745 research outputs found

    Perturbative QCD and factorization of coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron

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    We analyze the predictions of perturbative QCD for pion photoproduction on the deuteron, gamma D -> pi^0 D, at large momentum transfer using the reduced amplitude formalism. The cluster decomposition of the deuteron wave function at small binding only allows the nuclear coherent process to proceed if each nucleon absorbs an equal fraction of the overall momentum transfer. Furthermore, each nucleon must scatter while remaining close to its mass shell. Thus the nuclear photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D}(u,t), factorizes as a product of three factors: (1) the nucleon photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma N_1 -> pi^0 N_1}(u/4,t/4), at half of the overall momentum transfer, (2) a nucleon form factor, F_{N_2}(t/4), at half the overall momentum transfer, and (3) the reduced deuteron form factor, f_d(t), which according to perturbative QCD, has the same monopole falloff as a meson form factor. A comparison with the recent JLAB data for gamma D -> pi^0 D of Meekins et al. [Phys. Rev. C 60, 052201 (1999)] and the available gamma p -> pi^0 p data shows good agreement between the perturbative QCD prediction and experiment over a large range of momentum transfers and center of mass angles. The reduced amplitude prediction is consistent with the constituent counting rule, p^11_T M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D} -> F(theta_cm), at large momentum transfer. This is found to be consistent with measurements for photon lab energies E_gamma > 3 GeV at theta_cm=90 degrees and \elab > 10 GeV at 136 degrees.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 17 pages, 6 figures; v2: incorporates minor changes as version accepted by Phys Rev

    High-Q2Q^2 Elastic eded-scattering and QCD predictions

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    In the framework of pertubative QCD it is argued that in the elastic eded-scattering at Q2Q^{2}\sim few (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^{2} the light-cone-frame helicity-flip amplitudes could not be omitted. The obtained BA\frac{B}{A} ratio of Rosenbluth structure functions is shown to be in a good agreement with experimental data. The high Q2Q^2 behavior of tensor analysing power T20T_{20} is discussed.Comment: 6 pages + 2 ps figures not included, LaTeX, ITP-93-33

    Angular Conditions,Relations between Breit and Light-Front Frames, and Subleading Power Corrections

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    We analyze the current matrix elements in the general collinear (Breit) frames and find the relation between the ordinary (or canonical) helicity amplitudes and the light-front helicity amplitudes. Using the conservation of angular momentum, we derive a general angular condition which should be satisfied by the light-front helicity amplitudes for any spin system. In addition, we obtain the light-front parity and time-reversal relations for the light-front helicity amplitudes. Applying these relations to the spin-1 form factor analysis, we note that the general angular condition relating the five helicity amplitudes is reduced to the usual angular condition relating the four helicity amplitudes due to the light-front time-reversal condition. We make some comments on the consequences of the angular condition for the analysis of the high-Q2Q^2 deuteron electromagnetic form factors, and we further apply the general angular condition to the electromagnetic transition between spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 systems and find a relation useful for the analysis of the N-Δ\Delta transition form factors. We also discuss the scaling law and the subleading power corrections in the Breit and light-front frames.Comment: 24 pages,2 figure

    Conductivity Due to Classical Phase Fluctuations in a Model For High-T_c Superconductors

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    We consider the real part of the conductivity, \sigma_1(\omega), arising from classical phase fluctuations in a model for high-T_c superconductors. We show that the frequency integral of that conductivity, \int_0^\infty \sigma_1 d\omega, is non-zero below the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c, provided there is some quenched disorder in the system. Furthermore, for a fixed amount of quenched disorder, this integral at low temperatures is proportional to the zero-temperature superfluid density, in agreement with experiment. We calculate \sigma_1(\omega) explicitly for a model of overdamped phase fluctuations.Comment: 4pages, 2figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Roper Resonance and S_{11}(1535) from Lattice QCD

