12 research outputs found

    Еволюція топоформанта -щина в слов’янських мовах та його рефлекси в реґіональній історичній ойконімії

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    У статті автор на широкому географічно-історичному тлі простежує еволюцію топоформанта -щина в слов'янській топонімії детально аналізує рефлекси цього суфікса в реґіональній історичній ойконімії на прикладі дев'яти назв (і 12-ти мікроойконімних варіантів) населених пунктів Галицької та Львівської земель Руського воєводства із подальшим встановленням їхньої етимологи.В статье автор на широком географическо-историческом фоне прослеживает эволюцию топонимического форманта -щина в славянской топонимии детально анализирует рефлексы этого суффикса в региональной исторической ойконимии на примере девяти названий (с 12-ю микроойконимными вариантами) населенных пунктов Галицкой и Львовской земель Русского воеводства с последующим установлением их этимологии.The author traces the evolution of topoformant -schyna on the basis of historical and geographical studies in Slavic Toponymy. Reflexes of the suffix are analyzed in regional historical oykonymy in 12 toponyms (and their 12 microokonymic variants) of villages and towns of Halych and Lviv Lands of Ruske Woyewodstwo. Their etymology is also analysed

    Aggregate resources in the Netherlands

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    We have built a 3D lithological model of the Netherlands, for the purpose of mapping on-land aggregate resources down to 50 m below the surface. The model consists of voxel cells (1000 · 1000 · 1 m), with lithological composition and aggregate content estimates as primary attributes. These attributes were derived from ∼350,000 borehole descriptions. Overburdens and intercalations of cohesive or otherwise non-dredgeable materials were taken into account to define geologically exploitable aggregates within the total stock. We arrive at about 520 · 109 m3 of aggregates occurring in the depth range investigated. Some 50% of this amount is considered geologically exploitable and about 25% would in principle (but largely not in reality) be accessible. Most aggregates resources (∼98%) are coarse sand, which is processed for use in concrete, masonry mortars, drains, fitters, etc. The total exploitable stock of coarse sand in the depth range investigated amounts to roughly 7500 times the current annual consumption level, and is virtually indepletable. The gravel stock, estimated at some 12 · 109 m3, is small by comparison, and impels a dependency on imports. Exploitable aggregates occur in all but the coastal provinces. In accordance with current policy changes, the future may show a shift from concentrated production along the upstream Dutch Rhine and Meuse rivers towards a more even distribution of small-sized operations over the country. Fairly large aggregate stocks, that have not yet been exploited to significant extent, are available in the northern extent of the aggregates occurrences

    Thin- and thick-skinned salt tectonics in the Netherlands: a quantitative approach

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    The Zechstein salt in the Dutch part of the North Sea Basin played a key role in the generation of successful petroleum plays. This is not only because of its sealing capacity, but also because the salt occurs in structures that provide lateral and vertical traps. The structural styles of areas with thick salt and those with none- or thin salt are completely different during phases of extensional or compressional tectonics. This indicates that, indirectly, the depositional thickness of the main Zechstein salt is essential in regulating the loci of the Dutch petroleum systems. In this paper we aim at quantifying current ideas on the relationship between 1) depositional salt thicknesses; 2) structural style of the main structural elements identified in the Dutch subsurface; 3) timing of deformation; and 4) thickness of the overburden. By finalisation of TNO’s subsurface mapping program (see Kombrink et al., this issue), several data products are available that allow evaluation of these relationships. The depositional thickness of the salt was estimated using iterative smoothing of the present day thickness, the results of which account both for regional thickness variations and volume preservation (99%). Fault-distribution analysis shows that faults are only able to penetrate salt with a depositional thickness of <300 m, a transition that demarcates the division between thin- and thick-skinned salt tectonics. In the southern offshore where the salt is thin or absent, the overburden shows the same fault pattern throughout the stratigraphic sequence. In the northern realm, where salt is thicker than 300 m, the salt layer acted as decollement and sub- and supra salt strain are dissimilar. A strong genetic and temporal relationship exists between periods of regional tectonism, halokinetic intensity and thickness distribution of the Zechstein overburden. This relationship is further proven by burial history analysis across two selected profiles in the northern offshore. The analysis focuses on the vertical distribution of the salt by taking into account the depositional and erosional history of the salt overburden, without a-priori defined periods of salt flow. The results corroborate the notion that platforms and highs experienced less extension during the major phases of Jurassic rifting and further suggest that the absence of a thick Jurassic overburden precludes major salt flow during this tectonic phase. Main salt flow was triggered during the Sub-Hercynian and later phases of compression resulting in salt pillow geometries. In the basinal areas, where the Jurassic succession is thickest, salt diapirs and walls formed that are almost exclusively linked to major subsalt faults. Main salt flow occurred during Late Kimmerian rifting, whereas some minor structuration occurred during Sub-Hercynian inversion

