolated form of the omphalocele could belong to the heterogeneous spectrum of the BWS associated features, representing an endophenotype with a clear genetic connection. We therefore investigated genetic and epigenetic changes affecting BWS imprinted locus at 11p15.5 imprinted region, focusing in particular on the KCNQ1OT1:TSS DMR. Results: We studied 21 cases of isolated omphalocele detected during pregnancy or at birth and identified the following rare maternally inherited variants: i) the non-coding variant G>A at nucleotide 687 (NR_002728.3) at KCNQ1OT1:TSS-DMR, which alters the methylation pattern of the imprinted allele, in one patient; ii) the deletion c.624-629delGGCCCC at exon 1 of CDKN1C, with unknown clinical significance, in two unrelated cases. Conclusions: Taken together, these findings suggest that KCNQ1OT1:TSS-DMR could be a susceptibility locus for the isolated omphalocele

    Epigenetic effects of chromatin remodeling agents on organotypic cultures

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    Background: Tumor epigenetic defects are of increasing relevance to clinical practice, because they are 'druggable' targets for cancer therapy using chromatin-remodeling agents (CRAs). New evidences highlight the importance of the microenvironment on the epigenome regulation and the need to use culture models able to preserve tissue morphology, to better understand the action of CRAs. Methods & methods: We studied the epigenetic response induced by culturing and CRAs in a preclinical model, preserving ex vivo the original tissue microenvironment and morphology, assessing different epigenetic signatures. Our overall findings suggest that culturing and CRAs cause heterogeneous effects on the genes methylation; CRAs affect the global DNA methylation and can trigger an active DNA demethylation; the culture induces alterations in the histone deacetylase expression. Conclusion: Despite the limited number of cases, these findings can be considered a proof of concept of the possibility to test CRAs epigenetic effects on ex vivo tissues maintained in their native tissue architecture

    Constitutive BRCA1 Promoter Hypermethylation Can Be a Predisposing Event in Isolated Early-Onset Breast Cancer

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    Early age at onset of breast cancer (eoBC) is suggestive of an increased genetic risk. Although genetic testing is offered to all eoBC-affected women, in isolated cases the detection rate of pathogenic variants is 60% and loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 17q. The patient hypermethylated at RAD51C showed low methylation in the tumor sample, ruling out a role for methylation-induced silencing in tumor development. In isolated eoBC patients, BRCA1 constitutive promoter methylation may be a predisposing event. Further studies are required to define the impact of methylation changes occurring at BC-predisposing genes and their role in tumorigenesis

    MGMT-Methylated Alleles Are Distributed Heterogeneously Within Glioma Samples Irrespective of IDH Status and Chromosome 10q Deletion

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    Several molecular markers drive diagnostic classification, prognostic stratification, and/or prediction of response to therapy in patients with gliomas. Among them, IDH gene mutations are valuable markers for defining subtypes and are strongly associated with epigenetic silencing of the methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene. However, little is known about the percentage of MGMT-methylated alleles in IDH-mutated cells or the potential association between MGMT methylation and deletion of chromosome 10q, which encompasses the MGMT locus. Here, we quantitatively assessed MGMT methylation and IDH1 mutation in 208 primary glioma samples to explore possible differences associated with the IDH genotype. We also explored a potential association between MGMT methylation and loss of chromosome 10q. We observed that MGMT methylation was heterogeneously distributed within glioma samples irrespective of IDH status suggesting an incomplete overlap between IDH1-mutated and MGMT-methylated alleles and indicating a partial association between these two events. Moreover, loss of one MGMT allele did not affect the methylation level of the remaining allele. MGMT was methylated in about half of gliomas harboring a 10q deletion; in those cases, loss of heterozygosity might be considered a second hit leading to complete inactivation of MGMT and further contributing to tumor progression

    Confined placental mosaicism

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