4 research outputs found

    Staphylococcal variable number tandem repeat (VNTR)-spa genotyping and their role in phylogenic study

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    Staphylococcus aureus protein A is considered a vital virulence element determinant of its pathogenicity. Its sequence diversity aids in staphylococcal typing and phylogeny. The present study aimed to study the genotyping method for S. aureus isolates by applying Spa typing (variable number tandem repeat) and their role in the phylogenic study. Twenty S. aureus isolates were achieved from various clinical isolates and subjected for complete identification and diagnosis. Later on, these isolates were subjected to DNA extraction and PCR for amplification and sequencing of SPA gene. Spa genotyping showed that out of 20 isolates and their amplified spa gene, 8 different types among the 18/20 isolates were detected and 2/20 isolates could not be typed, as the most commonly observed Spa were t304 (35%), t491 (15%) followed by t078 and t059 (10%). Finally, depending on the bacterial phylogenetic relationships, S. aureus isolates were categorized into 2 clades. The first one contained 18 isolates and the second one contained 2 isolates. Most Spa types were included in clade A (18 isolates) whereas only 2 isolates were involved in clade B. The isolates in clade A were grouped into 3 different groups established on the dissimilarity in tandem repeats of the Spa gene. Cluster 1 contained t304, t078, t044 Spa types, cluster 2 contained t059, t4870 and t386 Spa types and cluster 3 contained t491 and t091 Spa types. Clade B contained 2 Spa types (unknown). The utility of the present work is the application of repetitive tandem repeats within the spa gene for phylogenetic analysis of Staph aureus clinical isolates.           

    Gold Nanoparticles and Laser as Antimicrobial Agents against Some Types of Bacteria

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    The goal of this study was to assess the efficacy of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and AuNPs– Low level laser combined therapy as antibacterial agents against different types of bacterial isolates in vitro. Five concentrations of AuNPs (25,50,75, 100 and 200 µg/mL) were employed for assessing bacterial growth rate and the bacterial MIC. It was found that there was slight reduce in bacterial growth after treatment with gold nanopracticle. The influence of gold nanoparticles on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms was also studied. It was found that biofilm growth was decreased at different concentrations of AuNPs compared to absence of nanoparticles. Results of the cytotoxic act of AuNPs and low level laser effect in combination against Escherichia coli and S. aureus referred that the low level laser light improved the antibacterial action of AuNPs when it used in combination with low level laser

    By-products of lithotripsy: Are they related to abdominal fat and wave characteristics?

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم العلاقة بين المنتجات الجانبية لموجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم وبعض العوامل الفيزيائية مثل الدهون في منطقة البطن، مستويات الطاقة ونبضات موجة الصدمة. طرق البحث: استهدفت الدراسة ٤٠ مريضا (٢٠ ذكرا، و٢٠ أنثى) أعمارهم ٣٧.١٨ ± ١٠.٦٤ لديهم حصوات في الكلية أو الحالب. تم علاج جميع المرضى بموجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم وتم قياس الدهون في منطقة البطن بواسطة جهاز أمرون لقياس دهون الجسم وتم حساب مؤشر كتلة الجسم. كما تم قياس المعاملات مثل علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي، والكيتونات، والبروتين في عينات البول قبل وبعد موجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم. وتم تحديد خصائص موجات التفتيت ونبض الموجة. النتائج: أظهرت النتائج ارتفاعا إحصائيا ملحوظا في مستويات كل من علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي والكيتونات في البول بعد التعرض لموجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم مقارنة بقيمها ما قبل التعرض لموجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم. أظهرت النتائج ارتفاعا ملحوظا في علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي والكيتونات عند كلا من المرضى الذكور والإناث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان هناك علاقة ملحوظة بين علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي والكيتونات مع مستويات الطاقة إضافة إلى وجود ارتباط كبير بين الكيتونات ومؤشر كتلة الجسم عند المرضى الإناث. كشف التحليل أيضا أن نبض موجة الصدمة كان له تأثير ضئيل على معامل المنتجات الجانبية. الاستنتاجات: ينصح المرضى الذين يعانون من زيادة الوزن والبدانة بالتعرض لمستوى الطاقة ≥ ٤ جول. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ينبغي النظر بعد موجات تفتيت الحصوات الصدمية خارج الجسم لمستوى علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي البولية كاختبار روتيني خاصة عند الذكور البدناء. Abstract: Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the correlations between by-products of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and some physical parameters such as abdominal fat, energy levels, and shock wave pulses. Methods: A total of 40 patients (20 men and 20 women), aged 37.18 ± 10.64 years, with renal or ureteral stones were recruited. All patients were treated with ESWL, and their abdominal fat was measured using an Omron body fat monitor and the body mass index (BMI). Parameters such as the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), ketones, and protein in urine were measured before and after ESWL using a Bio Doctor Analyzer. The wave characteristics of the lithotripsy procedure and the wave pulses were determined. Results: The mean levels of urinary MDA and ketones showed statistically significant increases in post-ESWL compared with pre-ESWL values. The results showed significant elevations in MDA and ketones in both male and female patients. In addition, there was a significant correlation between MDA/ketones and energy levels and between ketones and BMI in female patients. The analysis also revealed that the shock wave pulse had an insignificant impact on the by-product parameters. Conclusion: An energy level of ≤4 J is recommended for overweight and obese patients undergoing ESWL. In addition, measurement of the post-ESWL MDA urinary level should be performed as a routine test, especially in obese male patients. الكلمات المفتاحية: الدهون في منطقة البطن, الكيتونات, علامات الإجهاد التأكسدي, البدانة, موجات تفتيت الحصى الصدمية, Keywords: Abdominal fat, Ketones, Malondialdehyde, Obesity, Shock wave lithotrips

    Photorefractive effects in waveguides

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