    Clay resources in the Netherlands

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    Clay is a common lithology in the Dutch shallow subsurface. It is used in earth constructions such as dikes, and as raw material for the fabricationof bricks, roof tiles etc. We present a new national assessment of Dutch clay resources, as part of a project that provides mineral-occurrenceinformation for land-use planning purposes. The assessment is based on a 3D geological model, which consists of voxel cells with lithologicalcomposition as primary attribute, and has been obtained by interpolating data of more than 380,000 digital borehole descriptions. Theoccurrence of shell material and the extent to which clay is peaty were used as quality attributes, enabling us to tentatively distinguish betweenclay that is potentially suitable as ceramic material, and clay that is not.As clay is extracted using dry (i.e. non-dredging) techniques, the model space has been dimensioned to fully encompass the unsaturatedzone. A high-resolution model (with voxel cells of 250 • 250 • 0.2 m), based mainly on abundant, good-quality hand drillings, was constructeddown to 3 m below the surface. This depth range suffices for clay-resource assessments in the lowlands, which have relatively high groundwaterlevels. Cells from a lower-resolution model (250 • 250 • 1 m, based on fewer data) were added to reach appropriate depths in upland areas.We arrive at about 42.1 km3 of clay occurring in the model space (land areas only). Clay occurs mainly in the coastal domain and below theRhine and Meuse river plains. Geological exploitability has been assessed within the unsaturated zone, taking overburden and intercalations withnon-clay materials (especially peat) into account. The resulting exploitable stock is 12.3 to 18.0 (± 2.0) km3; an estimate in which the mainsource of uncertainty is presented by a lack of proper groundwater-table data. This amount equates to roughly 6000 annual consumptionequivalents. Even when considering that the larger part of the clays is unsuitable for firing, and about one quarter is situated below built-uplands or nature preserves, clay is not a scarce resource in the Netherlands and supplies should present no problem in the near future

    The geological structure of the Netherlands continental shelf - Results of a detailed mapping project

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    In 2011, TNO-GDN concluded a 5 year geological mapping of the Netherlands Continental Shelf. In this project all public data from hydrocarbon exploration were used resulting in a major update of the dataset and a variety of deliverables available at www.NLOG.NL. The stratigraphy of more than 400 wells has been re-examined and amended where necessary. 2D and 3D seismic surveys were re-interpreted and new velocity models were used for time-depth conversion of the interpretations. This resulted in a structural model from base Zechstein to base Neogene. Also 30 reservoir intervals were added to the model. For the offshore area around 3800 faults were interpreted. The offshore faults where the first to be stored in a spatial fault database. Apart from detailed spatial information, all faults are also labelled with faultkinematic-, geomechanic-and dimensional properties. This database will soon become publicly available. The uncertainty related to interpretation and data-processing has been evaluated. This resulted in maps showing the standard deviation for the depth of the main stratigraphic intervals. Based on these new subsurface mapping results a new unambiguous-and data-driven classification of structural elements is proposed that reflects the coupling between the different stratigraphic superpositions encountered and the complex tectonic evolution

    New insights into the geological structure of the Netherlands; results of a detailed mapping project

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    A five years geological mapping project, in which the Netherlands Continental Shelf has been re-examined using all publicly available data, resulted in an important update of the existing dataset. The stratigraphy of over 400 wells has been re-interpreted. New depth and thickness grids, based mainly on the interpretation of 3D seismic data have been produced for the most important stratigraphic intervals from Permian Upper Rotliegend to Neogene. New reservoir grids describe the top, base and thickness of 30 (potential) reservoir units in the area. In addition, the uncertainty related to interpretation and further processing of the data has been assessed. This resulted in maps displaying the standard deviation for the depth of the main stratigraphic intervals. Based on these results and the data already available for the onshore area, an updated structural element map was made for the Netherlands