46 research outputs found

    The value chain for seed and ware potatoes in Kenya: Opportunities for development

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    In Kenya potato is an important food crop, second after maize. Potatoes are grown on 128,000 ha per year with average yields of about 8 tonnes per ha. The yield is far below its po-tential and should be improved to enhance food security. Of all potato growers in Kenya, 98% are characterised as small-scale farmers, producing less than 0.4 ha of potatoes per year per farm (total of two planting seasons). They produce 83% of the national production. Lack of good quality seed is a main reason for low yields. The fast-track seed project aims to improve availability of certified seed. Imported seed needs to be multiplied locally once or twice to reduce the cost price and make it affordable for small-scale growers. It is estimated that there is potential for at most 1,000 ha of professional seed production in Kenya to meet the market demand for certified seed. In Kenya about 98% of ware potatoes are sold for 'fresh' consumption. For industrial processing the most favourable opportunities are the production of crisps and fresh - not frozen - French fries. To change the low-input low-output strategy of many small-scale farmers linkages between producers and markets need to be improved. In the short term, improvement of potato growing and crop management should receive higher priority than storage and mechanisation. Storage and mechanisation should be adapted to local conditions and needs. Two cases have been indicated in which investments in professional cooled storage facilities are necessary; - storage of seed potatoes of varieties with a long dormancy period; - storage of ware potatoes for processing industry and some high-end retailers. Long-term seed storage in modern stores required for varieties with long dormancy increases the cost price of seed by 50% compared with short-term storage in diffused light stores. This makes short dor-mancy an important trait for potato varieties in Kenya, where potatoes are planted during two growing seasons. Machinery supplied for potato growing in Kenya should be geared to local needs. Higher yields and more multiplications of imported seed reduce the cost price of seed potatoes produced in Kenya. The cost price of imported seed after two multiplications is competitive with locally produced seed from minitubers after three multiplications. This report describes the current situation of the potato sector in Kenya and opportunities for further de-velopment. The study focuses on possibilities of the Dutch agribusiness to facilitate these developments. Existing information has been collected, although information on potato production was not easily availa-ble. In addition, during a mission to Kenya stakeholders were visited and interviewed. This resulted in cost- price calculations for seed potato production (short and long-term storage, imported seed and minitubers) and market information

    Sustainable vegetable chain development in Brazil: Grape tomatoes from Holambra to the higher market segment

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    Holambra (Brazilie) is een groot tuinbouwcluster nabij Sao Paolo. Het cluster is traditioneel op sierteelt gericht. Een aantal telers zijn gaan experimenteren met bedekte groenteteelt om zo het gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen te kunnen reduceren en voor een hoger marktsegment te kunnen telen. Wageningen UR kon deze ondernemers helpen bij het verbeteren van hun teeltsystemen door een systematische check op het wortelmilieu, de voedingshuishouding en het teeltklimaat. Daarbij zijn de knelpunten in de supply-chain in kaart gebracht. Op basis van deze analyse konden ondernemers keuzes maken voor investeringen in gerichte verbetering van deze supply chain. Het project is vervolgens aanjager geweest in het gebied voor verdere samenwerking tussen tuinders op R&D en kwaliteitsmanagement. Holambra (Brasil) has a large horticultural cluster for flowers and ornamentals. However, only few growers use protected cultivation for vegetable productions. This study analysed the market and market chain relationships for vegetables in the Sao Paolo region as well as the technology used for cultivation. With the rising middle class the demand for quality vegetables with high food safety standards is rising strongly. The growers supplying this market niche are aware of these quality demands and are able to deliver according to them. The growers had been developing their production systems individually, but were aware of the advantage in closer cooperation on R&D as well as improving supply chain quality (cooled chains). The technological developments were needed in areas of climate control and water and nutrition steering. During the project growers were given tools to improve their systems as well as identify the crucial factors for quality control in the supply chain. The study was conducted by LEI and Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticultur

    Seed potato technology

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    Sustainable potato production in Mexico

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    The Memorandum of Understanding between the ministries of agriculture of Mexico and the Netherlands is aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of research and development between the two countries. Within this framework CONPAPA, Sabritas, INIFAP and Wageningen University established contacts and set an agenda for sustainable potato production in Mexico that builds on experience in potato and other commodities in the Netherlands and other countries. During three meetings in Mexico in 2007 major sustainability issues were identified and means of addressing them were established as well as a working plan for 2008 and beyond. The three main issues to be addressed are 1) optimized use of the resources water and minerals, 2) improvement of the seed supply chain and 3) improved control of psyllids responsible for purple top. Pilots are planned to start in 2008 on these three themes. Moreover in 2008 a major national potato seminar is planned on sustainable production and organized within the framework of the United Nations International Year of the Potato (UN-IYP

    Kansen en knelpunten van exportketens van groenten uit Suriname naar Nederland als onderdeel van project tuinbouwtechnologische vernieuwingsimpuls voor de groneteteelt in Suriname (Surituin) : verslag stakeholders workshop

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    In het project Surituin is een stakeholder workshop gehouden waarin relevante stakeholders zijn uitgenodigd deel te nemen aan een discussie betreffende kansen en knelpunten in de exportketen van groenten uit Suriname naar Nederland