5 research outputs found

    SĂ­ndrome de SĂ©zary em cadela SĂ©zary syndrome in a bitch

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    The present report describes a case of Sezary syndrome in a canine with lymphadenomegaly, generalized erithroderma, intense pruritus and disseminated cutaneous nodules and plaques. Biopsy samples were taken from cutaneous nodules and plaques and were diagnosed epitheliotropic T cell cutaneous lymphoma by histology and immunohistochemical stain. Bone marrow cytology confirms leukemia. Diagnosis of Sezary syndrome was achieved through clinical, hematological, citopathological, histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. The patient was treated with Madison-Wisconsin chemotherapy protocol, but died after two mouths of treatment

    Proteinograma sérico de cães sadios e com linfoma obtido por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE) Serum protein concentrations in healthy dogs and dogs with lymphoma by means of sodium dodecil sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)

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    Foram avaliadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 10 cães sadios e de 12 com linfoma, utilizando-se a eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio. Houve diferença entre as médias dos teores de proteína total de cães sadios, 7,68g/dL±0,46 e de cães com linfoma, 7,93g/dL±2,49. As concentraçÔes de IgA e IgG não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os teores das proteínas de pesos moleculares 142000, 110000, 52000, 49000, 24000 e 18000 dåltons foram mais elevados em cães com linfoma. Os cães com linfoma apresentaram concentraçÔes mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina, 43,95mg/dL±18,19, e haptoglobina, 554mg/dL±449,51, e menores de albumina, 2908mg/dL±476,67, em comparação aos cães sadios (ceruloplasmina: 3,42mg/dL±7,44; haptoglobina: 94,54mg/dL±59,50 e albumina: 4207mg/dL±206,18). Conclui-se que concentraçÔes séricas mais elevadas de ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina e menores de albumina podem estar associadas ao linfoma em cães.Blood serum samples of ten healthy dogs and 12 dogs with lymphoma were evaluated by means of sodium dodecil sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. There was difference in total protein concentrations among healthy dogs, 7.68g/dL±0.46 and dogs with lymphoma, 7.93g/dL±2.49 values of immunoglobulins A and G presented no difference between groups. Serum proteins with molecular weights 142,000; 110,000; 52,000; 49,000; 24,000; and 18,000 Daltons presented increased concentrations in dogs with lymphoma. Dogs with lymphoma presented increased ceruloplasmin (43.95mg/dL±18.19) and haptoglobin (554mg/dL±449.51) values and lesser albumin concentration (2,908mg/dL±476.67) when compared to healthy dogs (ceruloplasmin: 3.42mg/dL±7.44; haptoglobin: 94.54mg/dL±59.50, and albumin: 4,207mg/dL±206.18). In conclusion, increased ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin and lesser albumin serum concentrations are possibly related to lymphoma in dogs