303 research outputs found

    Extensive, water-rich magma reservoir beneath southern Montserrat

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    South Soufrière Hills and Soufrière Hills volcanoes are 2 km apart at the southern end of the island of Montserrat, West Indies. Their magmas are distinct geochemically, despite these volcanoes having been active contemporaneously at 131–129 ka. We use the water content of pyroxenes and melt inclusion data to reconstruct the bulk water contents of magmas and their depth of storage prior to eruption. Pyroxenes contain up to 281 ppm H2O, with significant variability between crystals and from core to rim in individual crystals. The Al content of the enstatites from Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV) is used to constrain melt-pyroxene partitioning for H2O. The SHV enstatite cores record melt water contents of 6–9 wt%. Pyroxene and melt inclusion water concentration pairs from South Soufriere Hills basalts independently constrain pyroxene-melt partitioning of water and produces a comparable range in melt water concentrations. Melt inclusions recorded in plagioclase and in pyroxene contain up to 6.3 wt% H2O. When combined with realistic melt CO2 contents, the depth of magma storage for both volcanoes ranges from 5 to 16 km. The data are consistent with a vertically protracted crystal mush in the upper crust beneath the southern part of Montserrat which contains heterogeneous bodies of eruptible magma. The high water contents of the magmas suggest that they contain a high proportion of exsolved fluids, which has implications for the rheology of the mush and timescales for mush reorganisation prior to eruption. A depletion in water in the outer 50–100 μm of a subset of pyroxenes from pumices from a Vulcanian explosion at Soufrière Hills in 2003 is consistent with diffusive loss of hydrogen during magma ascent over 5–13 h. These timescales are similar to the mean time periods between explosions in 1997 and in 2003, raising the possibility that the driving force for this repetitive explosive behaviour lies not in the shallow system, but in the deeper parts of a vertically protracted crustal magma storage system

    A grain-by-grain comparison of apatite fission-track analysis by LA-ICP-MS and the External Detector Method

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    Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is increasingly used in fission-track analysis to determine the uranium content of host mineral specimens, particularly apatite. Fission-track dating by LA-ICP-MS (LAFT) has several advantages over the conventional External Detector Method (EDM), particularly in terms of sample turn-around times and the fact that neutron irradiations and the handling of radioactive materials are no longer necessary, while providing a similar level of in-situ information about parent nuclide ( 238U) concentrations. In addition, it facilitates the simultaneous measurement of multiple isotopes for double or triple-dating approaches or compositional characterisation. While it is often implicitly assumed that the EDM and LAFT fission-track dating approaches produce equivalent results, this assertion has yet to be adequately tested. We present an extensive dataset of apatite fission track results from 17 samples representing a large range of fission-track ages (~0–2 Ga), 238U concentrations (0.14–410 ppm) and thermal histories that were analysed grain-by-grain using both techniques in order to investigate whether they yield concordant results during routine fission-track analysis. Apart from a few outliers, our data show that 238U concentrations measured by the EDM and LAFT techniques yield indistinguishable results across at least three orders of magnitude when a similar calibration system against rapidly cooled standards (e.g., Durango) is used. Comparison of single grain pooled and central ages reveals that LAFT ages are within error of EDM ages for apatite fission track standards such as Fish Canyon Tuff or Durango, as well as for a range of other samples whose shorter mean confined track lengths (<13 μm) and broader track distributions indicate they experienced more complex cooling histories. The most important conclusion here is that both the conventional EDM and LAFT methods can be expected to yield identical results for the breadth of ages, 238U concentrations, and underlying thermal histories commonly found in real world apatites. Importantly, the aggregate empirical calibrations for EDM and LAFT mask an underlying assumption that the mean etchable range of fission fragments is a constant having the mean value observed for spontaneous tracks in age standards such as the Durango apatite. Given that this assumption is known to be false in the great majority of samples, it is our view that empirically derived EDM and LAFT fission-track ages are best considered as model ages and that there should be greater clarity about the assumptions involved in their calculation.Christian Seiler, Samuel C. Boone, Barry P. Kohn, Andrew J.W. Gleado

    Trace element composition of silicate inclusions in sub-lithospheric diamonds from the Juina-5 kimberlite:Evidence for diamond growth from slab melts

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    The trace element compositions of inclusions in sub-lithospheric diamonds from the Juina-5 kimberlite, Brazil, are presented. Literature data for mineral/melt partition coefficients were collated, refitted and employed to interpret inclusion compositions. As part of this process an updated empirical model for predicting the partitioning behaviour of trivalent cations for garnet–melt equilibrium calibrated using data from 73 garnet-melt pairs is presented. High levels of trace element enrichment in inclusions interpreted as former calcium silicate perovskite and majoritic garnet preclude their origin as fragments of an ambient deep mantle assemblage. Inclusions believed to represent former bridgmanite minerals also display a modest degree of enrichment relative to mantle phases. The trace element compositions of ‘NAL’ and ‘CF phase’ minerals are also reported. Negative Eu, Ce, and Y/Ho anomalies alongside depletions of Sr, Hf and Zr in many inclusions are suggestive of formation from a low-degree carbonatitic melt of subducted oceanic crust. Observed enrichments in garnet and ‘calcium perovskite’ inclusions limit depths of melting to less than ~ 600 km, prior to calcium perovskite saturation in subducting assemblages. Less enriched inclusions in sub-lithospheric diamonds from other global localities may represent deeper diamond formation. Modelled source rock compositions that are capable of producing melts in equilibrium with Juina-5 ‘calcium perovskite’ and majorite inclusions are consistent with subducted MORB. Global majorite inclusion compositions suggest a common process is responsible for the formation of many superdeep diamonds, irrespective of geographic locality. Global transition zone inclusion compositions are reproduced by fractional crystallisation from a single parent melt, suggesting that they record the crystallisation sequence and melt evolution during this interaction of slab melts with ambient mantle. All observations are consistent with the previous hypothesis that many superdeep diamonds are created as slab-derived carbonatites interact with peridotitic mantle in the transition zone

