18 research outputs found

    Selective Expression of PNA-Binding Glycoconjugates by Invasive Human Melanomas: A New Marker of Metastatic Potential

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    Alterations of cell-surface glycoconjugates have been associated with invasiveness and metastatic capacity in a number of experimental and human tumors (bladder and colon cancer). We have recently shown that human melanoma cells from variants selected for high metastatic potential in an animal model bind the lectin peanut agglutinin (PNA), and that human melanoma cell populations enriched for PNA binding cells generated a higher frequency of metastases when xenografted into immune suppressed neonatal rats. We have therefore sought cells binding PNA in biopsied human melanocytic tumors and compared frequencies of PNA binding by cells from benign nevi, early and late primary melanomas, and metastatic melanomas. Sections of conventionally processed tissues were deparaffinised and exposed to biotinylated PNA; PNA fixation was revealed by the avidine/peroxidase/AEC technique. In 51 specimens tested, PNA appears to react electively with invasive tumors, since only one of the 7 early primary melanomas (Clark I-II) reacted while 13/23 late primary melanomas (Clark III-V), and 4/21 melanoma metastases were reactive. In addition, only 1/17 benign nevi bound PNA. In primary tumors, the reactive cells were exclusively invasive tumors cells in the dermis. PNA reactive material was observed in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of reactive cells. Hence, alterations in composition and cellular localisation of glycoconjugates detectable by lectin histochemistry in melanoma cells may be markers of metastatic potential that may be applicable on an individual patient basis