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    Using the constrained curve fitting method and overlap fermions with the lowest pion mass at 180MeV180 {\rm MeV}, we observe that the masses of the first positive and negative parity excited states of the nucleon tend to cross over as the quark masses are taken to the chiral limit. Both results at the physical pion mass agree with the experimental values of the Roper resonance (N1/2+(1440)N^{1/2+}(1440)) and S11S_{11} (N1/2(1535)N^{1/2-}(1535)). This is seen for the first time in a lattice QCD calculation. These results are obtained on a quenched Iwasaki 163×2816^3 \times 28 lattice with a=0.2fma = 0.2 {\rm fm}. We also extract the ghost ηN\eta' N states (a quenched artifact) which are shown to decouple from the nucleon interpolation field above mπ300MeVm_{\pi} \sim 300 {\rm MeV}. From the quark mass dependence of these states in the chiral region, we conclude that spontaneously broken chiral symmetry dictates the dynamics of light quarks in the nucleon.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, revised version to appear in PL

    Attitudes about and access to influenza vaccination experienced by parents of children hospitalised for influenza in Australia

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    INTRODUCTION:In Australia, influenza hospitalises more children than any other vaccine preventable disease does. Children aged six months or older are recommended to receive annual influenza vaccines, and pregnant women are recommended vaccination to protect infants aged up to six months. However, vaccine uptake is low. This study explored influenza vaccination knowledge and behaviours of parents of children who were hospitalised for influenza, in order to inform strategies that target barriers to uptake. METHODS:We conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with parents/caregivers during or shortly after their child's hospitalisation for laboratory-confirmed influenza in 2017. Questions were guided by the Social Ecological Model exploring all levels of influence on vaccination uptake from the intrapersonal through to policy, via the parents' perspective. Transcripts were inductively analysed. Themes were categorised into the components of the Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model. RESULTS:20/27 children were aged six months or older; 16/20 had not received an influenza vaccine in 2017. Mothers of 4/7 infants aged less than six months were not vaccinated in pregnancy. The themes regarding barriers to influenza vaccination were: (1) Limited Capability - misinterpretations and knowledge gaps, (2) Lack of Opportunity - inconvenient vaccination pathway, missing recommendations, absence of promotion to all, and the social norm, and (3) Missing Motivation - hierarchy of perceived seriousness, safety concerns, a preference for 'natural' ways. Though most parents, now aware of the severity of influenza, intended to vaccinate their child in future seasons, some harboured reservations about necessity and safety. When parents were asked how to help them vaccinate their children, SMS reminders and information campaigns delivered through social media, schools and childcare were suggested. CONCLUSION:Improving parents' and providers' knowledge and confidence in influenza vaccination safety, efficacy, and benefits should be prioritised. This, together with making influenza vaccination more convenient for parents, would likely raise vaccine coverage.Samantha J Carlson, Camilla Scanlan, Helen S Marshall, Christopher C Blythd, Kristine Macartney, Julie Leas

    Low energy collective modes, Ginzburg-Landau theory, and pseudogap behavior in superconductors with long-range pairing interactions

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    We study the superconducting instability in systems with long but finite ranged, attractive, pairing interactions. We show that such long-ranged superconductors exhibit a new class of fluctuations in which the internal structure of the Cooper pair wave function is soft, and thus lead to "pseudogap" behavior in which the actual transition temperature is greatly depressed from its mean field value. These fluctuations are {\it not} phase fluctuations of the standard superconducting order parameter, and lead to a highly unusual Ginzburg-Landau description. We suggest that the crossover between the BCS limit of a short-ranged attraction and our problem is of interest in the context of superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates.Comment: 20 pages with one embedded ps figure. Minor revisions to the text and references. Final version to appear in PRB on Nov. 1st, 200

    Experimental implications of quantum phase fluctuations in layered superconductors

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    I study the effect of quantum and thermal phase fluctuations on the in-plane and c-axis superfluid stiffness of layered d-wave superconductors. First, I show that quantum phase fluctuations in the superconductor can be damped in the presence of external screening of Coulomb interactions, and suggest an experiment to test the importance of these fluctuations, by placing a metal in close proximity to the superconductor to induce such screening. Second, I show that a combination of quantum phase fluctuations and the linear temperature dependence of the in-plane superfluid stiffness leads to a linear temperature dependence of the c-axis penetration depth, below a temperature scale determined by the magnitude of in-plane dissipation.Comment: 6 pgs, 1 figure, minor changes in comparison with c-axis expt, final published versio