    Theoretical investigations of a highly mismatched interface: the case of SiC/Si(001)

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    Using first principles, classical potentials, and elasticity theory, we investigated the structure of a semiconductor/semiconductor interface with a high lattice mismatch, SiC/Si(001). Among several tested possible configurations, a heterostructure with (i) a misfit dislocation network pinned at the interface and (ii) reconstructed dislocation cores with a carbon substoichiometry is found to be the most stable one. The importance of the slab approximation in first-principles calculations is discussed and estimated by combining classical potential techniques and elasticity theory. For the most stable configuration, an estimate of the interface energy is given. Finally, the electronic structure is investigated and discussed in relation with the dislocation array structure. Interface states, localized in the heterostructure gap and located on dislocation cores, are identified

    The effect of potassium on aluminous phase stability in the lower mantle

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    The aluminous calcium-ferrite type phase (CF) and new aluminous phase (NAL) are thought to hold the excess alumina produced by the decomposition of garnet in MORB compositions in the lower mantle. The respective stabilities of CF and NAL in the nepheline-spinel binary (NaAlSiO4–MgAl2O4) are well established. However with the addition of further components the phase relations at lower mantle conditions remain unclear. Here we investigate a range of compositions around the nepheline apex of the nepheline-kalsilite-spinel compositional join (NaAlSiO4–KAlSiO4–MgAl2O4) at 28–78 GPa and 2000 K. Our experiments indicate that even small amounts of a kalsilite (KAlSiO4) component dramatically impact phase relations. We find NAL to be stable up to at least 71 GPa in potassium-bearing compositions. This demonstrates the stabilizing effect of potassium on NAL, because NAL is not observed at pressures above 48 GPa on the nepheline-spinel binary. We also observe a broadening of the CF stability field to incorporate larger amounts of potassium with increasing pressure. For pressures below 50 GPa only minor amounts (<0.011(1)KK+Na+Mg<0.011(1)\frac{K}{K+Na+Mg}) of potassium are soluble in CF, whereas at 68 GPa, we find a solubility in CF of at least 0.088(3)KK+Na+Mg0.088(3)\frac{K}{K+Na+Mg}. This indicates that CF and NAL are suitable hosts of the alkali content of MORB compositions at lower mantle conditions. For sedimentary compositions at lower mantle pressures, we expect K-Hollandite to be stable in addition to CF and NAL for pressures of 28–48 GPa, based on our simplified compositions

    Electromagnetic characteristics of bilayer quantum Hall systems in the presence of interlayer coherence and tunneling

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    The electromagnetic characteristics of bilayer quantum Hall systems in the presence of interlayer coherence and tunneling are studied by means of a pseudospin-texture effective theory and an algebraic framework of the single-mode approximation, with emphasis on clarifying the nature of the low-lying neutral collective mode responsible for interlayer tunneling phenomena. A long-wavelength effective theory, consisting of the collective mode as well as the cyclotron modes, is constructed. It is seen explicitly from the electromagnetic response that gauge invariance is kept exact, this implying, in particular, the absence of the Meissner effect in bilayer systems. Special emphasis is placed on exploring the advantage of looking into quantum Hall systems through their response; in particular, subtleties inherent to the standard Chern-Simons theories are critically examined.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Three disks in a row: A two-dimensional scattering analog of the double-well problem

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    We investigate the scattering off three nonoverlapping disks equidistantly spaced along a line in the two-dimensional plane with the radii of the outer disks equal and the radius of the inner disk varied. This system is a two-dimensional scattering analog to the double-well-potential (bound state) problem in one dimension. In both systems the symmetry splittings between symmetric and antisymmetric states or resonances, respectively, have to be traced back to tunneling effects, as semiclassically the geometrical periodic orbits have no contact with the vertical symmetry axis. We construct the leading semiclassical ``creeping'' orbits that are responsible for the symmetry splitting of the resonances in this system. The collinear three-disk-system is not only one of the simplest but also one of the most effective systems for detecting creeping phenomena. While in symmetrically placed n-disk systems creeping corrections affect the subleading resonances, they here alone determine the symmetry splitting of the 3-disk resonances in the semiclassical calculation. It should therefore be considered as a paradigm for the study of creeping effects. PACS numbers: 03.65.Sq, 03.20.+i, 05.45.+bComment: replaced with published version (minor misprints corrected and references updated); 23 pages, LaTeX plus 8 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty, espf.sty, and epsf.te

    Hamiltonian Theory of the Composite Fermion Wigner Crystal

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    Experimental results indicating the existence of the high magnetic field Wigner Crystal have been available for a number of years. While variational wavefunctions have demonstrated the instability of the Laughlin liquid to a Wigner Crystal at sufficiently small filling, calculations of the excitation gaps have been hampered by the strong correlations. Recently a new Hamiltonian formulation of the fractional quantum Hall problem has been developed. In this work we extend the Hamiltonian approach to include states of nonuniform density, and use it to compute the excitation gaps of the Wigner Crystal states. We find that the Wigner Crystal states near ν=1/5\nu=1/5 are quantitatively well described as crystals of Composite Fermions with four vortices attached. Predictions for gaps and the shear modulus of the crystal are presented, and found to be in reasonable agreement with experiments.Comment: 41 page, 6 figures, 3 table
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